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Just looking for some perspective.

Started by Blossom, April 13, 2009, 11:17:39 PM

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Sometimes I feel a bit self-conscious, and wonder if I give off an 'uppity' vibe and that is why people avoid me like the plague.

Throughout this experience I've had problems with human-interactions, as people have reacted to me strangely (or at least I perceive it that way). They've either called me weird, ignored me, tried to push me around/bully me, or placed themselves above me etc...hmm, I guess my "power" has shifted away from me, or it was given away easily because of my nature. I've always thought of myself as shy (introverted), and that's also what my early report-cards state about me. I also seemed to feel guilt easily as a child and went out of my way to help others. I think it was a natural inclination, not something I picked up from another or not that I can see at this point.

When it happens consistently you question whether you ARE indeed the problem. I guess I am, but what exactly am I mirroring to myself? And how does this specific pattern usually establish itself? What can I do to shift this situation... do I just surrender it to the divine to handle, will that solve it? or do I need to sit with it and unravel it a bit... I guess I am also just looking for a place to let-it-out. The thoughts, I mean.



Hello Blossom:

   Have you learned to keep your energy turned inward? If you are broadcasting shakti or aiming love and light at everyone, it is the Guru gig and whatever gets triggered in them because of it get spewed at you. 

  Sure it is uppity. When I talk about this in workshops I stand up on a chair and say to the group "I am full of love and light and you are not so I am going to bless you poor suffering people." Just so they can feel how uppity, pompous and arrogant that attitude really is... That is the message you send out if you think others need your energy.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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Thanks! That's given me something to think about. I don't think I consciously send love and light out to people..but I guess I do because I feel sorry for people easily and may do it on some level. I guess what I am trying to say is that I don't visualise love and light around people, but the feeling is there. The feeling of needing to give them something...yes, I can see how I am not seeing them as perfect or fine and that yes I am broadcasting energy of sorts at them. I think I have a tendency to project my energy outward in other (unrelated) areas too..

What do you mean by broadcasting shakti?



  If you are awakened then your Kundalini energy (Shakti) follows your attention, and it tends to bring peoples karma up and they might spew it at you. Learn to stay focused on the heart and power chakras of your own discernment, the Divine within you and less on what is outside.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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