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Kundalini or Not?

Started by artfreak, July 25, 2007, 02:04:18 PM

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I've been having a series of strange sensations throughout my body and mind that I was hoping someone could shed some light on for me. These sensations seem to have no solid medical explanation. I say no "solid" medical explanation because everywhere I go for help doctors come up with a different diagnosis "could be blood sugar", "sounds like an anxiety disorder", "are you stressed at home or at work?" All my tests turn out normal except for slightly elevated blood pressure. I've been reading through your website recently, and the symptoms and triggers for Kundalini are starting to sound very familiar.
It all started for me about five months ago. One night I became very nervous while relaxing and watching a show on the History Channel. My heart began to race and I felt very dizzy. My head was swimming and I had to lie down on the floor. I became very scared that I was having a heart attack and was going to die. My wife is a medical doctor and when she found me in this condition she guessed it to be a panic attack.
Over the next few months the "attacks" became more frequent. On two occasions at work I had similar feelings of dizziness but without the extreme fear. My arms began to shake violently, then a half-hour later my whole body was trembling like I was in the middle of a snowstorm without a shirt on. I became extremely thirsty and my throat felt like it was closing up on me. No matter how much water I drank, it wasn't enough. Some of my co-workers told me my face had turned white, and my fingers went cold and numb. Several minutes later I became hot and flushed in my face, and felt very tired. I spent several nights lying in bed with my mind spinning. I became keenly aware of every unconscious movement of my body. I could feel the muscles of my heart contract with each beat. I could feel the muscles in my digestive tract moving. My brain was on sensory overload and I thought I was going absolutely crazy.
I was put on medical disability from work until I could get my problem under control. I saw regular medical doctors, psychiatrists, and had several sessions of acupuncture without any noticeable effect. Finally, out of desperation for a cure I began taking anti-depressants, which did nothing except drain me of the desire to accomplish anything. Since then I have stopped taking my meds and I feel better, though the energy rushes still continue.
I think its noteworthy to add that I had been reading a lot of Theosophy literature and had been practicing meditation under the direction of my Rosicrucian group in the month prior to these symptoms arising.
Also, I am somewhat ashamed to say that prior to these attacks I had fallen deeply in love with a woman who is not my wife. Though nothing happened that would be described as "cheating", I can say I have never loved another human being so deeply as I loved her. I felt a great loss when I told her we could not be friends anymore. I am mentioning this only because I have read that love can be a big K trigger.
Does this sound anything like what others have experienced?
If so, what should or shouldn't I do now?
What should I expect to happen next?


I am glad you have ruled out medical conditions. Many people find that increasing their calcium intake works wonders, for panic attacks.  I am a little surprised that your friends of the Rosy Cross could not give you an energy diagnosis.

 Sounds like K to me, with the vibration and increased physical sensitivity. Learn to get grounded, that will make everything else flow easier.


Thanks for the advice. I've been integrating the grounding technique into my meditations. It seems to help for a while until I become ungrounded again. I'm going to try adding some extra calcium into my diet and see how it goes. Thank you very much for responding. :)


Yes, if course. Grounding connects you to Source and puts you in a state that is free from fear. Karma is made of types of fear. Cannot have both at once, you have to choose, and act. Free Will is Goddess Law.  When stuff ungrounds you, surrender the fear and get grounded again. Just keep doing that until you run out of karma. You will also notice some stuff that used to scare you, you can examine differently when grounded. Surrender that stuff too. The more you let go, the more peace you find.

 Ya know, I wrote a Kundalini tantra course.  This site is just a taste of what members get... generous taste eh? LOL!! Be at peace. Blessings...