The Fire Serpent Tantra Lineage members
are chosen from the most gifted FST graduates
and get additional training continously from Mystress
to carry on her work.

Who can post in reply on this forum?

Started by Serenity, May 05, 2008, 05:43:23 PM

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First of all Mystress -- thanks if you were involved - I received an answer to my question.   Via methods other than writing.

Secondly,  would you be willing to tell me who can post replies in this portion of the forum?  Anyone?  Or is it limited to certain people?




  Well really anyone can. If somebody starts spamming, acting out or giving bad advice though, they get bumped but it is ok to be friendly and social.

   Preference is given though, to my Lineage trainees. Nice to let Sigmund, Gustaf, Jaxx or myself have a shot at it first.

   Thanks for asking!

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