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"Awakening Procedure" occurance

Started by mattie, September 15, 2007, 11:17:06 PM

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I had an "Awakenings" procedure by an energy worker trained by Ron Hall.  I accompanied my significant other to a session & didn't plan or expect to have energy work performed on myself.  It was a nice surprise when I was told that the "Awakenings" was to be done on me as well.  I only mention this to note that I didn't have any preconceived ideas about the session as I wasn't planning to have it done.  

Prior to the procedure she described what is consistent  w/ Kundalini awakening w/ the uncoiling of the "serpent" at the spine's base, nonjudgmental viewpoints, & the energy of unconditional love, as well as the body's energy systems.  

This "Awakenings" procedure is assisted by a group of 2400 ascended physician guides who instruct the energy worker about what blockages need to be cleared.  She did about 20 minutes of work above each of us clicking some quartz crystals.

When we both prepared for the session by stretching out on our back, I asked my companion angels to attend & assist & enlist the aid of any apporopriate etities.  The energy worker checked my position & returned to the next room to begin the "Awakenings" procedure on sig. other first.

When she began the procedure on him, I had an interesting occurance:  My heart instantly felt extremely heavy/sad.  I wasn't concerned about it being a physical heart attack & trusted that this was part of the procedure.  I wasn't scared even though the sensation was very strong.  A very precise distinct sound occurred that was about 8 evenly spaced clicks, like very heavy pages being quickly turned.  I had no visual image associated with this, but the sound had a very clear association of heavy pages being flipped quickly.  When the clicking sound stopped, the heavy heart feeling immediately ceased.

The rest of the session where she did energy work clicking the crystals above me had no distinct sensations other than my curiousity about what she was doing as my eyes were closed.  

After the session I mentioned this to her & asked what she thought.  She replied that she thought the clicking sound that I strongly related to the unseen flipping pages was from the book of my life.  I suspect that as I had asked my companion angels to bring any entities to the procedure to assist the "Awakenings" team & energy worker that as soon as the procedure began in the next room on sig. other, something was triggered for me.  

I am interested in any information that you can share about this, the Ron Hall "Awakenings" procedure, if this is consistent w/ other "Awakenings" procedures, the energy mechanisms at work, & any speculation/opinion that any of you might be willing to share about any of this.  Has anyone experienced the same or a similar thing?

Thank you for taking the time to review this & for any response.  


Hello, Mattie. Welcome.  

 I am not at all familiar with the work of Ron Hall, so I really cannot comment much on the awakening procedure except whenever I hear something like a group of 2400 ascended physician guides  I sort of get the giggles.  I wonder why people think they need anything like that. Then I remember, it is because their power chakra is not yet fully opened.

 Your own unconscious mind knows all your karma, your energy body and the physical down to the minute workings of every cell. It holds a record of every thought, experience, emotion and action. It does not experience itself as separate from the Divine as the ego does, so it is that, too.  Your soul is a Divine spark, thou art God, you are It.

 The more spirit helpers a healer thinks they need, the more it is apparent that they don't have faith in their own Divine Power, or that of their client.  Shakti is intelligent energy, consciousness and wisdom.  The Divine inside of you, doesn't need to consult a book... ;)  

 Not to say, that it won't work... anything you have faith in, will work. Click the quartz, beat the drum, shake the rattles, ring the bell. Every thought, is a prayer to your own Divine nature. All healing, is self healing.

  Why put faith in what is outside of you, when your Divinity is inside you?   Well, ...  Many people don't grow that kind of faith muscles until later in the process... but as an attitude or discipline, it makes a lot of the process go more smoothly.  

  Anyway...  is it consistent with other Kundalini awakening methods?   No, not really.  Offhand, I cannot think of any of the Shaktipat masters I know who use stuff like that. They simply work through the heart, the inner Guru, invoke Goddess directly or with energy transfer that is Shaktipat.  Most of them don't even need to be on the same continient as the initiate, never mind the same room.  They don't need to consult with ascended masters because they can see the blockages and read their content, and the content usually holds the solution.  It is the nature of Shaktipat, or Kundalini healing to set your individual self aside and let Goddess work through you, and Goddess knows what to do.

The heart experience may have been empathy with your mate. Couples share a connection, share each others burdens so you may have been called to help by sharing.  I am glad it did not freak you.  If not for your strong association with pages turning, I would say the clicking sound was your body realigning, a common effect of an energy increase.  Sometimes the body goes snap crackle pop!  "Book of your life" is a good interpretation.

 Audio hallucinations though, are not unusual. Just this afternoon, daydreaming in a light nap I heard my dad call my name.  I often hear voices calling my name while in the twilight zone of near sleep. Sometimes I recognise them, sometimes not.  I hear doorbells too, sometimes clear enough to get me out of bed to peek out the window to see if there is really anyone at the door. Spirit visitors. Most of the time, I don't pay much attention. I hand it to my higher self to sort and go back to sleep.  

 With Kundalini, it is better not to pay too much attention to the phenomena... most of it is just some symbol for karma on the way out and dwelling on it maintains an attachment, holds it in place. Ego likes to have reasons, stories and mythology but it can never comprehend the infinite.  

 Wierd stuff happens. Goddess did it. Chop wood, carry water.



I agree that accessing the higher powers directly & seeking unity w/ them is the desired approach.  

We are in a very conservative area of the U.S. south w/ deeply rooted traditional religions, so the energy worker's use of the cadre of ascended physicians may be a device to make her work more accessible for those unfamiliar w/ energy healing.  When scheduling the session I told her it was for someone for whom body's energy systems are new concepts & who would find it off putting if she got too esoteric, so I'm grateful if she erred on the side of caution using easy traditional imagery for his comfort level.  

When discussing some basics about how the body's energy flowed, she stated that all healing is actually accomplished by yourself.  Healers/teachers in our area aren't commonplace, so as long as they aren't headed in the wrong direction, for instance encouraging cult-like behavior, helping spread this knowledge is positive.  I greatly appreciate your clarification that the use of objects is extraneous & only an aid to help you access your own energy.  

The heart sensation being an empathetic response is interesting, & something I hadn't considered.  My mate was working through some very serious PTSD issues as a commercial airline pilot whose plane was suddenly impaired           in-flight.  (He landed it safely.) & I was definitely in an empathetic helpmate role.  Your comment caused me to expand my thinking to ponder possibilities that the sound could have been picking up on something that was happening w/ his energy work that had just commenced, or my release of highly charged negative emotional energy I may have taken on from him in the weeks prior to the session & not released.  

I assumed the heart sensation had something to do w/ discharging my own unresolved issues.  The clicking sound I associated w/ heavy book pages was crisper & much faster than the routine vertebrae pop sound from stretching/curving my spine for minor realignment that I usually do several times daily.  The sound didn't seem to come from my body, but was a sensation of being above & behind me.  If this had something to do w/ advancing the help my mate was seeking, I'm glad to have been of use.  The sound & heart sensation was interesting not because it its profoundness, but for its mundaneness.  

Thank you for all your comments about phenomena, including the cautionary ones.  The more I learn about these metaphysical matters, the more I am curious about the process of how it all works.  

I hope you are recovering well from the whiplash injury.