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A Question about Aliens and UFO's

Started by A Person, March 29, 2009, 01:25:22 AM

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A Person

Hello, so, i have been 'lurking' for ages, and have some questions..

So first of all i am aware there have been discussions on this subject before, but i want to ask some questions ;

I am fascinated by ufo's and aliens to some degree. I have often had 'psychic experiences' in the past and this started me looking for answers. I think finally i have found this website is the only one with answers.

And that answer is probably 'get grounded' lol and then there are no questions silly!
So my first question :!

For those among us here that i would use the term (and want for a better one) enlightened, what is known about ufos and aliens? greys, etc etc, and there presence here too.?..

I believe there was a time i really wanted to know, or come into contact with aliens.. and sometimes i wished hard. But i also became very afraid after one particular night. And im becoming more and more interested in the fear.. I think its a survival instinct thing.. Fear is the opposite of grounding hey? Really it is!
Thanks for your time!

A. Person