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Kundalini and the law of attraction

Started by Steve, October 29, 2009, 02:29:04 AM

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I have always wondered if the kundalini is active do thoughts still have a magnetic force to manifest your desires? Or is everything surrendered and pushing against for desires to manifest cause more harm than good?
And how does all of this integrate with free will?
Maybe I need to look at this from a different perspective or angle. Any understanding/help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you


Quote from: Steve on October 29, 2009, 02:29:04 AM
I have always wondered if the kundalini is active do thoughts still have a magnetic force to manifest your desires? Or is everything surrendered and pushing against for desires to manifest cause more harm than good?
And how does all of this integrate with free will?
Maybe I need to look at this from a different perspective or angle. Any understanding/help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
When you are awake, your thoughts become clearer and more concentrated as there is less conflict within you, which makes them more magnetic and powerful, definitely. But there is also something built into this. The more clear and powerful your mind becomes, the less karma you carry, and the less karma you carry, the more you have surrendered to Goddess.

If you think thoughts or perform actions with any intent to harm, manipulate or control, this comes back to you, maybe from without, and in the form of more of those feelings within yourself. Projecting fear creates more fear. Black magic always fails in the end, because the resulting karma results in a loss of clarity and fall from grace.

Whether free will exists is always debated, because it is a matter of perspective. When do you have free will? When you are in the grip of the ego? Hardly, then you are thrown around by unconscious fears, desires and projections. Except for one thing. You have the free will to choose love instead of fear, you have the free will to choose surrender and acceptance of what is. When you have surrendered? The more deeply you surrender, the less you will experience a separate "I" from the divine, which is everywhere. Deeply in that direction, free will or no free will ceases to be an issue.

It's so easy to make this complicated, so use your free will to surrender. Everything you need to know comes to you. When you surrender, you move deeper into your heart. The deeper you move into your heart, the more you find out what you -really- want!  When you get insights and knowledge from your heart, there are no doubts about it, you simply know. Then you begin to manifest a reality based on your heart rather than borrowed bits and pieces of karma.

And don't push against your desires, or your fears. There's nothing wrong with desires. The suffering is just due to that your ego believes it will become complete through them. It can't and it won't.

Think of your mind as a hologram that takes the form that you focus on. What you focus on grows! Tantra doesn't deny the experiences of the world, you just take a different approach to them.  You can go beyond anger by understanding anger deeply when it happens, by becoming more conscious when it happens. Don't suppress it, but try to not project or cause harm with it either. Find a way to feel it just as it is. If needed, express it, but strive to find a way to do so without harming anyone.



Wow Gustaf, that is a beautiful post. Thank you.
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