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Origins of Grounding Technique

Started by John Frusciante, October 27, 2008, 08:50:57 AM

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John Frusciante

I am mainly influenced by Eastern Yoga - Mantra, chanting, meditation, concentration, Pranayama, etc. I have never come across any respectable Yogic "Guru" who has taught anything along the lines of the "Grounding" technique.

Yet, I have given the technique some effort, I've practiced it with faith and devotion, and I must say, it really does friggin work!

So where does it originate from? I mean what kind of Spiritual school/tradition has taught this kind of visualisation?. . .

It makes me wonder if the more obscured and hidden techniques given by Yogananda's lineage is similar, or along these lines. It mentions in his Autobiography, the advanced Kriya technique has you "revolve spiritual energy up and down the spine/chakras".

Hmmm, any thoughts?



The metaphysics of the grounding technique can be found in various traditions. Some of the details differ, but the results are the same.  Some forms of tibetan tantra has something similar, and you can also find it in kriya yoga.  In kriya yoga the steps may even be separated in different kriyas.

Mystress discovered the technique you find here spontaneously. Most systems work only with inner chakras and pathways (microcosmic orbit or the arohan/awarohan passages), this is one of the fairly few forms that work actively with the chakras outside the body.  And it's quite potent!



Quote from: Gustaf on October 27, 2008, 01:52:52 PM

The metaphysics of the grounding technique can be found in various traditions. Some of the details differ, but the results are the same.  Some forms of Tibetan tantra has something similar, and you can also find it in kriya yoga.  In kriya yoga the steps may even be separated in different kriyas.

Mystress discovered the technique you find here spontaneously. Most systems work only with inner chakras and pathways (microcosmic orbit or the arohan/awarohan passages), this is one of the fairly few forms that work actively with the chakras outside the body.  And it's quite potent!


  Thank you Gustaf; but the roots of the Grounding were not completely spontaneous.  Bits of it were gathered from various spiritual traditions and at this point I could not even tell you which bits where spontaneous and what came from where.

  I know I learned to draw the sky energy down to fill myself at the age of 12, from a self hypnosis book by Milton Erickson.  It was on the bookshelf in my grade 6 classroom. When I did a book report on it the teacher said: "how did that book get there, it is not for kids" and took it away.  Goddess provides.

  That started me reading on the subject of consciousness, and learning to work with chi through visualization.

  There are several traditions that reach down into the earth as well, growing roots... I encountered them variously but I have known the love and light that was inside the earth since I was two, and understood it a little better when I learned of the physical structure of the earth in school at age 9. I did not learn how to reconnect to it though, until my late 20's.

  This particular combination of elements speaks clearly to the unconscious mind in its own symbolic archetypal language, and that refinement is just part of my talent, or shaman ability... being able to speak in that language and communicate directly with the unconscious minds of other people. 

   Much of my writing is the same, containing not only words but also images, pictures, emotions and direct vibrational information that is recognized and interpreted by the unconscious mind which is the Divine Beloved, and translated into synchronicities and insights the conscious mind can understand.   
  The overall intention is "each according to their need and ability to receive, but not more than they can handle, as Goddess wills."  So your own Divine Beloved (Goddess in you) filters the information and translates it into what serves you best... this is also part of why people find they can revisit a page or lesson over and over and find some new understanding each time. 

  After all, your own unconscious mind is not separate from the collective consciousness or the unity consciousness... on an unconscious level you already know everything there is to know.   That is a pretty powerful thing for a little Shaman kid to learn from a book at age 12.  :)   

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