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Looking for help

Started by surf, July 18, 2016, 09:04:29 AM

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Hi.  I have had an aroused Kundalini for 10 years now but have not had the full awakening.  This started when someone gave me shaktipat without my consent or knowledge of what was happening.  Shortly after this experience I began experiencing severe mental problems that have persisted the entire past decade.  I had to leave college, and since have been unable to go to school, work, maintain relationships, and I rarely am able to leave the house.  I am unaware as to if the mental problems that I experience are related to the arousal of my Kundalini.  For the past 10 years I have had consistent kriyas which seem to hit blocks around my neck.  I see a chiropractor regularly and have been told that my brain stem is twisted.  I am in chronic moderate to severe pain due to feeling like my neck is twisted. 

The problems that I experience mentally have virtually left me debilitated.  I was a normal healthy functioning person before and now I have virtually lost my ability to function in life.  I simply want to be able to function and engage in life again.  Being that I think there is a correlation between my mental illness and kundalini arousal I am wondering if someone can help me and make my kundalini go dormant again.  I have heard that people with awakened Kundalini can do this.  I feel that this is the best option for me being that I did not intend to awaken it in the first place and it is causing me severe problems.  Is this possible, can someone please help make my kundalini go back to being dormant? 

A side question:  How long does it typically take from the point of kundalini arousal to awakening?  From what I understand for some it can awaken all at once, while others like myself it can take 10+ years.  Could it take 50 years or more?


Many want to turn kundalini on or off.
That by itself is ok as a starting point and some methods are offered for this or that. But there is a little detail usually missing from those ideas.

Consider how litte is a probability of getting a usefull, good result when you are manipulating something you know very little about.
Many offering some methods in kundalini don't even know what it is, and go on cultivating very weird ideas. And that is a sure fire recipe for trouble.
Could you please tell me what would be your understanding and definition of kundalini?

Once I got an interesting insight that all of the k symptoms listed usually are actually a blockage symptoms or disbalances that have nothing "directly" to do with kundalini. So I wonder what are actually the true symptoms of kundalini. What would you think?

With love


From what I understand Kundalini is concentrated consciousness that lies dormant at the base of the spine coiled.  It can rise from spiritual practice or shaktipat.  Once it rises it goes through the two channels on both sides of the body.  This is what I understand kriyas to be.  I am unsure when it goes up the central channel but from my understanding at some point it goes and pierces the pineal glad and then exits through the crown chakra.  This is what I understand the "Kundalini Awakening" to be.  Would you say that's accurate? 

What I am trying to figure out is what my mental ailments stem from that is really what is leaving me not able to function in life and if it is related to the arousal of my kundalini or something separate. 


What was a bit strange to me, was that you think that kundalini caused your psychological problems while not being interested in investigating either of those.
Like what is kundalini?
And what exactly are my psychological troubles about? How they originate within me and what precisely is going on in that moment.

I think you could try to expand on that kundalini definition and think it through.
Because I think there lies part of your problem.

And another part is perhaps search for a magic pill that would have all your problems disappear.
However whether or not are your problems caused with k it is a long and complex process to get better. And if you have a help like a psychotherapist or teacher than that is the way to go as the process can be indeed quite complex.
As I know that you read this website, you know that it is focusing on grounding and surrender as the base. So I would recommend using that, regardless if your troubles are or are not caused by k.
Have you practiced grounding, what are your experiences with it?
