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Serpent Fire Tummo

Started by mpkundalini, September 21, 2015, 03:29:17 AM

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dear group moderator,

i have just joined the site but have been k active for about two years. i have recently become really debilitated with fatigue digestive problems as well as the usual pain and electrical shocks in various parts of my body and seem unable to shift these blocks despite grounding, meditation, and various forgiveness prayers and other personal efforts. the fatigue had reached a terrible level when i found this site, felt the energy and read some of the posts from mystress, lineage and members.

i was wondering if i might be able to request a serpent fire tummo and whether this might assist me through the lineage with some blockages. i was also wondering if i join the fire serpent group if it might be possible to arrange a shaktipat session later with mystress to assist with these blockages in the near future depending on schedule.

apologies if this is answered i am diligently going though the site but there is a lot of information.

in gratitude mpkundalini


Dear Group,

I had a really beautiful serpent fire tummo activation with Mystress recently and I was extremely grateful she gave up so much of her time to work with me. It would take too long to describe everything that was done but we started working through the upper chakras first before looping down and working on the lower chakras. I experienced some pain as we worked through blocks in my throat and power chakras. With the lower chakras, Mystress simply asked Goddess to replace them with a set of new wheels. In between Goddess untangling blocks, Mystress and Goddesss helped me with entities and other unhelpful symbols. It was a beautiful experience and I am still processing the activation and working on my grounding.

I hope this gives some background for others who may be looking to request the activation.

Kindest Max