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humming in the body

Started by Wanda, June 01, 2008, 04:51:06 PM

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The other day I happened to hug a person and as we were embracing, I got this strange sensation as if my body was humming... Not as a figure of speech, but the actual sound of humming. Like every cell in my body was emitting a "mmmmmmmmm" sound. Loud enough that I couldn't hear my own thoughts. Actually, it was so overwhelming that I think I lost consciousness for a moment.

Has anyone had something like this? What is it? Am I "resonating" with this person or something? He's a friend. Known him for years, never touched before. Probably won't touch ever again, who knows what might happen next...  :-\


  Yeah, I have... I have caused it too. Fun eh? No worries, it is all good. Kundalini uses the pulse of heart and fluids to set up a standing wave that really can make the whole body vibrate including the small hearing bones of the ears.  The vibration shakes loose stress and cleans karma like a sonic dishwasher.

  Kind of like how soldiers marching in step can shake a bridge to pieces. When Kundalini synchs the pumping of bodily fluids it can shake loose karma, in its form of stress and tension held in the body.

  I suggest you read "Stalking the Wild Pendulum" by Itzak Bentov.. you might even be able to find it to read online, if you search.  I think you would really enjoy it.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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Thank you for your suggestion, I did read the book and it was indeed interesting!

As to the situation I described in my previous post, this humming sound seems to have become permanent whenever I'm close to that person... Yeah, it does feel nice now that I know what it is and have eased into it, so to speak.  :) The only problem is that I can't think straight when it occurs and this makes having a conversation with him somewhat difficult. 

Unfortunately, this development seems to have other side-effects as well, he's been acting weird, and I guess I've been acting weird too, and even though we're always all business and relate quite formally and I've never thought of him THAT way, I've been getting dreams of him that are intimate and erotic in a way that I have never experienced before with anyone else. The strangest thing is that in some of these dreams, he's the one making decisions, initiating, acting, and I'm more or less of an object... The whole dream seems to be happening from his point of view, as if these were really his dreams!

I read carefully your texts about Lust/Lack and Projections, but I'm still confused...

Could it be that I'm having a crush on him and this affects him somehow? Or that he's having a crush on me and I'm empathing it and reflecting it back? Or maybe one of us or both of us are misinterpreting the spiritual connection between us for being something sexual or romantic? I occasionally sense it when he's thinking of me, and the general direction of his thoughts, so is it possible that I could become conscious of myself in his fantasy/dream? And if so, is it a two-way street?

The reason I'm so perplexed by all of this is that for the past 3 years, K has rendered me incapable of having any actual sex and left me completely uninterested in romance. Therefore I find it highly suspicious to suddenly have these feelings and urges, especially since they seem so alien... Maybe I've just forgotten what it feels like. Or perhaps such relationships in this stage of the journey will just be so different from anything I've known before. In any case, I'm totally at loss how to proceed.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, the man in question is totally unavailable. So if I'm (unconsciously and inadvertently) doing this to him, then I'd like to know how to stop, and if he's doing this to me, then I'd like to know how to make it stop, and if it's mutual and fate and can't be helped, then stop the planet - I want to get off.  ;)

You're welcome to call me an idiot (I feel like one anyway),
but any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

flame alchemist

If only i could

like a


then maybe then


everythin be blue


Hi Wanda,

I just wanted to let you know how bizarre and unique I found your story to be...and very interesting.  You definitely don't sound like an idiot to me.  To think that this only occurs with this one person, must indicate a special connection of sorts.  My guess, is that for some reason you are picking up on his feelings for you, and it is likely he could be having these dreams about you and you are experiencing his dreams as well.

I can relate with you on a couple things.  Since the start of my Kundalini experiences, I have had a loss of any interest in pursuing a relationship, or being romantic, however I do get spurts of it that are very short lived.  And when I get these spurts, it's as if I had forgotten that I used to have those types of feelings quite a bit.  Also, when I was with one of my old girlfriends, before we broke up we both had similar dreams about us breaking up.  And I loved her, so to think I would be having these dreams was odd I thought.  I later realized that I DEFINITELY was picking up her energy while in the dream state, since SHE was the one having thoughts (and dreams) of breaking things off, which she ultimately did do.

Good Luck with this!  Would like to hear how things turned out, if I'm not prying too much.



Hi Jared,

Thank you for your reply, it was comforting to find out that someone else has had this "other person's dreams in my head" experience as well... How to call it, dream-empathing?  8)

As for an update, not much has changed. I still get the humming, I still get the dreams, things are still weird between me and the man in question. But I have gotten used to it by now and decided not to waste time on worrying about it. Our relationship has become closer, we spend more time together and the urge for physical proximity seems to be mutual, but we've managed to keep it within proper boundaries, nothing more than an occasional hug. (This is proving to be a real master class in self-restraint...  ;))

I talked about this situation to the person I turn to for spiritual advice, and in his opinion I should stay the **** away from this man... Or in any case, exercise GREAT discernment and caution. I indeed tried staying away for a couple of months, breaking all contact and not even thinking about him, but it had a very adverse effect on me, and as it turned out, he was not only devastated but actually got seriously ill... When I re-established contact, he was overwhelmingly happy and recovered from his illness in record-time.  :)  I find this kind of codependence somewhat scary... Especially since it doesn't involve only spiritual and emotional well-being but also health! 

By the way, I still feel like an idiot. Blabbering on and on about my relationship issues while the others are having REAL problems with meditation and such. Oh well. I'm just trying to figure out how to go along with K without causing too much havoc around me...

Thanks again,


  I could not tell you how many people fall in love with me, it happens on a regular basis and is just part of the phenomena. Its not mutual, Goddess does it to get them to pay attention and it passes when its purpose has served. Its really not personal either as I often don't know them at all and thier idea of me, is just that. Their idea. 

  (Its also related to the human tendency for people to become infatuated with thier doctor or psychiatrist.)

  The sort of attachment or fascination you are experiencing with this man is more of the same phenomena, your vibrations compliment each other. The connection is created for the purpose of mutual growth, and will pass when its purpose is completed.  Enjoy it while it lasts, and keep in mind that it is a phenomena, and it will pass.

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