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Looking for help

Started by jasontroydoherty, June 07, 2007, 06:51:40 AM

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New to all of this,

Just wondering if I should contacting you, reason is my life is about to change. Below is a personal email of recent events I have had after I meditate.

I had an awakening and the experience I saw a blueish light I felt a deep knowing as well I felt it come out of my forehead or third eye as a force of energy. I felt I could breath thru it.

When I meditate I feel a rush of energy up my spine, moving back and forth from the bottom of my back to the top of my head. Doesn't happen all the time.

I keep having different experiences like speaking a different language in my sleep as per my wife. I get flashes of light when I close my eyes, colors, swifts of air across my body, head arms and face. I have seen beings at the end of my bed, I have been woken up to a being of light that was very small, looked like a merkaba light body (spinning) then it faded.

Extreme heat in my hands, top of my head and center of my chest, I also have dreams of flying and having wings but more like I was on the back of an angel not that I was one. I talk in my sleep in another tongue which my wife thinks it's Egyptian. Lots of deja vu's and able to remember dreams and know and feel that dream coming true at the present moment.

When I spoke with another holistic healer she confirmed everything for me and told me that more things are going to start to open up for me. That my energy is not from this planet that I am using this body to get around that I am going to have a bigger change happen, that I have to control my energy and my thoughts as, I can manifest things just by thinking of them, small things happen instantly and larger things around max 30 days.

I have had a couple of recent readings by other psychic's who channelled ancient beings who told me that I come from another planet, that I am an intergalactic traveler. I am a light being who is old as dirty...lol

He gave me information on books to read, nothing I have heard of before. I was told that I am a walk-in and that I will be able to levitate objects, and my body.

The reason he said I am a walk-in is that I almost drowned when I was 3 yrs old, that I should meditate to the sound of dolphins and whales, that they are my teachers. No one on this planet can help me and that I have no referrence point as nothing like this has happen yet but that I choose this time and place to present this information.

He told me I am a teacher, he kept repeating it over and over that I have ancient knowledge on how to travel thru portal holes.

That I have to teach this and get it out, that I am a great healer.

I have no idea of what this all means other than a couple of dreams and I see the numbers 11:11 a lot.

So I googled the information of what was told to me which has lead me to alot of different sites. Sounds far out until I went to another medium for a second opinion who told me I am from another planet that I am an Angel incarnated and that I have a counsel of 12 around me.  

As for why I am posting this, I am looking for help or guidance ? More on what to expect or just relax and enjoy the ride...lol

Is all this possible any suggestions would be great.

email me if you can.




(Wow, you have posted this just about everywhere eh? )


  Been there, done that. Wouldn't your life be a lot simpler if you stopped listening to channelers telling you about your special hero mission?

  The fascination is a phase of awakening, when ego feels itself being fragmented and goes looking to pump itself up with a new label and some validation, and the result is giving a lot of power away to stuff that is just not worthy.
  The most ancient text say not to pay too much attention to the paranormal phenomena, so the phase  passes more quickly. Seems like you met a lot of people who missed the memo and got stuck deep.

 How about "You are All that Is" or "Thou art God of your own life."  You are a manifestation of the Divine, and the Divine doesn't need a middleman. Chop wood, carry water. The process of enlightenment doesn't need channelers or ego stroking, or doom prophecies from astral entities. Let it all go, and be at peace with yourself.

 Less new age, more Zen for you, I think!

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


I totally agree with you and I have stopped going to see any other channelers I was only posting it as to point out the reason for my search to find out why these things where happening.

I understand that the ego will push me into thinking and searching for things that will pump it up. I agree totally but also I am looking for an explaination not validation?

Explaination on my experiences not what other channelers have told me but what I feel for real.

I thank you for your reply but you seem to miss my point, I should have only posted my experiences without the discussions I had with the channelers as you seem to have had a bad experience or experiences with some.  As a result you projected it thru your reply to me. I thank you for your reply.

I was hoping for an explaination on my situation that is really happening to me not imagined. As all of this has happened within different periods of time.

Nothing was told to any channeler to feed them information before any reading as I am very skeptic and cautious as well. I understand that I could have been guided to think these things and make them happen or manifest them myself.

I agree with everything in your reply but my experiences with all the channelers was positive and I always move and feel my way in any situation and nothing came across as to stroke my ego but to move me along and to open up.

I think email is not a very good way to express what I was asking as it leaves out alot of emotion and I may not be getting my point across properly.

Thank you again, I just thought that you may have been able to explain some things to me other than what you replied with. I was looking for help which is funny because you are not the first person I sent this to and I am doing my homework to find out what is truth and what is half truth.

Take care