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a full moon experience, perhaps a transmission within...

Started by Da Zues Mon, February 17, 2009, 09:35:41 AM

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Da Zues Mon

observing my behavior in the time of te full moon, i've found that i seem to have mood swings and sometimes uncontrollable thought patterns and seek night of the previous full moon, i went outside and just sat in front of the luminous wonder. i sat down on the grass and began to meditate, to ground. after a while of meditating, i layed down flat on my back with my limbs spread out, my body in the shape of a pentagram you could say, my legs pointing to the direction(east) of the moon.
after relaxing myself and inducing a trance state, i drifted off. out of nowhere, i suddenly heard a deep voice say "I've[or you've] won". suddenly i felt an ascension and saw what appeared to be my body floating out of a blue-ish area and entering a yellow-orange area, then i suddenly started to feel a tickling, warm, sensation in my solar-plexus area.

im not sure if this has something to do with the chakras, or the entering of another astral realm or level of knowledge.

if anyone has any thought or shared a similar experience, please share:)


flame alchemist

Who is the brightest o them all ?

the Sun is ?

k  no  the  MOon is

whose lighter in unsion

i went outside its cold to meditate outside gives me chills don t know about you

i meditate in toliet as i didnt believe to be holy enough and worthy enough to stand facin moon and be me ....

and no one bothers me i wonder why ?

is because im in toliet the moon wont talk to me  :'(

i cried and cried and cried   maybe she doesn t talk

at least i tried

i guess thats all one can do try


  Kundalites are affected by the full moon, most humans are as emergency room statistics show, but for awakened folks things can be colourful in a different way.

  Don't worry about it. Blessings...
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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