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Original post October 2015 an update

Started by Purple, June 06, 2017, 08:22:13 PM

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Gustav and Duu so true thank you.  In my personal journey I have never had a teacher I just did what I did and discovered through this site the terms.   I have never used the sacral  chakra as my grounding  point until I discovered this site.  In the year between this threads original post and the responses provided, I started using the grounding technique you linked.  I had a major reawakening and learned that I was burning fears and creating something-not sure what.  What spirit taught me as an 8 year old  was to breath through crown  (to draw in at medium breath from a point above crown down through chakras through openings in  arch  of foot Then hold and exhale slowly through nose from point below feet and stop at crown. As I evolved these last two years, I understand I am blessed in having these imprints of  love, empath, third eye abilities that have never left me, but I lost sight of the grounding exercise and stayed with my-as I defined it- default technique.  I always go through cycles for now almost 50 years. 
I'm starting a new cycle and that's what drew me back here.  Is my technique a replacement or do I do both.  There is none in my world, town  or area that has a clue what I'm about.  Your assessments of knowing my body are correct at least I now have a shield strong enough to keep the trolls out and I don't block any good.  I have surrendered to the present and hope to have directions to my next steps.  What are my behaviors doing to hold me back and what guidance can I get to move forward
Love purple