Mystress only accepts private sessions with her
Fire Serpent Tantra students.
Her FST Lineage continues the public work.

enquiry about thirdeye session

Started by shridharr, August 27, 2007, 03:54:15 AM

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Dear Madam,

I, Rajesh Sharma presently living in New Zealand. I am interested in third eye opening session. I wanted to know couple of things.
firstly, this third eye opening session, can it be done online or do I have to be present physically.
secondly will third eye be opened at once.
thirdly will it open for a short time or will be opened reqular.

kind regards,

Rajesh Sharma


  First of all, I am retired from public session work, and only do third eye openings with my FST students. I am training some of my grad students to carry on the public work, one of them may be able to help you.

 To answer your other questions: it can be done online, and the sessions themselves are quite variable.

Some people have their third eye partly opened already, it is a matter of training them to interpret what they see with their mind's eye... which is where the useful visions come. Seeing auras with the physical eyes takes more practice, and actually is of limited use... if I had to be able to physically see someone to see their energy I'd be out of work... ;)

 Sometimes it involves some interaction with the inner child... we all have an opened third eye in childhood, and repress it.  

  As a child in my crib, I used to play a game to fall asleep, calming my thoughts enough to make the golden glow I saw inside my forehead appear bright and smooth. Any fearful thought or worry would shatter it into blackness and I would have to start over. It was a very challenging game. I was too young to know it was my third eye glowing. I thought it was the same for everyone.

  In a way, it is... I have had some people whose eye opening went well, but after the session they went back to their usual negative thinking making it close again, then they demanded a refund from me! I did my job, asking me to control someone's thoughts forever, is asking too much! LOL!!

   I charge a flat rate for my consulation time.  What Goddess does through me in that time is not totally up to me... and I don't even try to put a price on what Goddess does.  It can be miraculous, if the client is ripe and receptive.   If a client is resistant or not ready, or their motive is not right? "By your faith are you healed" no faith, no magic... no-one can compel the Goddess, or lead a horse to water and force it to drink.

   The problem is, too many people approach third eye opening as if it is a commodity... as if Grace can be bought and sold, and comes with a warranty.  They are ego-driven, looking for psychic power to use for personal gain and it doesn't work like that. I was accepting less than 1/2 of the requests for third eye openings even before I retired, because of this.  



Dear Madam,

I am thankful for your reply.

Actually, I am studying the kundilini yoga literature for the last many years and meditating for the last three years.

I am interested for opening third eye session. I would be highly grateful if you can do a session with me. Please let me know how to proceed further to have a third-eye opening session.

Kind regards

Rajesh Sharma


Dear Mystress,

This is Rajesh Sharma. I am waiting for your reply from the last few days for third eye session.   I am  writing this letter again to please request for third eye session.

kind regards

Rajesh Sharma


As I said in my first post, I am retired from public session work.


Dear Madam,

As you mensioned in the earlier post that some of your student would be able to do a third eye opening session.  Would you be kind enough to refer me one of your student for third eye session. I will be thankful to you.


Rajesh Sharma


These people do Third Eye activations too (among other things):




Dear Mystress,

Please let me know,  if  there is any student of yours who would be able to do a third eye opening session for me?

Kind Regards

Rajesh Sharma


Respected Mistress,

I am still waiting for the reply of my third eye session.  Waiting for your kind blessings.


Rajesh Sharma


Hello, Rajesh.  I'm one of Mystress's lineage students.  I'd be happy to do a third eye opening with you with the understanding that they don't always take.  Some people expect to have results in a certain way as opposed to getting them in ways that best suit them.  Also, when people expect psychic ablities from this, they aren't in tune with Goddess or their higher purpose.  That can prevent the opening from taking, too.  

Sessions take approximately half and hour and include training on how to use the third eye.   The rate is $125 Canadian.  For less than that, before 1-1-08 and for the same price thereafter, you can have a tummo initiation which is much more thorough and includes third eye opening.  

Here's the link to her tummo page, fyi:

    Best regards.


Hey Rajesh!

Are you certain, that your third eye is not already open to some extent?

If you take Shaktipat for opening the third eye, you need to keep it open, by working with it. If you keep the old habits, it is likely to slowly close again. This is why a Shaktipat doesn't always stick, as Sigmund says.  A Shaktipat session becomes a lot more powerful if you make it a habit, through other means to work with the third eye. That way, your third eye can be opened permanently, it becomes part of your makeup.

There is a pleathora of meditation techniques that serve to open the third eye, since an open third eye is the gateway of possibilities for so many other things.  Visualizations in specific, turn the energy inwards from the physical eyes, to the inner eye.

Trataka (Unbroken focus on an internal or external object) is a very powerful means to open the third eye. Chidakasha Dharana, gazing into the space before the closed eyes, is also a good way.  In Kundalini Yoga there are many workable means, such as opening the third eye by breathing through the eyebrow center in certain ways. If you learn techniques to detect auras, this will train and open the third eye as well. If you know of any other visualization techniques that feel good for you, where you move your vision inwards, use them!
