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premature kundalini awakening LSD, spasms, hell!! help me!!

Started by Groomboy, February 09, 2010, 10:54:33 PM

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Hi.. i'm a 32 year old male.. i had a spontaneous kundalini awakening when i was 19 due to some very strong LSD.. basically it exploded inside me, all my inner tensions, subconcious traumas were instantly released, and my energy system unblocked and opened itself into 'my fully conscious' aware state.. I experienced a multidimensional shift and return to who i am. Unfortunately my system closed up again maybe 10 mins after, and i blocked up again.. only this time, now with symptoms i can only describe as a constant contorting shifting spasm that seems to go, through my face, head, neck, and kind of through my consciousness.. it seems to sit in my third eye area.. I need to be able to release these pressures in my skull and awaken my potential again.. I basically have trouble listening and concentrating, I dont feel "conscious" of who i am at all, i am in a blank like trance state, my heart centre is closed up, my voice box is constricted and basically my entire life body is in a contracted state... If anyone would have any advice or guidance to unblocking this blocked hose of life current within me i would appreciate it immensely.. I am a talented musician artist, and my creativity, expression and relationships are suffering because of my depression related to  this issue... I'm simply not on the same wavelength as others and my life is very much like hell.. some advice, tips, guidance please?  :(



First of all, don't panic :)  I will mention some warnings about why these things happen, but Kundalini can be a great blessing in your life (It has been for me).  You just have to get yourself in balance, and you will be alright.

There are many warnings against the dangers of awakening Kundalini prematurely. Drugs especially can blast the doors of perception open too quickly for the rest of the system to handle. Kundalini increases the energy moving through your system significantly, and if its done without gradually preparing the mind/body/energy system first, it can have some complications.  Now, being done with the warnings, Kundalini is the most amazing tranformation that can happen to you, and it doesn't have to be such a rough ride, if you prepare yourself. (Then the process happens much more naturally)

The most important thing is to not take that stuff again. :) Then, instead begin with learning how to get grounded.

In addition to the above technique, spending time outdoor, and spending time doing simple physical tasks (cleaning, gardening, fixing stuff etc) with mindfulness is very important, and is important after awakening as well. Grounding is of paramount importance.

The second thing that is the major spadework of any spiritual life is to clear one's karma, which includes your ideas, beliefs and emotional baggage. The Kundalini is intelligent and spontaneous. It represents a bigger potential within you that emerges. You'll be fine, even though the awakening can be a bit of a rough ride for some.

Check out the other pages about karma too off to the right of that page.

Getting on a healthy, natural diet and doing healthy stuff for your body (such as hatha yoga, excercising, swimming, hiking etc) also very much helps to get you in balance.

Be easy on yourself!


Quote from: Groomboy on February 09, 2010, 10:54:33 PM
Hi.. i'm a 32 year old male.. i had a spontaneous kundalini awakening when i was 19 due to some very strong LSD.. basically it exploded inside me, all my inner tensions, subconcious traumas were instantly released, and my energy system unblocked and opened itself into 'my fully conscious' aware state.. I experienced a multidimensional shift and return to who i am. Unfortunately my system closed up again maybe 10 mins after, and i blocked up again.. only this time, now with symptoms i can only describe as a constant contorting shifting spasm that seems to go, through my face, head, neck, and kind of through my consciousness.. it seems to sit in my third eye area.. I need to be able to release these pressures in my skull and awaken my potential again.. I basically have trouble listening and concentrating, I dont feel "conscious" of who i am at all, i am in a blank like trance state, my heart centre is closed up, my voice box is constricted and basically my entire life body is in a contracted state... If anyone would have any advice or guidance to unblocking this blocked hose of life current within me i would appreciate it immensely.. I am a talented musician artist, and my creativity, expression and relationships are suffering because of my depression related to  this issue... I'm simply not on the same wavelength as others and my life is very much like hell.. some advice, tips, guidance please?  :(