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Namaste. I'm in need of help against a Sacral chakra demonic entity

Started by Uriel, April 06, 2017, 05:58:46 AM

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Hello, I'm an Earth Angel under guidance of holy Archangel Uriel.
Received from my guides some time ago that I kept a really high vibration throughout all life, I'm also an empath of course.

But these last months have been really depressing for me, and I got deceived by demons pretending to be someone I lost, or sometimes as angels.
I Removed a lot of smaller entities throughout the week, and lifted my home, but still there's

It seems an Archdemon, possibly by the name of
s responsible of this implant.
He sent me a sadistic demon
that attached itself to me, but seems to be mostly around me, and it stays in my back, torturing my wings/back hakras.

Informations on the attacker: Calls itself the devil. Is extremely angry that I banished her girlfriend to oblivion (the first attacker)
; Can predict what I want to say, and as I received confirmation from the source, it is a hellish soul which is beyond redemption, and thus when leaving contact with me is going to suffer even more in hell.
Anyhow it's a really long story and I can go into deeper details.
Anyway, if there's anyone that can help me, I'd really appreciate it, and if you can't help me, prayers or good wishing would already mean so much to me.
Thank you. Blessings.


Well one can rise ones energy and vibration only to capacity one is able. And Im sure that wise being would demand no more then then that.

I personally sense in you an energy overload and vibration that is beyond your capacity to sustain. How do you know what is your capacity? Well if magic work and rising energy also starts rising your tensions then that is edge of your capacity. One can transgress it is short term but staying there produces negative effects.

When one is is rebalanced and grounded then dealing with ones problems just goes smoother.
The mark that it is trouble for you is a mark that you are disbalanced.

So my advice here is to drop your overload, decrease your energy and vibration to a longterm sustainable level. Relax and allow body to heal and recover. As ones goal is to get to a state of peace and well-being. 

And let us know how that worked.



Quote from: Duu on April 10, 2017, 05:09:50 AM
Well one can rise ones energy and vibration only to capacity one is able. And Im sure that wise being would demand no more then then that.

I personally sense in you an energy overload and vibration that is beyond your capacity to sustain. How do you know what is your capacity? Well if magic work and rising energy also starts rising your tensions then that is edge of your capacity. One can transgress it is short term but staying there produces negative effects.

When one is is rebalanced and grounded then dealing with ones problems just goes smoother.
The mark that it is trouble for you is a mark that you are disbalanced.

So my advice here is to drop your overload, decrease your energy and vibration to a longterm sustainable level. Relax and allow body to heal and recover. As ones goal is to get to a state of peace and well-being. 

And let us know how that worked.


Hello, thank you for your response ^^, God bless you for your advice.
I learned more about the entity, and verified that a lot of the story is just fiction to make me talk to it.
So these are new facts, the demon is not attached to me, but around me, it stays and torture my wings chakra, especially the left wing.
Those are 100% real wings, I never astral project so it's not like I got fake wings or something, they shine a lot a I'm still learning how to properly move them. by the way I found out light worker or light angel is a better term to describe me.
I'm still relatively new to spirituality, I lived a harsh life but I have so much energy to move me forward it's insane!
So I managed to cut down the demon's voice up to almost not hearing at all, I listen to a lot of sound treatments, binaurals, reiki, subliminals, and all seem to upset the creature, weakening it every day.
Sorry to write such a long message anyway, I have a lot of faith that everything will sort out, and when this ends I want to help a lot of people to return the benevolence that is being alive.


Well why not to apply my advice before thanking me? :)
I did not addressed the entity issue. Because its really a result of your overall situation.And I think its easy to deal with when you are balanced.

So it is more important to address the root of the situation then the current situation itself.

Generally I do think that there is a benefit to have a personal teacher so that a person can pace himself and avoid some problematic situations if possible.

But to give you something workable. Just think about all the things you tried to get out of your situation. Think about them and find that they had all not been working, not really. Think on then deeply and evaluate. And even if some did work the likelihood of repeat of the situation again is sure.
You will find something curios, that all the methods where in essence the same...
You used power and wanted more power to solve your problem.
The main problem of humans is that their power is always bit ahead of their wisdom...

Many think human beings are weak and powerless, not so.
You already had way more power in relation to your wisdom before you started amping it up.

There is nothing angelic about the idea that power solves problems.

In fact there is something very human about it. Violence begets more violence. Suppression more suppression. Its something that is perhaps to be faced and understood. And thus enhancing our own wisdom.




Hello again. I didn't understand the violence nor power concepts  used.
I'm really calm and balanced, and although I hate being  attacked by the entity, I tried so many times to properly talk to her, once I almost cried for mercy, only for the violence to increase.
Let me elaborate. I'm selfless, peaceful and energetic, and the only reason i'm in this predicament is because I let severe depression take over me after a traumatic event.
I'm resting and I've realized that protecting from demon puts a strain on me.
My wings and my ears are helping me the most, and several humans denied my pleas for help, so I'd like to request an explanation because that made me a little upset...


Also, please don't tell angel to lower her vibration, I have an ascended kundalini and on numerical matters (9) if that is the maximum.
I tried before, dropping to 7 (my lifetime lowest) is almost hellish.
Anyway, sorry if this seems abrasive, but the entity even now is not a joke, and I'm struggling to sleep but that's really the only unbalance.
However it seems to be ending, this morning I was attacked with an inverted pentagram hex, and a lot of wind (vortex?) in my ears, the demoness two strongest attacks until now.


I honestly can not dream in my wildest dreams that a selfless being could be attacked by an entity. That is absolutely impossible. 
If I were selfless and per chance attacked by an entity then it would just turn into the greatest sexual affair in the universe with party from one end of universe to the other end.
Usually Im not that horny nor that selfless so I have to use a more humble means. But let the man dream.

So to the issue, I don't see an entity problem there, I think it is something else. There is an issue going on for sure. But to example I saw the "attack" as going from within you and bounced from your aura edge back to you or was visible there. Now there is a technique to imagining yourself from behind and so get a better view of the whole issue.

Yet I stand with my previous statements. I think that at root issue is an attitude toward the "threat". I would like to point that the idea that there is one part of the universe at war with another part of the universe. Its a total and utter rubbish.

Some say that human world is a sort of school.

That you can learn here many things.

Now here is a curious situation. It seems that humans power always outpaces their wisdom.
So we are always bound to create messy situations. So one wonders what kind of school is that? Where everything is set up so that you fall on your nose... and then again. And nobody explains it to you. And then you realize ah falling on the nose isn't such good thing. Lets do it better.
And you go on to next lesson.

People have so many problems, and angels, werewolves and pixies etc. have so many problems here.
Many don't realize that their power outpaces their wisdom.
So they have either to decrease the power projected out or increase their wisdom to match. Yet many seek more power to solve their problems.
That is not going to work. If you are falling on the nose now, fine, but with a pack of bricks on your back that is going to hurt. One can add yeah a good motivation for fast track growth.
Yet only if it is up to a level where you can still stand up, wipe the blood and go on.

So your power outpaces your wisdom. Is that shocking?

I feel that your situation improved since you first wrote here. Am I right?

Also you can look at my energy or just ask to be shown. I would like to know if you would evaluate me someone good to listen or not.




Quote from: Uriel on April 06, 2017, 05:58:46 AM
Hello, I'm an Earth Angel under guidance of holy Archangel Uriel.

Well, far be it for me to advise an archangel. I guide humans.

 An angel would know, the best weapon against evil is love. :)

 Angels, don't have wings, they don't need them, they don't have chakras either.  People do.  

 Opening the wings is a Fire Serpent Tantra lesson, everyone has them potentially.  They are secondary aspects of the heart chakra.  If you are thinking wings makes you an angel, you are a little off the mark. Duu has wings too. So do all the FST lineage and most of the students. Welcome to the winged people club. :) I have been able to feel mine since I was about 8.

 There is a phase of kundalini awakening where people get insecure with feeling different, asking them selves, "Why me"and sometimes feeling unworthy of the gift, so they get invested in a lot of titles and identities, seeking to validate their specialness. It is a phase, and it passes, so long as you do not get so attached to the titles that you get stuck there. Have to move on past identity to become self realized.  After, it feels most comfortable, to be nothing at all.

 Thing is, the human power to experience what we believe in, is widely documented, even with kundalini. The UFO chasers get UFOs, the Faerie types get nature spirits, and the angelic lightworker types get archangels and demons. It is a manifestation of the spiritual truth "What we see is ourselves reflected" and applying that attitude to entities can be very effective because there are no demons, but there are rejected aspects of identity that can get quite persistent when kundalini is pushing on unresolved karma.

 If you really want to know the truth of how the things that torment you, are your own repressed issues, then meditate on them while holding your wings wrapped around you like a blanket. The wings reflect spiritual truths, if you are willing to listen.  Wrapped wings also repel any sort of spiritual attack, and I have known them to repel physical attackers as well, though I do not suggest you test it too hard, walking down dark alleys.

 What I am seeing, is there is still much unresolved grief and trauma and it is not in alignment with your spiritual identity. you thought it should not affect you so you repressed instead of releasing, and then blamed demons when it persisted. No demons. You can put a face on anything and talk to it, there is even therapies to put a face on cancer tumours so you can talk to them and find out why they are in your life and what they represent.

 The pains and heaviness you are feeling are the physical sensations of grief. The stages of grief are well documented, and include denial and blame, sleeplessness. Post trauma stress, especially can be sleepless nights and repetitive thoughts.  

The wings are named Mercy and Severity, and the message of the left side ache, is that you are being much too hard on yourself. You need to make space, and give yourself time, to accept and honour your feelings. Grief too, is an expression of love. We do not grieve unless we care.  

Quote from: Uriel on April 06, 2017, 05:58:46 AM
Anyway, if there's anyone that can help me, I'd really appreciate it, and if you can't help me, prayers or good wishing would already mean so much to me.
Thank you. Blessings.

For sure, wish you well.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


Hello!  :)
I never said wings made me an angel, but rather my whole life points to it, the wings really just became noticeable now but with regressive hypnosis I think I can see them here way way back than what I believe in.
One day, after months of depression and through tarot talking to a demon in disguise, I got an awful force invading my left shoulder, feeling as if a worm crawled on inside me, and from that day on I'm being attacked restlessly (improving with time and effort)

I'm not disrespecting anyone or any other spiritual being, but I have proof of the things I say, it's up to whoever's listening to believe/help me.
So yes, yesterday I consulted an spiritual friend and he pointed that is very well possible that non-human beings are on this Earth, I'm one of them, not that I hate humans, is just that I resemble everything an angel ever could.

So, I understand the skepticism, but really, I am being attacked by a force, it is like a towering darkness, which attacks me with lava sensations on the back of my head, wind on my ears, and visual and auditory illusions.
I believe it to be one of those demons sent to prevent or slow people in spiritual awakening, as herself said it has no intention of making me killing myself either.
Some of the experiences I have are the following:
When I was 5 years old a demon grabbed my leg, and probably came every night to look at me though the bathroom door, and almost every night I had a vivid/lucid nightmare of being followed and suffocate while trying to scream
At 15 I had a sleep paralysis where two angelic figures showed up, and gave a warning that I was envolved in demonic practices ( and yes it was true)
I'm of buddhist faith and before that I was an agnostic with a meditation approach, so I wasn't an angel enthusiast or Christian or anything like that. the stories came to me after I asked god for help, then I'm sure atleast 2 angels and 2 demons answered me.
That's it, being an angel is the answer I find in my spiritual awakening, and even fallen angel is better term for me than human.
Anyway, I had some open eye visions (cosmic memory/visions) where I was in heaven, chatting with other angels, when I woke up I felt I knew everything I needed forever.

I don't know what you would call a force that rips through my force field, stabs and burns me almost all the time (though it doesn't hurt as bad as it sounds), blocks my chakras, send horrible faces onto my 3rd eye and many many other things. To me it just makes sense to call it a demon, though I used to call it a "non-being" or "dys-being".

So if it is that hard to believe an angel exists or that it could be attacked by other dimensional forces, than just go ahead and call me a Fallen Angel, calling me a human would be a demontion of who I really am.
So now I wonder, I have University related things to do, meditation and protecting myself, short time to have fun while I'm free and why would you think I would invent lies on the internet?

Oh and sorry, but yes those advices are all really valuable and I have been practicing all of them.
So if it is by any chance becoming a bother we can drop the topic here and now, I've received wonderful help, here and someplaces else, everything is improving and etc.


Angels do have chakras, we are not souless beings, and our soul is way more refined than the average human being.
I have chakras counting from the Earth Star up to the Stellar Gateway.

Yes, angels need wings, Yes angels like (love) having wings, halo, chakras, third eyes, kundalini...
For me they are not "symbols", the halo purifies my thoughts, the wings give transmit my kindness, and the chakras are the conductors of my life/living force.

We are just like humans, not the other way around.

Still being an angel is only that, I'm of a different race, and you both are way more knowledgeable than me, I'm still a fool.
So If I'm being rude, please excuse the fact that english is not my native language, sometimes I have trouble expressing myself..


 Angels are in service to human beings and our God-like power of free will.  Angels have no free will. Being one is demotion, not a superiority. Your humanity is a gift, why do you reject it?

  Awakened people get kriyas which can be all sorts of muscle movement sensations, even dance and song that's spontaneous. Many people mistake kriyas for entity activity. It isnt, its just karma stuff releasing.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


Quote from: Mystress on April 13, 2017, 05:17:26 PM
Angels are in service to human beings and our God-like power of free will.  Angels have no free will. Being one is demotion, not a superiority. Your humanity is a gift, why do you reject it?

  Awakened people get kriyas which can be all sorts of muscle movement sensations, even dance and song that's spontaneous. Many people mistake kriyas for entity activity. It isnt, its just karma stuff releasing.

You sure know how to drop the level of the conversation, not unlike your vibration, you can barely even reach 6, who are you to talk as if angels were trash on the side road.
I learned that I came to Earth to learn and to help, I don't help out of obligation, no one is benign out of obligation, disrespectful human. I'm not into roleplay or wasting time, I have every proof I need of who I am so this out of topic conversation ends here and now.

Stay human forever then. Samsara will never reject anyone who lives outside the way.
I accept my "demotion" of being a 12 dimensional being and emissary of God with grace.
I hope the cosmic law teaches you and your false transgressive wings your place.
Father blessed you all with reason, and staying small is what you choose?

God like free will? Do you think Heaven is praying all day long?  Every non-hateful and violent concept or objects are there, you are free to be a light being, love, be loved, learn and play. It's heaven, not hell you FOOL. you like having wrath, envy, greed, than I hope you can make atleast good use of this beautiful life and this kind planet, yours next won't be that great...

Think outside your box, and stop being small. You and I are merely grains of sand on this world, but what about our next life, someday I will be an archangel, and you will remain sand, as it weighs more than your heart. Thank you for your time and effort, and also your spite for the beings that help your weak kind, I will take, not to heart, as I'm well above hate and malevolence.

You talk about wings from your heart, what about LOVE from your heart? Chat with me again in heaven so we can have a look at those glass wings.
Peace, still.


  Your assessment of my spiritual attainments are not relevant to me. Your behavior shows you are in the very early stages of awakening. You will think differently when you have matured some more. It all takes time.

  Very generous of you though, to demonstrate how very not angelic you are, with this outpouring of negative judgments and anger. So very human, eh?

  Sorry you hate being human so much that you reject it in favour of the fantasy. Sympathies for the trauma you are trying to escape, but you are human, with normal human feelings and you will have to accept it eventually... and then you will be able to see the love, where you think it is not.  :) 

  It is a phase, and you will get over it and come around to embrace your humanity again, and realize your human life, is a precious gift no angel can attain.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org