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Reiki and K, pipes and energy development

Started by chrisseb42, February 25, 2007, 04:26:27 AM

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Hi there,

I've practised Reiki to a teacher level. However, I decided not to teach or do attunements as I've felt that there's a wider perspective missing.
Anyway, I actually did not believe in Reiki pipes being separate from my basic channels, I thought that the Reiki energy used our basic plumbing. Well, it's time for me to look under the hood, and smell the coffee, and I would sincerely appreciate more information regarding how this system works. How Reiki works with K development. I heard that there might be a need to remove the symbols (even if temporarily) in order to allow my own pipes to widen. This whole thing naturally scares me; "how will i feel without the symbols", "will there be regression" etc.
So, please, kindly share your view and experience in this matter.  

Best regards,


  I don't feel reiki is at all compatable with Kundalini, although reiki initiation has been a trigger for awakening many people: Goddess is opportunistic that way, but often the trigger has to be surrendered along with everything else.  

 The ability to move and share energy is inborn: we all have it and do it instictively as a mother hugging a child. Energy follows attention.  Children need attention from adults partly because a child's energy systems are immature, they need to be fed energy by adults. It was even discovered that premature babies need cuddling and touch to thrive.  

 You don't need the symbols and you never did. Reiki is a manifestation of a limiting belief, which gets passed on with every initiation.  A lack of faith.

 What do you think the initiation will give you that Goddess won't provide?  Why put your faith in symbols instead of in yourself, your infinite spirit? Some of the newer types of reiki especially, are created by people who are perhaps not evolved enough to be doing that, and in their "road to hell is paved with good intentions" they add even more of their own limting beliefs into the mix, and pass them on with every initiation.

 Reiki sort of hard codes the ability to share energy, in an un-necessary way.  Like you already know how to walk: the sidewalk, the street signs, crosswalk and "walk/don't walk" signs just put limits on where, and when to walk.  

Similarly, each reiki symbol represents a coded intention for how your energy will move, the vibration it will be at, when and where it will go. It also specifies that you will be sharing universal energy, not your personal life force.  In an initiation, the symbols are implanted on the chakras.

  The symbols are duality-based in that they make distinctions of good and bad energy.  Kundalini will eventually move you into non-duality: "love is All that Is" and you simply cannot take the implants with you. They are duality based

 With Kundalini, "It will be as Goddess Wills"... the reiki symbols become as inappropriate as a crosswalk in a cow pasture.  Your energy needs to move as Goddess wills it to move and if the symbols disagree then they become resistance, blockages.  I have even encountered some awakened people who developed CFS after a reiki initiation, that went away when the implanted symbols were removed and the initiation rescinded.

 Think of your energy, as a river. It is natural for a river to change its course every so often, in its lifetime.  People don't want that, we want rivers to stay put for the sake of our homes and real estate. So in places like the Rhine in Germany, and parts of the Misissippi in the US, the riverbanks have become cement walls to contain and control the water... the result is the water resists being controlled and these rivers often flood their banks.

 I am not dead set against Reiki, it is only that part of the intention of Reiki initiations is permanence, which is contrary to nature: change is the only constant. Even mountains grow and change.  People grow and change much faster and Reiki has no provision for this, because it was created by people who only worked with Chi and did not leave space for the very different rules of Kundalini Shakti.  

 Reiki is like training wheels on a bicycle. In the short term they give you confidence, help stay upright and moving straight, they help to learn balance... but training wheels on a bike in the Tour de France would just be absurd, not to mention dangerous.  

 You won't regress without the symbols... you will progress.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community -


Hi Mystress,

thank you very much for your reply! I fully understand your view on Reiki and it's really important to share this information. It's quite sad that this information is not shared by Reiki teachers. I would not do Reiki initiations to people without sharing this with them. I think that my Reiki path has come to an end - and i mean this in a positive sense :)

BTW: The other day i did a journey to my mulahadra chakra where I saw this black symbol in red mist. I did not clearly see what it was as my attention was taken by a dragon - but that's another story. Anyway i was quite surprised to see this black symbol rotating in the chakra, back then i did not understand what it was but now i get it. How silly of me :)


Ps. Is it ok for me quote your reply - without your personal details for example. I do feel that i need to share this with people that "practise" Reiki.


Hello, Chris:

 Reiki teachers don't tell you, because they don't know. What I share is of my direct experience and insight. I have not encountered it anywhere else. Yet, you know it is true from your own insight and experience.

 You can quote my previous post in its entirety, anywhere you like so long as you include my name and  

 However, it is likely you will find the information gets a hostile response from those with a personal atttachment or financial investment in Reiki. Especially the "attunement junkies" who try to get initiated into everything they can find. Initiation on top of initiation, some with conflicting intentions or whatever limiting beliefs were added to the mix. Their energy bodies are so full of implants they look like the illustrated man!

 What is it they think Goddess won't provide?
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community -


Heya. :) Found a good link on reiki and some problems that can come from it, and also a short guide how to remove reiki symbols.

My perspective is that if you are already identified with the limited belief that may be encoded in it, it may be hard to surrender and clear them out. This guide suggests asking Goddess to manage it for you.



Hi G,

good stuff :). I'm very grateful for Reiki and the benefits that i've received - and being able to help others etc. But it's good to step out of the bubble and see other perspectives as well.
Thanks for sharing!



Thanks G
A great link - explains why I don't like Reiki done on me - feels like it is contaminating me - in Irman Effendi's high level teaching we tend to go away from the reiki symbols and on to use devine energy or the most suitable energy needed.



Im awakened and reiki is causing great discomfort can anyone clear the symbols !! any help appreciated
( two sides ) comes up as question does that mean im to stuck in it already to clear it myself.
Do people normally charge to take away the symbols

I was okay before to keep them oh ohh ...  things change very suddenly

cries of help ....   I take my power over reiki any day very gd lesson tho

how can i clear up this mess tho ???