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Started by Anonymous, April 06, 2015, 03:19:17 PM

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Hello dear to whom is reading this,

You may have intuitively clicked on this or just out of curiosity. I have a rather puzzling experience at the moment. Started a week back I was sitting at my computer desk very anxious and depressed as I have been having a spiritual crisis for one year now. I hunch a lot so as I was hunched over looking through forums for some protection guidance I felt like I was going to suddenly fall over and out of my chair. From that moment on I have been feeling severe Vertigo which increases when I get more anxious.

Some news about my progress. I had been living with my girlfriend at the time before moving into a new place on a hill about 150ft higher up from the previous house. We were having a hard time being together and bumping heads alot. Finally when I moved out I was able to relax and let my healing process continue but it became chaotic as I started to experience major depression and suicidal. Now with this Vertigo dizziness I feel sick pretty much all day and worse when at work though thankful to have work to take my mind off of it for couple minutes. Its a rather interesting sensation. It feels as if my body is rocking back and forth. Sort of how a snake would if it was walking. I will be standing and I feel a push to the front and and push from the back. I am wondering if anyone has had similar experience? If this is kundalini related? What I did not mention is I have been having many different awakening experiences which I will tell you more about if you are interested. Just wanted to get a general intuitive idea or a sense from someone. Sending this message out in prayer to get an answer.

Thank you for reading,


Hello Isten!

Vertigo and a sense of "falling", and snake like movements can be K symptoms. I used to have one myself that every time I would lay down on my back to relax, I would have an intense feeling of falling. It was beautiful, but it was quite scary at the same time.  As far as spiritual work goes, the first and foremost thing you want to do is to get grounded.


You also seem a bit overloaded. Give yourself a break, spend some more time outside, connecting with the earth and the elements, to the extent life allows you. Goddess always helps you sort out how to get those needs met in a way that works for you, if you ask.

Lastly, make sure you are not excluding any physical cause for this.  We are not doctors here, nor do we pretend to be.  If it's a persistent issue, physical and emotional, get yourself checked up with a physician if you haven't already. Dizziness can definitely have a physical cause, and can be food related too. (There's a very good link on this page about food. http://kundalini-teacher.com/symptoms/stomach.php)

I have found, personally that most big issues in my life do not have one single cause that's removed by a magic pill. Often there are layers to clear, like an onion, and the real bliss becomes unveiled as I address all the different needs and aspects of my life.



Dear Gustaf, thank you so much for your kind words and help. Grounding is first and foremost practice in each day sadhana. Indeed I feel the way I am feeling is caused by many different reasons.

I don't know what the intense vertigo was all about but trusted in Goddess for its resolve. I am sincerely happy to say it has passed! What a hell ride that was. However the constant anxiety and breathing problems persist. I had witnessed a very interesting occurense the other day as I was at work walking thru the different aisles (I work at a grocery store) I had felt as if I was scanning the energy of each and every section. It was shocking to witness why I have been switching my moods so drastically. This was conclusively revealed to me by some higher power as I have been feeling dull and clueless for some while. Have I been unconsciously scanning/picking up energy? I feel this every time I am standing in front of anything, anywhere. It feels like my moods are not even mine. I am just some sponge soaking up everything and having to deal with it. It is overwhelming, especially working in public. I have tried several protection methods. One of praying to Archangel Michael and wearing a necklace with his pendant. Picturing an egg of protection around my aura. It seems nothing works. What sort of helps is in between my breaks I use sage to smudge myself. I am coming open about my experiences in hopes that someone may relate and learn how they deal with it. I have absolutely no clue how I became such an empath. I have several ideas tho.. I do not see a legitimate reason why anyone would be living a life like this. Being an empath. I dont even feel anything of mine anymore. Just walk around like some ghost, confused and overwhelmed. The good part of it is I can still laugh about everything. Which too feels like some gift from a higher power to just laugh for no reason.. Thank you for reading.


  Empathy is a function of the opening heart chakra. Read the karma section of this site to learn to clear external emotions from yourself.

Vertigo can also be physical, please go see a doctor.
  Thanks Gustaf for an excellent response.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


To Anonymous:  This guestbook exists as a useful archive of kundalini knowledge, manifest in the thoughtful posts of those who responded to you, and its not fair to them to take it down. I will change your posting name to anonymous and delete your account but not the posts.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School.