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silly ideas ,might create unnesscecary fears?

Started by Sushi, January 17, 2009, 07:00:43 AM

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Someone recently told me that `black spirits` could `get in`while open in meditation or active k . I dont know anything about entities or `black spirits` but I think this idea is a little silly and could create unnesscary mental fantasies or fear in meditation.I had always trusted the kriyas and the meditation practise and found this idea a bit disturbing.Any comments?


  People are full of all kinds of silly ideas.

  I would not say Kundalini makes you more open to entities, although it can make you more aware of them. Can make you aware of all sorts of non-physical beings from ghosts to faeries.

  The entity clearing on the website works!

  Thing is, either you believe it is all love and all Goddess, or you don't. A lot of critters can be cleared by just loving them. That is what the astral entities are all about, do you choose love or fear? Do you trust yourself to Goddess or give power away to fear of cooties? That is why they show up when your power chakra is opening, so you can examine your decisions about what you choose to be victim to.

  You feed the cooties by being afraid of them... Goddess is All that is, so blast them with love and they change or disappear.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


I have become sensitive to spirits since kundalini activity,I was never really afraid of any of them. In fact I met some beautifull native americans my own spirit guides,as well as `seeing` some interesting things in my minds eye such as unicorns ,and fairies even aliens! I also saw things that looked like pixies or others.Im not sure if some of these things are really entities or parts of our unconcious being released, anyway I guess we just become much more sensitive to the spirit world in meditation.I also see my grandparents sometimes .But this guy a clairvoyant,who seems to be influenced by the White Eagle Lodge teachings, seems to have the idea that this kind of kundalini opening can attract naughty entities that can `get in` while you are open.I think he is coming from a space of dualistic thinking and he thinks perhaps it is googd versus evil or something but, I dont really think like that ,I believe its all controlled by god/goddess and believe this provides a space for trust and surrender to happen in meditation .But he gave me this idea and I just found mysekf a littlr paranoid, and creating unescary fear,which is silly.And saw some annoying visions of teeth and monsters which was a bit silly.I think all this kind of stuff will dissapear in no-mind anyway,or spaces of love. But regarding what you said about entities on this site, self created entities I think I may have done this anyway as I used to have a friend who used to go on about psychically attacking people, entering there minds and so on, how he could do this.He was only young fifteen but sometimes I find myself imagining that he is really doing this .The problem is that the healer, white eagle guy clairvoyant told me that someone, a male friend had been psychically attacking me at some point.and because I had already had this fear put in my mind it worried me a lot and maybe my mind recreated him as an entity,who was able to do this.I actually had to contact the guy who I hadnt seen for a long time just to make sure it wasnt true..!