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Do you have any idea?

Started by ABCD, March 17, 2014, 11:04:42 PM

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Both Interesting unbelivable and scary that I faced something liked this.

I am wondering if there is any solution to this serious problem. For a long time I thaught those voices are my own thaughts. Then read your stuff and and other people's stuff .lots of thinking and thaughts and adventures. And then I looked for my own cyborg's ai. and after those serious tries. I realised that they are from just from some other cyborgs. Specially one of them. The one that always caused me serious troubles. then reading books and these stuff I have even gone far in order to forgive and perform some kinds of love on him. I thaught that there is a default program inside my own cyborg that prevents me from hating and such stuff. but eventually .I have lots to say about what happened. even right now I sense that he is sitting there and listens to what I am writing here. Thaughts passes into my cyborg that they (including him) are also looking to see your answers to this post. Since me and my cyborg were computer programming before. I know that it's very possible that they control my internet connection as well. I am not even sure if I get any answer to this post it's from you or not. it's possible to do lots of things in this area. for example filtering this post . I mean your post not apearing . and they send corresponding thaughts that the post is removed by mystress. But I know that there is probabilty that you didn't do such. Even if the post apear I don't still believe if it's really from you. even if there is a mystress like that I read on pages exist there .

ideas came to my mind (perhaps from him(perhaps them)) that with high probability this was them who send me to perform that dangrous practice called sungazing without any grounding or preparation. He even wants to choose who to be my wife if any wife at all. when I am trying to read something or do my other stuff. he distracts my thaughts severely and I don't have any effective way to keep my concentration on my own stuff. And thaughts come to my mind out of the blue that I am even made a pawn to come to these websites and fst and when I wasn't aware of this stealing digested information from me by impersonating themselves as other people or objects even mimicking their voices. And not paying any money for that to me. When distracting me on the thaught level at the same time attacking the bottom of my personal tree (cyborg) as well. They also blocked me not to get to any grounding as well. Indeed it's a war. And what is so important for me. Others poured the first blood on the floor. obvious from physical manifestations. The bottom to top (one  of its many meanings) is blocked. And top of the tree is a huge load of just spam. Even when I try to sort the top to notice who is who. I get psychic attacks from the bottom. as well as mysteriously shuting down my mind to silence. With what seems to be my own will I try hard. But it doesn't work.

I have far more to say. the adventures were more severe and sophisticated. They even burned my personal notebooks. as well as attacking me and my electronic notes. And despite of my severe try to go way of love (all types) or spam love (all types) I realised I am just facing severe war. The kind of beat us or join us kind of thing. that they mentioned is for collecting information as well. If you or other k teachers didn't mention these stuff on the web.I think it's obvious I probably not noticing at all how different life can be.They mention that even now that you could see mystress website is a gift from them.

I am wondering what kind of thing is that. in hours I will die again.(what spam love calls sleeping) Even given food that I have extreme doubt if are good for my cyborg.I tested many many things and ideas. Feelings and lots of other stuff. something forces me to mention what I already said to mention again. saying it twice. That this post is allowed to pass because they are interested to get an answer from you.The pawn thing you know. even thaughts telling me : they are afraid to ask for themselves and tell me "based on your situation that is not much fine what's the difference for you? go ask. because it's not much different from die ing once again.if mystress show any solution you and us will get it. if not it's the same".things of such sort.

I have gone even far to not listen to voices and even trying to turn the voices off (turning them off is requires some weired effort really).Even turning off inner graphics and concentrate on just graphics from my eyes.and look for just thaught impressions to get some direction from the personal ai of my own cyborg. didn't work. not mentioning how difficult that is. another teacher told me to feel good. I did that too. Some things were trying to distract me.still so much thinking. I even tried with effort to silent my mind and graphic and voices. and feel good. But noticed later that without my own will (the will of this ghost inside this cyborg typing these) I am angry. which wasn't my choice.

Lots are trying to intefer in the many ways with my cyborg without the permission from me (the ghoast) and i don't get any impression if my cyborg decided that either on itself.!!

I am posting this for many reasons but mainly. any idea how to find my own will which somehow I feel it exists among these huge amount of information sticked to me (the ghost).

lol. a voice that seems like a bit more from my memory or perhaps from another cyborg. With the tone of your voice says "get grounded". answering the question. although seems very correct but ! another big story.

ok. I go. If I get resurrected again from death somehow I may be able to check here if there is any answer. I don't seem to have much time . in about a few hours. more or less I will die again .by this type of die ing I mean sleeping. thaught impression says being killed by another cyborg. that the thaught say is sitting there. that perhaps is not true. it's probably my cyborg put me into death like that.  :D just wanted to perform one more try before leaving. :D the other cyborg says "even that one was sent from me". lol.

I rushed for posting this so much. because I have experience that if i don't, distractions will prevent me to post this. I hear thaught impressions which says the aother cyborg told another cyborg that that other one has controls and switches over my psychic training and my cyborg. and that other cyborg doesn't know how to perform well. if true I think indeed doesn'

more thing to add : i am the one who wants to choose  to get initiation from who. they come in sleep to me to initiate me .not mentioning that it wasn't successfull. plus I didn't get who they were correctly. once when I was busy thinking coincidently I asked another cyborg to initiate me. but it seemed like that that cyborg caused some sort of damage on my legs bones. i didn't want to let her or ask her. I was just thinking about it. I am wondering perhaps I encountered any nervious system damage due to sungazing for 80 days.without any grounding.if that thaught was from my personal cyborg at all.



Hello again.

Some thing told me "you mention the question

but don't like to share some of that joke with us?"

so here it is with some things added:

the scene is this. me and my cyborg (the one i am living in) are walking in the street thinking and trying to find solutions for the previous problems mentioned in my other post. and then I hear some things from other cyborgs. around 60 or 80 % percent seems like to be mirroring game and reflection.

So first I am interested to mention. that one was an unwanted mirror. lol. in my imagination comes that i am walking and then a mirror with two funny eyes repeatedly puts itself in my way. i look the other way. then the mirror come in front of me. i look then the other way and runs in front of me. I lauphed so much to this part of joke.

eh. this distracts me not letting me to say these properly.

another funny part of it : out of the blue some things come to my mind. it comes to my mind "it seems like I am more advanced than the mirror that is trying to teach me something or mention what they think is lack of love inside of me. but since I have no way to find out  for sure if I am more advanced or that one I don't believe that I am more advanced. not mentioning that I know that the idea of thinking I am more advanced or that one is more advanced is wrong and irrelevant in some point of views."

and bye again.


Well I think that love is important. But what exactly is love and kindness? I heard that if you want to be kind first thing you have to do is to be honest. Kindness and honesty or selfhonesty are basically equivalent. And that kindness without honesty is only deception. Illusory. That was at least what I heard recently and it deepened my understanding that was already along those lines.

So love based on any idea that is not entirely honest or selfhonest and has hidden agenda is what?
Mystress I think for that reason doesn't so much encourage throwing love right left as new age says.
So encouragement of spreading love is ok, but think of advice above.
And if there is fear and worry and so on behind your action just say that openly. Its ok to be who you are, to feel as you feel and to be honest.

In sky gazining you have two parts the light and the empty vast sky. Emptiness is the grounding there and light is the contentless awareness. The awakness, clarity, peace. Their union is inseparable. That is as it is in you now.  Look for clarity and awakness in your own empty space. Just look sharply and openly and you will see it there.
There is a points where wishing to go backwards to solve things is not possible. Its a resistance and thus complication.  Going forward and becoming skilled is the only option.
My feeling is that you experience empathic oversensitivity.
Because as old ego is cracked and dismantled too fast, then stuff from others leaks into you and it is not so good and so energy hygiene becomes essential. Alongside with grounding and regular entity clearings.
Try reading here, see if it fits:

There is also a technique Mystress teaches occasionally for overwhelmed empaths and it is nice. And it fits in my opinion well to dzogchen type of ego crack.

Cyborg or robot? If we look that biology is basically a carbon bond based systems. Ie at root inorganic components. It is clear that we are basically just a walking inorganic matter. And our sense of "self, I" can be indeed perhaps be a glitch in our circuits. And the calling oneself a cyborg could be an attempt at big flattery. A dream that a robot might have... A holy, divine hope that our destiny is not that of robots... But even if that might be such, carbon based system have a huge ability at regenerating and repairing software and hardware. More than any other system here. So I encourage you to walk  it and and walk out perfected and balanced. In fact software reprogramming is tricky as we are software and hardware fused unit. You are not ghost in the machine, its fused to one. So indeed as you adapt sw you have to be ready with hw for it. And brace (be grounded) for so many error notices of many interconnect co-programs to complain or hw quirks.  And the bits become more or less dysfunctional, until adjusted better, main system is connected to all systems essentially. And misprograming will put a heavy load on hw and can damage it. May good debuging skills bless you. You surely know that debugging is pain in the ass. Better not do mainframe system hacks and tweaks too fast without reading manual :) And we are too compressed system, no extra space, so there is no backup and old state recovery. But sadly manual is secret, pages here and there leaked and sometimes outdated a thousands of years.. As you know a self empowerment and advancement threatens those.. old structures, those in power.. (ego). Rise up to that, get the new level of performance and smoother functioning (peace, bliss, knowledge), you reached for.
You are not alone. You can do it.



Where do I find proper help for my case?


I am looking for someone local in my city area if you can help me to find such a person, please.


Are you the ,,ABCD" author from previous posts?
Could you tell us what your problem is and from what city, state are you from?
And also what is important to mention is any sort of substance abuse.
