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Question re crown chakra.

Started by Blossom, June 16, 2008, 10:18:16 PM

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I find that during times of meditation or when I am still, an immense amount of energy builds up around my crown/upper head area and contricts. It feels like that whole area is being squished. I also find that I get sharp jabs at the top of my head and at the sides.
When this is happening I notice that my feet start to buzz and my Solar Plexus feels abit anxious/unsteady.

Is this a normal occurance? It doesn't seem to be at all similar to the headaches people usually get, as it's intense. what's the resistance? should I just accept it as is and just bear it until it completes, whenever that is. I guess I've become abit worried because it's been months and it seems to be getting worse.



It seems  that the energy is collecting at your crown.  The solution to that is opening it which you can do by seeing or/and feeling that happen.   I'd be surprised you didn't have success that way.  If you do, you can always ask Goddess for help until you can do it on your own.  If you keeps the crown open during times of energy flow, you'll find things flow easier.  It may also help you to sleep better.


... imagine the top of your head is a flower opening.




Thankyou for that, I've been doing the exercises over the last few days and haven't had much problem with the crown (BTW I rarely have problems sleeping. I usually oversleep.. 9+ hours a night). I have noticed that my solar plexus has been acting up and constricting (anxiety) a fair bit more than usual, so I am relaxing into it and doing my best to flow through.

what kind of SP fears are triggered when the crown opens, or is there a reason why the SP defenses would resist and get defensive when it does happen. I do get the feeling that most of the resistance I feel has to do with the SP > Crown.


When stuff stays around after being surrendered, it means that there's information for us to unravel.  I know, from personal experience, that this can be hard if all I get are sensations, but I ask what they mean and what they might be connected to.

In addition, you might want to try moving your pain up a chakra or two or more and see if you don't get clearer insight. 



Yes, there does seem to be some stuff to unravel, so I have been patient and am working through it as it arises (not hounding it out). I guess part of what my SP feels is despondency. I will try moving it up a few chakras, but I find that awareness of the situation pops to mind when I am not thinking about it. All I need to do is ask, and let go.

Thank you! :)


... comes to mind, Blossom, is also to just embrace the stuff.  That'll give you a whole other set of information.


lol. Yes, I do push some things away a bit. I'll give that a go and ease up in that area.




Just a quick question. Over the past few days I have noticed that when my SP becomes anxious/fearful and I place my focus there it 'flips' (I can feel a flipping sensation), the anxiety then dissipates. But my SP still feels a bit off.  Does this mean my chakra is spinning backwards when it feels threatened? but there is usually no 'outside' threat around when this happens, it's pretty random.

Is there a way to anchor things more permanently so it spins rightly, or is this something you need to keep at and be on the alert for? It is really bizarre.



Could be there's information in your solar plexus waiting for you to (ask it to) unfold.  You can ask it to come out, show itself to you and tell you what it's about, if you don't already know that. 

Grounding would help you hold your space while it unfolds, as well.



I gave the exercise a go and immediately felt warmth and buzzing in the area. What came to mind was inner-demons (flaws/shame) and avoidance of confronting/embracing them.  A few things come to mind with this, but it's all self-created/self-inflicted pain.


... glad you're getting mileage from your efforts, Blossom.   Continued grounding will burn off the stuff you're ready to let go of.  The next step, it seems, would be to hold, even embrace, the stuff you get without going into the content.  I'd go right for it myself without working up to it.  What comes from that is grist for the mill or else something else to be dropped.  You'll decide.  What's important for you to work through will return clearer. 

Best regards.


  Beautiful thread, both of you.

  Blossom, part of the shift is simply applying the energy of your attention to an area, with an attitude of acceptance. That is what you were doing with your SP, it flipped over and released its anxiety when you looked at it. Your energy follows your attention and this simple mindfulness you are working with Sigmund is powerful.
   Just, look at it :)
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org



Thanks you two :)

Things have been going okay since I last posted, but I have been taking it easy. Well, partly slowing down because I feel that is what I need to do, and partly because I have been so fatigued (mentally + physically) and couldn't be bothered to look at anything. Maybe I burnt out. I do trust that things will continue to flow and unravel when appropriate. My main me-time at the moment is during my 90-min Vinyasa Yoga class, which has been quite interesting. The Yoga is bringing up tears and other emotional stuff to surface.

I am interested in getting Serpent Fire Tummo, but I do wonder whether or not I should wait things out a bit. My body is telling me to relax right now and to not over-do things (but that's generally). Do you think it would be okay to get or would it make things a bit more hectic?




      It is not our style to tell people they *need* this session or that initiation. You have to choose what feels right for you. I am the anti-guru, lol. I teach people to be self directed.

  Regarding the connection between the power chakra and the crown, yes of course. It is the tension between your free will and divine will... karma and dharma.  That is part of working with the power chakra learning discernment, it has the karma alarm in it to tell you when something is not true. 

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org



Yes I understand. :) I do feel that is right for me to receive it now.