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Clearing Initiations

Started by regina, March 26, 2007, 03:08:32 AM

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Thank you for creating this website, it is truly helpful and I have felt such a sense of relief and understanding since reading the first few words on the page I found.  The more I read, the more little explanations are brought to me and a definite sense of 'aha!' continues.  So perhaps most strongly is the topic of clearing previous initiations, and if there is anything I can do on my own to take care of that?  If not, what would you suggest?

I have received level I and level II Reiki attunements, but never put them into practice except a few times for close friends and twice for my mother.  They always expressed a sincere and powerful experience of peace, and often cried clearing out deep emotional scars, but I personally was not comfortable with the experiences I had in my own body and energies surrounding the Reiki treatments - during and for quite some time after.   Also, I have been studying Tibetan Yung Drung Bon meditations for a few years now, and have received several initiations from a qualified lama.  However I was not careful in considering what I was undertaking, although I had a sincere interest to find a genuine meditation teacher and learn an effective practice.  For the past year I have stopped practicing the meditations for several reasons difficult to explain, but basically it really feels like I am playing with karma and a very strange connection is made- which I do not understand or feel supports my spiritual evolution or life circumstances.  In the meantime, I have also (yikes) gotten a tattoo of 2 Buddhist symbols on my back, with the intent of reminding myself always of the guiding principles of Buddhism.  So I am thinking now I might be riddled with symbols that are inappropriate, no longer useful, or holding me back from expanding and sharing my light as I originially intended. :-[

Any guidance is appreciated, thank you again for your time and support.  May countless blessings reach you along with this message.


Hello, Regina:

  I am glad you are enjoying the site.

  I clear reiki implants by burning them away with tummo fire, then have the recipient repeat an affirmation to rescind, or invalidate the past initiation.  There does seem to be an odd intention with reiki that initiates cannot undo initiations themselves... possibly to prevent people from making changes accidentally, with a stray thought.

 Other implants can simply be removed, with thought or intention. Just use your imagination and ask Goddess to show you what no longer serves, then imagine what you see blowing up or disappearing. You have the power! You are God of your own life!

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