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Rising inner sensation during meditation

Started by Steve, May 19, 2009, 10:58:21 AM

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During my meditation when I only relax and quiet my mind I can feel something rising from the lower part of my belly and it goes up close to the chest area. After a while when I focus on it I become less relaxed and I cant feel it anymore. It never moves higher than the chest area and I never rush or force it to move upwards. Only observe.
And all of the above happens when I meditate all over again. What can be causing this?


  Hi Steve:

    Your description is a little vague so I'll speak in generalities.  Most likely it is either Kundalini or karma rising, and the two are related as one clears the other.  If it is kundalini then it stops at the chest because the higher chakras are not yet opened enough for it to move higher. If it is karma possibly it is being transformed in your heart chakra and disappearing there.

   Either way, just allow it and let it be. If you tense up while focusing on it, then dont focus on it, so that your attention and attachments are not interfering with Goddess working within you.

Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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