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Meditation and entities

Started by Gustaf, January 28, 2009, 04:30:13 AM

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Quote from: sushi on January 27, 2009, 08:16:05 AM
Gustav, I recently experienced resistance to meditation and fear of the process,because someone of the christian or white eagle lodge told me I should stop opening myself up in meditation because of negative entities may be attracted. I have always trusted meditation and surrended myself or let go and never worried about such things before,having a bit of an faith that `god is the only doer` or being influenced by advaita vedanta. Although it may be good to have a break from meditation for a while,sometimes, I found this fear of `entities` highly unhelpfull for me.I was wondering if what you feel about this and if you have ever experienced any similar fears?

Fearmongering about entities is just counterproductive, and will give you nothing but more fear. This is common in many christian traditions.

When your consciousness expands, from meditation or a spontaneous awakening, you will become aware things you never even knew existed before. Dimensions and aspects of consciousness. Entities are always around people, some more than others, and they usually match your own vibration. I've encountered quite a few entities. They usually feed on your fear, guilt, pride, hope and other aspects of ego.

Entities require your cooperation to react to them. Fear them, get angry with them, agree with them, or any sort of struggle with them. None of them have any real power over you.  Some of them seem to appear from without, and others an obvious reflection of something inside. But to be honest, they are all a reflection of yourself one way or the other.

I'm providing a very good link to Mystress writing about entities. There's not much I can add to it since it's perfect on its own, except for my own experiences.


I would also recommend these the other texts under the guidance section.

When I found entities within myself, very often they would dissolve upon being watched directly. You know how cockroaches look when directing a flashlight into a cellar?  The more grounded I get, the more fully embodied, and the higher the vibration, the less influence they have, and the easier they are to spot.

I once looked for the root of a fear within me and found something warping, screaming. What it also did, when looking at it with inner vision, shoving its face close to mine, screaming, transforming its face into grotesque features. I remained seated, breathed. I simply watched it, but at the same time stayed embodied. It screamed and screamed and went through my head and away. It had absolutely no power. Screaming back at it and struggling with it would have given it a lot of power. Or shrinking back in fear.

I find that it helps greatly to have some preparation, so when things do happen, there is no need to go into panic.

If you want some excellent reading about experiencing the astral realms (and entities) I would warmly recommend Robert Monroe's books about his out of body experiences which eventually took him deeper and deeper towards self-realization.

Either way, don't give in to fear! Even though warnings can be useful.  Follow your heart!




Yeah,good advice I feel.I think there are a lot of unnessasary fears which people can have on the path and mind can be very powerfull in creating these fantasies itself,on the way,and may even create things to try to prevent losing its grip over the meditator .I have also found other fears on the internet,mainly fears of kundalini awakening like fear of madness,or `casualties` but although its wise to have common sense,I think the main fear is just the minds fear of death or the death of ego


Some of the warnings are definitely valid. But I'd rather look at the warnings and learn about possible pitfalls, how to progress at a steady, balanced pace, than get caught up in fears.


I guess so.But I think for me,it has just produced unnescary fear which i did not previously have.I think the best advise has to come from enlightened teachers,not from people still unenlightened.



The fact that you came here and talked about your fears with discernment tells me that they don't actually have that strong grip on you.  The fears may be a reflection of your own doubts and fears, experienced as coming from outside.

Also, I'd like you point you to Mystress response in the "silly ideas ,might create unnesscecary fears?" thread. Her response there really highlights the whole thing. :)



The problem is that more meditation, in the form of just witnessing may bring out more screaming,I do use now other forms of meditation but finding the root or the block for me is essential .And this kundalini awakening,has brought out this thing for me.And the problem with this entity thing is I have a tendency at the moment to actually see these images in my minds eye I suppose I am currently feeding the whole thing with mind.Love


What the whole thing has taught me recently, is how other people misinformation,however well intended,can produce more problems than its worth.I ahd always relaxed into meditation without such ideas,not just from my friend who is also a competant healer but also from kundalini sites which may induce fear of meditation by talking too much I feel about the negative possibilties or casuaties or other ideas.Although Osho said once that he never would have been attacted to his own ashram before his enlightenment,personally I sometimes wish that my own kundalini/latihan whatever it is all thia activity had started in his buddhafield while he was alive,in addition to his powerfull enlightened presence which was always supportive for meditation and in which I always felt tremendous love and awareness coming naturally ,there was also cutting edge therapies available which Osho had brought into the ashram from the west. And if you wanted to socialise,which I had not much until recently,there was always googd nightlife happening to.


Still there`s a lot of other juicy teachers around now like Dolano in poona and Ramesh Balsekar in Bombay,with a nice Advaitan flavours.Om Shanti

Da Zues Mon

a while after my kundalini awakening i had to stop meditating and start eating a heavier diet for probably the continuation of my life maybe.i had no idea what kundalini was or what in the hell i was going through, though i had found some sort of security from the only person i knew who had gone through it as well but all she did was tell me that she'd gone through it too. after the uncontrollable emotions and misunderstood feelings dimmed down, i found sites like these that gave me a better understanding on what i, and others, were going through, so i could look at it in a learning light. but ever since the awakening, its been so much more diificult to meditate and ground myself and continue with the practice. once i sit down and actually do it, im able to ground myself and i enjoy the practice, but its the bringing-myself-to-do-it part that im struggling with.


My problem is,that after four years of this continuos meditation day in,day out its actually hard for me to stop.I am addicted! But because it has brought out all this tension over the last year and I,m not sure what its all about.Maybe a past life issue ,birth trauma,I just dont know.Luckily I have a connection with someone who is helping me in another way and I now practise another form of meditation,so I can have a break from sitting and watching and go into what this particular issue was,but I do mis the gaps of silence that used to occur and the growth of conciousness that came so easily after the kundalini awakening.I cant actually stop the latihan from occuring though,so far, anyway, the bodily movements still occur often when I am in bed or practising yoga.But its possible this could change if I have a break fora while.I just see it all as another stage in the journey.I can imagine it must be pretty hard,doing all this stuff alone without any therapies or support from outside.That was always the beauty of Osho`s ashram that there were always therapuetic groups and lots of different methods of emotional and mind clearing to complement everyone`s growth process,as well as the cathartic methods Osho himself devised as a preperation for meditation like the dynamic, gibberish and kundalini meditations. I was reading Maitreya Ishwara`s Unity book when my awakening started and because of the nature of the book,which talks a lot about having a direct connection to source or god,and surrendering to the will of god, I just used to surrender to all the kriyas and spend hours meditating with total trust in what was happening! I thought it must all be part of the new dawn of conciousness which maitreya talks about and the new energy for rapid growth .


I like the way maitreya talks with clarity on the `seven bodies`which relate to the chakras in that book to, as well as describing, the different stages of growth after enlightenment as well as his own story which is interesting.

Da Zues Mon

most def gonna check that out thanks for mentioning that.ya know, in about almost every primitive culture or civilization(the maya,egyptians,sumerians,the doaist chinese,ancient indians,celts,and even the native americans and aborigines), the number 7 pops up alot.whether its refering to 7 gates of consciousness,7 astral realms,the 7 stars of the big dipper, something of that sort.many of their structures were dedicated to create a gate in the physical world to create a gate in the sprirtual, which could explain the importance of the thigh of set(the big dipper in the terminolgy of the ancient egyptians.this correlation is brung to light in the book gates of the necronimicon .what is also very interesting is that it talks about the kundalini and how it also has alot of connection with other "serpent" idealogies from all over the world. most of the mainstream have named the "necromicon" the devil's book, a satanic bible, or things of that nature because its had a history i guess in occult-related crimes, possesions, and people have said that the book "ruined" thier lifes and caused insanity....ya know, i guess they dwelled within the practice, and themselves,expanded their consciousness and experienced a kundalini awakening or whatever they seem to call it and oh of course the symptoms :o.i guess that blaming the book for all that one was experiencing was a good way to provide for a sense of ego safety and security and closure.many things have been demonized in this manner.


Iis interesting,that the number 21,which must be connected to 7! kept popping up in Osho`s life too.He became enlightened on the 21st march 1953 when he was 21 years old.After 21 years later he moved to poona,korageon park and started the ashram there which went on to become the largest personal growth centre in the world.And just before his death he formed the `inner circle` of 21 people who were meant to maintain the ashram after his death.He also often advised people to play with certain meditation techniques for 21 days and would often advise people to go on silent retreats for 21 days at a time.A palmist also predicted that he would die at 21 years of age when he was born,or come close to death. And he also talks at in depth about the seven bodies of conscoiuness in the book ` in seach of the miracoulous` and covers a lot of other esoteric subjects fom kundalini to prana , and so forth .As far as being possesed is concerned,like you were talking about, it does strike a cord.Not because I feel anything wrong with kundalini rising ,as it produces love and bliss and enlightenment and creativity etc,but because of the nature of whats happened to me,it is like being possesed.Because `it` moves my body,causes me to feel like screaming, it has produces spritual growth but I am still presently missing leading a more `normal` life that I was leading fivew years ago, when I was just working and travelling and was able to smoke without feeling like screaming which is what often happens when I have the occasional cigarette at tyhe moment(I had to quit because it kept bringing this scream out.Although I would always want to carry on meditating,strengthening the witness and moving the energy upwards, I am really missing working , travelling,smoking and the joys of my former life more than being `possessed by the energy ,but have no way of getting it to leave me .It may not be another energy just my own kundakini acting out but still, maybe its time to be exorcised!


Quote from: sushi on January 31, 2009, 07:22:01 AM
My problem is,that after four years of this continuous meditation day in,day out its actually hard for me to stop.I am addicted! But because it has brought out all this tension over the last year and I,m not sure what its all about.Maybe a past life issue ,birth trauma,I just don't know.

It is usually recommended to cease all practices once Kundalini awakens and just allow it to do its thing.  An exception is grounding, which resets your energy flow back to what is natural, and surrender which is the imperative of Kundalini anyway. 

  Sushi, you need to get out more, have some exercise. Spend time in nature. Go hug a tree next time you want to scream. Stop with the "grass is greener" wishful thinking and regrets. Goddess sees perfection in the here and now; the part of you that doesn't is ego. Quit feeding it.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


Thanks for your advise.Actually I do get a lot of exercise and spend a lot of time in nature.Its true that it is the ego that misses having fun chasing women ,smoking and partying and not feeling like screaming all the time , but thats just my desires,which are feeling unfullfilled or cramped by this annoying urge to scream and shout .Which seems to be coming from the latihan/kundalini stuff. So you think it is better to stop meditating for a while and just allow the kundalini to do its own thing? The thing is I do miss meditating because I enjoy the kundalini rising .But maybe you think it is wiser to have a break from that?
Love, Sushi