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From withered darkness to righteous light

Started by Pumpkhin, July 26, 2007, 03:32:34 AM

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To sum up everything I am about to say: Thank you Mystress and Goddess. The circle is only complete after thanks have been given for the gift. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

It has been two months since my ex-girlfriend and I have broken up. I can honestly say that it was the best decision that each of us could have made. I still see remnants of her energetic vampirism. That makes me sad. More often than not though I see how she has grown somewhat. I am happy for her. We are still friends and I do wish the best for her. I can now see that I was holding her back in some respects and now she will again have a chance to grow to find her own path and I mine.

Since then I have become enveloped in the renewed energy that I have. I have taken to meditating on a semi regular basis. I do void meditation, power mediation, and full chakra meditation. I like to start my free days with a walking meditation. I have grown exponentially since my last post. I feel that I have much growth as of yet, but am on the right path finally.

Last night I only got about two hours of sleep before waking. I have had two very similar, incredibly vivid, dreams each night. To sum them up the first night I had a dream that there was a sore on my left elbow. It was very deep and looked moldy inside. Hate to be graphic, but it was in my dream. The dream I had last night I had protrusions/growths all over my arms. They would fall off when I touched them and a bloody spot was left behind.

You can imagine my horror. Furthermore, my mom was in the room. I told her I needed to go to the hospital. She was incredibly not concerned even after seeing them. I awoke each night with a crystal clear picture of each dream as if I had seen them with my own two eyes. I would like to add that I usually don't remember my dreams. In fact it seems that I would go months without remembering them at times. Two back to back is very rare for me. I guess if you have any further input I would appreciate it, but it is not necessary.

I don't see the dreams as something to fear. I see them as another example of the sickness of the spirit that I am now shedding. It feels as if I am beginning the K process. I feel great overall. Even when I get little sleep I feel totally refreshed and full of energy. I have a much happier outlook, and find it a true joy to wake up. I guess I am living in the now.

I know that I came to you for advice. It was my higher self that directed me to you, but it was you who handed the advice down from goddess. For that I am eternally grateful. Chalk up one more thank you.

Sincere Blessings.