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Am I ready to do Grounding Meditation ?

Started by SabrinaWakefield, March 22, 2009, 05:37:05 PM

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Found the Grounding Meditation in my house, my husband printed it, and started reading, imagining, then got scared half way through because I lost myself for 1 sec but would love to perservere. However, just want to make sure I am ready to so it, any advice you could give me ? Am working Mum, most of my life controlled by my mind, but more and more becoming aware of that other part of me, my Higher Self, the more I read and speak to likeminded people, I also have been doing Gurumukh CD Kundalini for the last 2 years and love it very much.....Please can you advise whether I would be OK to do this Grounding Meditation ? Regards, Sabrina (Australia)


Hello Sabrina!

The grounding meditation may bring up a lot of stuff that needs to be processed, so that the energy can move smoothly and be properly connected. You may experience various discomforts and fears for some time.

It can also lead to states of meditation which may be what you were experiencing. You are definitely ready to do the grounding meditation! The grounding meditation will help you stay balanced, especially when having various experiences of kundalini.

If you feel it's too much or you are going deep very quickly, just focus on your breath for a while, it anchors you to your body.  Also, you can always slow down the practice. :)



Thanks, Gustaf,

nice to talk to someone rather than just work with books and CD's. I will keep you posted, and will start this week !  Sabrina


 Hello Sabrina:

      The Grounding is fine for anyone to use; it often gets a strong result on first use because the printed or web version is charged with Shakti. I am the vessel. It is best to learn or memorize it to be your own vessel :)
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community -


Quote from: Mystress on March 27, 2009, 03:50:32 PM
Hello Sabrina:

      The Grounding is fine for anyone to use; it often gets a strong result on first use because the printed or web version is charged with Shakti. I am the vessel. It is best to learn or memorize it to be your own vessel :)

Hi Mystress,

I have been practising Grounding now for over a week, the initial experience was amazing since I followed your internet instructions, however, since I am now doing it 'on my own', I obviously don't have the same strong experience any more, which is fine.

I have difficulties in imagining light, since I have my eyes closed. Only when I have imagined something what makes me very happy (e.g. imagining horse riding, my children, etc.) then do the grounding meditation, or do it for at least 20min, I seem to be able to succeed.

I have been with a Homeophath for over 15 years and since I recently had a healing crisis I took one of her remedies, as advised, as I could not feel joy or happiness for things which usually made me very happy. This remedey I have been taking in the past when I was a bit overwhelmed with my working/ looking after children balancing act, and it has always worked.

On that very same day, I also did the grounding meditation, then felt myself visually getting sucked down to GAIA, where there was a very bright warm white light and I felt loved and I cried a lot, then felt so much better when I came back up. During the Grounding meditation now, which I do about 6 x a day, I seem to find it easier to imaging the light in my body coming from DOWN rather than from the UP (sun), not sure why. Also, find it extremely difficult to imagine the light ball in my heart chakra, my chest up to my neck starts hurting and I cannot keep it in focus. However, I do get milliseconds of a warm and happy feeling, before it goes again. Also somehow received instruction to breath white light into my tight chest area since yesterday, does feel like a iron cage and not sure where to place the Higher Self light ball.

My question now would be: Is my heart chakra blocked ? I am a 'head' person and only recently started to be more in my body, through the kundalini exercises but also the grounding exercise. I have little fear or anxiety at the moment, but cannot contain 'happy' feelings for more than about a couple of seconds, is there anything else I should be doing other than continuing practising ?

Sorry for the long question,




  Hi Sabrina:

    The light from above is chi, the energy from the earth is Shakti. My own energy is an upward flow from the earth, 90%.  Traveling into the earth is one of the mediations suggested on this website, the Earth Heart mediation. It is lovely! I sometimes sleep inside the earth heart, wake up feeling amazing.

A blocked heart in people who choose intellect over emotions is pretty standard. Feel the location of the tightness and surrender it.  Grounding makes you more aware of where your karma is, next step is learning to surrender it as you find it.

I am not a fan of the 3HO organization... some people like it, but could be playing mix and match with a lot of different systems is maybe not a good idea.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community -


Thank you very much, I will continue practising......


Dear Gustav, Dear Mystress

I have had interesting experiences lately. First of all, I have bumped my head really hard whilst doing the backstroke, which somehow has opened up my heart chakra (or at least I don't seem to have that much issues with it anymore, since I now seem to be able to cry freely during meditation if I need to and to feel more).

Then my head/upper body only hurt for a few days, grounding seems to have helped the healing process, which is amazing since I have always been dependent on visits to the cranial osteopath for injuries.

During the grounding (I seldom manage 8 times, but often 6x a day) I find it difficult to feel anything when I ask the Higher Self, or the Light Ball in the Heart Chakra, but when I imagine that this is actually me, I have a fantastic experience, I just feel so great, so strong and full of energy. I also noticed, since my worst enemy has always been fear of many things, in particular accident/ dying, etc. (e.g. dentist, recent events in Thailand since we transit in December with our two kids through the Bangkok airport, which got me worried that we might all dye (silly!).  So since I never was able to imagine the light well in my body, I discovered I love to imagine myself courageous, strong, I imagine myself shouting, growling and the bright light grows lighter,  and I feel so strong and courageous, which in turn makes me feel fantastic, happy, it feels a bit as if I could fly (and all of this comes from a professional who is very much mind driven who works as government advisor) as if I am a child again with no responsibilities, hurray. A wonderful experience ! I always loved martial arts and am soon again to start Kung Fu, but never knew why (maby as this would allow me to be more brave and let go of my mind induced fears and anxienties), only that when I did it years ago it made me very happy. To date I had no experience of fear during the grounding exercise, it seems to be a haven of safety and security for me at the moment, and if I need to I can cuddle in the soft white light in the centre of the earth.....

Sorry to write so much but I find all that very amazing, and strange, and wonderful, and a big thank you for looking after me with advice, will go back to practising now......Sabrina