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Kundalini experience after visiting your website??

Started by loveangels, March 06, 2010, 03:51:39 PM

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I'm new to this forum and I have to say that this page has impacted me in a special way.
Been following Bruno Groening Teaching's for two months (he was a certified spiritual healer died 50 years ago) and receiving universal energy for that time.

Recently attuned to Reiki 1 so I've been doing auto Reiki for some days now.

Before I was attuned I started getting stabbing pains on every area that corresponds to each chakra. Starting from the base chakra one day going up to the crown chakra in a few days.

Feeling tingling sensations on head and at times very light and like floating. After a Family Constelation my heart literally was in pain( I did cry alot during the Constelations)

A couple of days after that I had a knot in my stomach the next day it come up to my throat and it was so annoying I started saying some mantras and my head and body kept leaning backwards like wanting to arch back. Some days went by and...

Yesturday was the first time I came to visit your web and I must say while reading it my head tingled alot just like now I feel like I have goose bumps on my head along with the tingling.

When I went to sleep yesturday I connected to receive the universal energy just like Bruno Groening taught, I started to feel really relaxed almost falling asleep and then this electric energy came up my spine vibrating all of my body along with aloud shhhhhhh noise.
In order not to feel scared I started to sing in my head "The Lord is my sheppard I shall not fear" and in my head I heard many people sining along with me and continued the song when I had stopped. I opened my eyes and didn't see anything I continued to feel that electricity around my neck softer now, then it dissapeared. I felt really calm and relaxed so I turned around and fell asleep.

I must say I asked for a Distant Kundalini attunement yesturday but I did not receive an email from Stefan Kammerhofer to confirm the date or to confirm any thing, so I assumed the attunement wasn't going to be made So I forgot all about the process.

Thank you before hand for your support, sorry for the length of my post
If you want to make the world a beetter place you better look at yourself and make a...change!


After a Bruno Groening Conference I was told it is normal to feel that kind of energy, that some people experience a very strong healing energy. When this happens it tends to heal something in the that person.
If you want to make the world a beetter place you better look at yourself and make a...change!