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Grounding and Karma Release

Started by SabrinaWakefield, June 16, 2009, 08:38:15 PM

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Hi guys,

have been practising the grounding meditation now for a few months, but still is very difficult for me to imagine light. Someone told me this is to do with Karma, so where can I find on your website how to surrender Karma ? Or do I need to practise longer ? I cannot always do 8 a day, would it be more beneficial if I ensure I do the 8 per day for 45 days ?
Love, Sabrina


Hello Sabrina!

You can find all the info on Karma on the "Karma" tab on the main page. It starts with

And then has sections on how to find and surrender karma.

The more you do the grounding, the better it gets! I would definitely recommend really trying to do it 8 times a day.  I've been at this for years, and I do it by habit a lot of the time when I feel I'm starting to loose grounding, or realize I have gotten out of whack. It's part of a daily practice to keep the energies flowing fully!

If you have a hard time visualizing light, don't stress it. If something else comes easier, maybe a feeling, or a sound, or something else, go with that, if it works better. Sometimes I lose sight of the visuals too, and instead I focus on the feeling of what is happening instead. If I'm in a good state, I do both. What matters is that it works for you.



Thanks Gustaf,

I do actually feel the energy rather than 'seeing' it. It also seems so much easier seeing the light coming from the earth centre and from the sun, thank imagining it filling my body. I will go to the link.

Thanks for your advice, as always !

Love, Sabrina



one more question: when doing the grounding meditation, I have recently experienced that I get tenser and tenser, and need to get quite a few massages to get rid of all the tenseness, which I cannot imagine are just related to me swimming and running. I also get a bit bad usually most of the time a very happy and jolly person. My tenseness (neck, back, chest (had a car accident when I was 6 and landed with my throat at the head rest of the front seat) gets worse when sitting and meditating. It is uncomfortable, and so sometimes I travel with the light down and down into the centre of the earth where I can get rid of some of the tenseness but I seem to get very quickly into a deep meditative state which is a bit scary but also makes me happy. Can I do this during the grounding meditation or should I wait until I have done the 45 days and then do it ?




Quote from: SabrinaWakefield on June 25, 2009, 10:52:56 PM
It is uncomfortable, and so sometimes I travel with the light down and down into the centre of the earth where I can get rid of some of the tenseness but I seem to get very quickly into a deep meditative state which is a bit scary but also makes me happy. Can I do this during the grounding meditation or should I wait until I have done the 45 days and then do it ?



  I sometimes forget how much information I have shared on this site. The Earth heart meditation is very powerful! So it is no surprise it takes you into a deep meditative state... it is safe to do it though. Gustaf pointed you to some pages to learn to surrender your karma, that is what the tension you are experiencing is. Blessings...
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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Gustav and Mystress,

Thank you so much for your help, I'll keep working at it....




Hi guys,

I have now completed the grounding sequence of 45 days/ 8 times a day and am very much enjoying it. I had no scary or fearful episodes but noted that there are waves of underlying emotions going through me without any particular reasons. I also seem to be able to hear voices on rare occasions and twice I had an intuition that then realised a couple of seconds afterwards. Most of all I really enjoy doing it and most of my fear or anxiety has gone since I only experienced love and happyness doing it.

One question though: I have hypoglacemia (if I don't eat in time I get blurred vision, feel all fuzzy and then after a few more minutes start shaking a little until I had a banana or similar). I do believe that some are psychosomatic as in a am very fearful of loosing control, dying, etc. The symptoms I sometimes experience which indicate I need some food are quite similar to the symptoms I experience after a grounding meditation. Since I think I got the hypoglacemia during the times following giving birth where I ignored my body's wish for proper food, and had total loss of appetite, because I was stressed looking after the kiddies, I have a feeling that somehow my body is trying to tell me something and if I would get it then it would go away. Interestingly, I had it as a kid up to the age of 7 or so, then it dissappeard for 30 years or so.

All the best and a big thank you for changing my life !



  Energy work, even grounding can use a lot of calories. Have a snack after. Blessings!
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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