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Started by Smithy, March 16, 2017, 08:18:53 AM

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I am vibrating like a madman.... I am feeling like a madman.. Work seems pointless..

Need to walk in solitude, in ecstasy... Stars, trees .... traffic.



How to dump overload

Squat down, keeping your feet flat on the floor or ground, and pressing your palms against the floor or ground.
  Mentally request that all excess energy flow down your arms, out your palms and back to the Earth.
  Hold this pose and intention for 2-10 minutes or until you feel your body relax and your head clear.
  Thank the Earth for accepting the energy and invite Her to transform, transmute and use the energy as She wishes.

  Do this 5x a day, especially before sleep and after waking.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org