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Looking for a begining

Started by JAS, July 27, 2016, 03:41:04 PM

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A quick search on the internet for "dreaming of a snake god and the 6th chakra" brought me to third entry on google - this site (and it is active).

For the past 8 years I have stumbled through the darkness of self-guided meditation. I don't have a formal understanding of any particular style of meditation apart from what I have gathered from my own level of research and understanding. I began to practice yoga as if I was reinventing the wheel. During this time, I did recollect that in my youth, I would spontaneously sit in a lot of the same poses. I had no prior experience that I could recall. Soon after Yoga, I began to work on my Chakras.

Roughly after five years of practice, I had what I can only describe as an electrical storm inside of my brain after trying to force the development of the heavenly-circuit. For two days my body was racked with this storm. Six months ago, while exploring my own thoughts during a profound moment of stillness (induced by mild usage of cannabis) I fell into my thoughts through a series of incredible mental images. The images faded revealing a machine; I can only describe it as an incredibly intricate and complex time-piece which shone with golden brilliance. I had no other thoughts; there was only this beautiful machine with its spinning gears and moving parts. As I drew near it (or it to me) a feminine-like voice (mind you I was alone) clearly and strongly stated "You aren't ready for this." I was immediately startled and withdrew from the meditative state - it left me bewildered and frightened. I have since chosen to pursue meditative states naturally.

Two things have happened to me, recently. The first: I was in a meditative semi-trance facing upwards to the moon and I began to babble. The babbling formed into the words, "Follow the body". The second: I dreamt that I was taken before two temples. A long story made short, I choose the serpent's temple. Inside, a gigantic snake about the size of a tractor-trailer ferociously charged at me and reared up to strike. I looked up, placed my hands over my heart, and brought them open with the wrist upwards then knelt in humility. I had no fear, only love. And I felt love coming back at me. It gently embraced me and did something that I can only describe by the feeling that I had in the dream. I felt like my body was the second hand on a clock. And my feet were tracing the arc of a full circle while my head remained at the center-point. My body (at my feet) traced the arc in one direction while my mind spun in the other direction. The last thought I could recall during the dream was that I was noticeably warm.

I currently practice Qi-gong to cultivate Dafa; it is having an effect. However, I don't know what to make of the dreams or my current state.

Mystress Angelique Serpent, (or a recognized proxy) is there a positive direction (recommendation) that I can follow from here? Assume that I am willing to start at a beginning.


Beautiful story. Very positive and reaffirming imagery. It seems you are doing quite well. For myself I can recommend that you consider joining the Mystress FST school. But it's up to you if you feel it is something good for you.
Following ones inner guidance is offten way better then study from book or videos. And added to that study with a teacher that is present and accessible time for your process is quite a treasure.


Thank you for the feedback, Duu. Honesty is deeply appreciated.

I have adopted certain theories about the interactions between 'beings' stuck within a system which is predicated upon the leveraging of (human) energy exchange. When that system designates a value across the average life-span of those beings it creates a desire (within the inhabitants of that system) to maximize one's own value by minimizing the value of others. It's a typical power structure perpetuated by benefits gained from a social hierarchical-structuring that cultivates control of knowledge and resources, their acquisition, control, and distribution in-order to maximize favorable exchanges. Over that you can place the 'Hobson Choice', a moral (or false) dilemma, and (or) a 'Morton's Fork' and those factors of maximizing exchange are still evidenced in our daily human interactions. Since this site falls into the category of knowledge distribution and (is) human-energy-exchange interactive dependent, I am reluctant to disadvantage myself in an exchange for teachings offered sight unseen. It is a skepticism that prevents me from becoming the fool who is soon separated from his goats.

There are some ideas that I have about the way the brain works. They seem to have a connection with my belief about design, evolution, and the cosmos. I believe, truth is there to be seen, when clarity of the mind allows for true sight. Duu, if that is true, how does the Mystress facilitate this process?

More specifically - if my current ability to see the truth is diminished by the effect of living within the "system" then how can I make the distinction between her visage and that of the "system"?



I would like to answer you by somewhat indirect way.
I personally think the main role of a teacher is to set you straight when you get lost in bulshit. And indeed such a thing can occur quite commonly. And the hole can be such deep and tricky that unless there is present some degree of connection and trust there is really litte chance of help coming through.

I think what you describe as system, seems to me as some early descriptions of capitalistic system. And there were many macro economic theories created trough history and all make quite a sense upon reading them.
Yet upon closer look in praxis we find whole slew of particularly strange cases of contradictions and exceptions.
Like there is one guy who put a shark into formaldehyde and sold it for 12 million USD. Now how many economic theories, systems, does this thing invalidates?  I'm moved to say just about every one.
So upon looking on such case one can gain certain "enlightenments". About many things, degeneration of good taste, exceptions in economic theories, interaction of social subcultures and so on. That are revealed as certain cracks in ones current belief system. Opening to fresh views.
So is the shark a system? Or is you upon looking at it creating a system? Maybe. Is such system manipulating you, to separate you from your goats? Yes certainly. Yet perhaps instead of manipulation we could call it seduction or inspiration. Because it is also a certain opening for evaluating and dismantling the system. The system within you, not really the external system.
However the shark itself doesn't contain the enlightenments. It depends on who is looking. When a simple minded person look at such shark anomaly he would produce just simple conclusions of little usefulness to himself. Thus finding little interest to continue to look on.

Thus the concept of information distribution as a key component of "spiritual path" is hopefully by this sufficiently challenged. To further study this point I would reffer you to chakra section on this website, please study it well.
Thus even if it will seem crazy I have to point that FST is basically like the shark in formaldehyde. Except the course is a much better deal and much higher artistic achievement.

I assumed that you realized that your dreams and experiences are symbolic of kundalini awakening. And that you already read this website for basic advice.
Im sorry that I mentioned FST in recommendation, I did not wanted it sound as a marketing pitch. Yet I felt to share at least that in my answer. I feel some personal responsibility when offering someone an advice. Therefore I think that to offer any kind of tailored advice for long term development based one post would be iresponsible.



Ah I realy think i assumed too much. So here is my event interpreation.
Qi-kung works mostly with chi and not shakti. First part is learning grounding and reconecting with nature. That is mostly very basic work focusing on repetition of few simple excercises with focus on lower dantien.  Upon that base and only upon that, may crystal palace or etc be aproached. (centre of head)
My interpretation is that you tried to force the opening in an not ideal way and thus the efforts were something of a desperate attempt creating mostly tensions, yet it was also a desperate call for help or assistance. And sometimes such requests for ones own evolution are answered. In this case I think the answer was not what was expected, it seems to me the answers looks like an onset of kundalini awakening. Electric experiences etc. Voice telling you follow the body so clearly, means that from now on the rules change and one has to give priority to body guidance over any learned techniques so that kundalini processe can go on smoothly.  And to some degree as awakening progresses also drop many old techniques and spiritual ideas etc. As some are not compatible with kundalini process. One of the symbols of kundalini is the serpent and by meeting it and choosing its temple is to me a symbol that you chosed now the kundalini awakening path as opposed to other paths.
And since the dreams and guidance were so clear and suported by positive signs. I would realy conclude from that that you are well on your path. Yet even so I would recomend getting some kind of teacher that you can trust. As sometimes good advice is not so easily given. That is just my personal view and your intuition about those events can differ. Just take what feels right and discard the rest.




Thank you for the clarification. Your latest abstraction resonates with my growing sense of progress, the same.

Question: In needing assistance then receiving a stepping stone, can I conclude that it is not impossible to obtain additional steps through the body? In other words, what is the likelihood of me - successfully forging ahead by way of the "stones" - only?



Im not sure what you mean by path of the body or stepping stones exactly.
So I explain more broadly where my views come from.
The kundalini process as is taught by Mystress is based on basically three things, that are explained also on this website.
Grounding - Connection to the body and present moment.
Discretion - Listening to the body feelings and guidance.
Surrender - Release of tension an resistance stored in the body by letting it go.
I have personally used that path for many years and it is very potent path and it is a body path. Im unsure If there really is any successful kundalini path other than the one that honours body as holly, beautiful and primary. I honestly don't know of any. If you take the body as primary, then the idea torturing it by ascetic ways of any kind becomes ridiculous. Also many think that the path of body is done with mindset of using the body as the "tool" to obtain the "goal" that is more holly after. That is not really the body way, but something that just masquerades as that. As that all is guided basically by mind, ego and ideas that are appealing to ego. Which usually has lot to do with ideas of being in control and feeling itself superior of body. But for that reason it is not really the way of the body, it becomes a way that imposes violence on the body. Maybe by good intentions and sweet notions but it's a obvious thing to see when looked at it. As I said I never saw path going that way to be very satisfying or potent.
Considering that our mind is so heavily imprinted by the past, including "spiritual" imprints about ascetic behaviour and mind body divide etc. the process that could be easy is usually not totally easy. Then we see that as society we share many of the imprints in common, so we know that adding wisdom to the path can be useful. And it is the connection to the body that helps us distinguish wisdom even if it sounds weird form a non wisdom even if it sound fancy and impressive.
