The Fire Serpent Tantra Lineage members
are chosen from the most gifted FST graduates
and get additional training continously from Mystress
to carry on her work.

Thanks and good luck

Started by Anonymous3, June 07, 2014, 08:06:25 AM

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...this doomsday activity thing I do with my friend who studied in Edinburgh....we don't enjoy it..but we do okay with it.

He's quite smart. We both get on.

He does Art.

I like art quite a bit.

And he knows that there's nothing much between us.

So when we document all different deaths and stuff,
we feel we can get on with the task.

And no one ever asks us about the kind of work we do.

They joke with us that we could be married. And I always say:
- he isn't married!
- of course he's not!
- he couldn't possibly be because he looks like Bones.

And we have a fun time.

He's very much into M. M. Sch.

I.......I'm not really sure.

I have a nice time anyway.
And drink tea and stuff.

And we find people to do stupid stuff to.

He's quite Catholic.

I'm actually Jewish.

We feels its worthwhile to Compile Stuff.
And I wouldn't recruit anyone from here,
but if anyone on here's interested, I would say:
DAB Digital Radio is helpful.

And Doritos.
Cocacola and stuff.

Anything which is from an e-cig range.

And any nice books. (cheap ones like second-hand or new and unknown ranges and old Mystery Things and inspiring stuff)

And maybe something to cover the face, like a small sort of airport thing. Or a hat.

Maybe a small bed or couch is nice for this activity. Or the floor.

And headphones for the back of the radio.
Maybe a variety of shoes

(Reading 8 circuits of Consciousness on Youtube .comb. e-cigarette).

And of course good thoughts about the headphones and circulating the music in the head and so forth.

Thanks for inspiring me Mystr.

I'm sure that people will eventually stop being against your Sect/Culture and understand you. I love you a lot and care about your sect being successful because I believe you are authentic and genuine. And I think you're a sincere person and soul.



Definitely vaping is the way to quit analog smoking..I have been vaping for years and enjoy quitting analog smoking..


  Why do people think its a good idea to get baked and post stream of consciousness rambles to this forum?? Really not what its about ok? 
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