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and get additional training continously from Mystress
to carry on her work.


Started by sathya, March 13, 2008, 12:19:22 AM

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I practice kundalini yoga by myself and I get many doubts, but most of them get answered in the course of time and sometimes through study on net. I feel like asking some questions but somehow when I visit this site I feel I don't need to ask questions and feel comfortable just being around.
I also feel the Mystress must be tired answering all the questions and I feel I should not burden her by asking many questions. I wonder how to catch her when she is relaxed  :)



Since this is a hello thread..I thought I would say Hello also.  I'm not a Yoga practitioner or a student of Mystress.  However, my Kundalini started rising many years ago. I'm going to respect the intentions of Mystress as to the purpose of this guestbook, and not give any advice or try to teach anything. However, I will give a testimony so please bear with me.

At one point in my life I was very down trodden and unhappy. One day I decided that I was going to be joyful every day, all day and if I lapsed into a negative feeling or thought then I would check myself and replace it with a joyful feeling and thought. So, I replaced many negatives with joy until my mind became very quiet after about a year, and I had established a happy emotional pattern. The Mind follows in the direction of the Heart just as all chakra's align with the Heart Chakra.

My kundalini started rising and I could feel the surges especially whenever I did a Reiki session which I had just learned. Eventually, I even used a Kundalini signaling system to communicate with my Self for answers.

I experienced no major pain, emotional distresses or life upheavals which are some symptoms of rising Kundalini when it encounters blockages (negative patterns). I attributed this to my 1 year resolution of Joyful Living.

So, years later here I am.. A Practioner of the Ascended Master Way of Life under what is known as The I AM Activity.  We use the Violet Consuming Flame and a few others every day.

I really like that this group is into learning from their Inner Guru or I AM.  I believe everyone needs to do their own homework.  Everyone needs to complete their own journey towards their Ascension.

I wish you all well on your journey.