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Started by wakeupneo, November 14, 2009, 02:12:11 AM

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I'm a new member and this is my first post. Perhaps I'll start with a bit of a very brief introduction...

Been a spiritual seeker/aspiration for about a decade now. Studied masses of literature on enlightenment, been meditating regularily, had/have gurus, the whole nine years. However, I never work directly with the kundalini but it has always fascinated me. Like an itch that refuses to go away.

I've resisted the urge to further explore for a few reasons. Mainly because some argue that kundalini has little to do with self-realization and can actually take you further away from the truth. Seeing all the amazing energetic experiences that take place I can see how this can further crystalize one's ego.

Many of the Adviatic schools of though seem to think that kundalini is irrelavant.

How does kundalini tie into self-realization?

Self-realization seems to be an energetic shift as well as a shift in identity. Perhaps this is the link?

Personally I'm not interested in Siddhis, experiences, but I am ready to die...

I'm ready to give up this imposer and experience reality. I've had glimpses and have access to pure consiousness. However these states are not stabile and permanent.

While I personally believe that traditional self-inquiry may be the quickest route. I feel that I have many tendencies and impurities that keep me from abiding fully in the self.

Anyways, just wanted to pick some brains. I've been scanning the pages and you seem like a wise bunch.



Welcome to the forums John!

I'm looking forward to hear more from you.  If you want to discuss something it will be easier if you make posts with fewer queries at a time, that way the discussions can be more in-depth.



To me Kundalini is the active effort on God/Goddess's part in support of our activities.  In essence, the helpful pushing along the path.

Many others debate this point both ways, depending on their personal experience.  In simple terms, it seems to come out that the more "religious" you are, the more positive your view on Kundalini.  Those who believe that it is more of a distraction, tend to follow the "everything is your imagination" belief structure.

In my case, I did not start out searching for anything.  I just started out trying to be a decent person (husband, father & friend) and recently have found myself getting more active pushes (and really cool energy flows).  As I have begun to research & study, I can actually "feel" it increasing.

I am early in my experience, but I have found that my just accepting an "inner peace" was a good step for me.

Regards, Jeff