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Training in Progress.

Started by Da Zues Mon, August 11, 2011, 05:03:50 PM

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Da Zues Mon

Well, after all that's happened(not to mention what could happen), I suprisingly don't have much to say. Seems all the "symptoms" became normal for me. I feel like I've always had them since childhood. I can see just how transient existence is, and though that once made me quiver, it now makes my inner child smile and laugh being granted such freedom and wonder. I can move around the astral very naturally now. so much that i shouldn't even think about how I exactly do it cause it just wouldn't make sense, and it probably isn't supposed to. Could be just my own method of travel.

One thing I do know is that I'm always being guided. Despite what horror I see, I still feel ok. In sleep, I met with beings who take me to many realms and landscapes. Some I've visited before, but now there exist some right of passage. Sometimes they teach me how to fly, extract serums from certain objects, shapeshift. And sometimes, they throw me right in the middle of fighting energies and obstacles and I'm expected to come out alive. Some sort of tough-love behind it similar to a coach-athlete relationship.
On certain times, they take me to the place below. There, I am ripped apart by beaked demons and snarling monsters. I have to let it happen, cause its only worse if I resist. If you fight it, you die. If you don't fight it, you still die. It's confusing sometimes. It's like an endurance test of pain and terror that you HAVE to watch...or else you will die.
Yet I find it quite funny how I always seem to come out of it stronger, assured, and yet also humble and tender-hearted.

I don't even care what name to give this process anymore, It'll just be another distraction I'm not interested in.

If anyone has had anything similar at some point please feel free to share.
thank you, Blessings