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Started by jackofhearts, December 23, 2014, 09:43:49 PM

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when it suddenly gets cold does it mean that the ghosts emotional energy is bad or can it be good??? i've been living in this house and this particular bedroom and often wondered why it's so cold when the temperature is 20 degrees celsius. then i did hear that it could be a ghost. i just had this chill again and i wonder what i can do to get rid of it... i've been reading up on it a bit and while doing so found this site... starting to get the feeling that it could have do do with my lack of motivation and dark thoughts that seem to not really be my nature... i do love the light. anyway, i am curious to what extent a ghost can influence me and how to deal with this situation. i am not scared and consider myself of strong character.
i did try talking to it and give it some love and understanding... then i asked my guardian angel to help this ghost find its way to the light... not sure if there is some sort of ritual or something i need to do...??? can this be good?
how can i tell a "good" ghost from a bad one???

love and light



If you moved newly into the room, the common things like increased moisture, lower sunlight and dust, mold can be all co causes. Usually there are other signs if ghost is present and you dont write of those. If you asked guardian angel to handle it and that is good, asking is sufficient. I personally dont feel a ghost there. But see if improving the above common conditions will help.
