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Sexual Activity/ Kundalini

Started by wakeupneo, December 10, 2009, 03:17:15 PM

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I've heard many negative things in regard to sexual activity (for a male) while working with kundalini.

Does sex in itself deplete the male or is it the lose of semen?

Is their a recommend amount of times a male is to have sex?

Where could I find techniques for retaining semen?

My current situation isn't overly sexual. Perhaps once a week. But I don't know if that would be even worth it if it is holding me back from progressing.

Would love to have some feedback on the matter.



this is only my opinion based on practice, and it all depends if you want to release tension or re-distribute it/convert it.

if the sex is really connected one should not concern themselves with the loss of semen, the energy exchanged should far outweigh the loss of vital fluid. If the energy exchange pre-ejaculation does not outweigh ejaculation than something needs to be sorted out. in my experience the ejaculation should not be as mind blowing as the act beforehand.

Masturbation however is a different issue, as the release is not into anyone, one could try restraining themselves from ejaculating. the act of masturbation should not be avoided but the release of tension should be done with the whole body (ie pushups, running or other vigorous activity) and not just by ejaculation. This kind of activity should greatly improve your sex life and raise your engergy levels.

I recommend when you get up in the morning, go through the motions of masturbating without comming. then focus on moving that blood concentrated in that area throughout the body with vigourous excersise or a cold shower. this will redistribute the blood throughout the body.


Refraining and abstaining are parts of patriarchal systems and feed duality, you/other, good/bad, yes/no etc.  Responsible enjoying is part of this system and lead to union, the goal of yoga.  Each of us has within us the perfect lover.  All we need to do is get in touch.  Check out the links below.   

   Divine beloved -

  Magical ethics -


You can learn to masturbate or have sex without ejaculating, and direct the energy upwards. There are many techniques to do this, like the ESO program.. There are some other good books on the subject, like the "Multi orgasmic man" or "Multi orgasmic woman"

Sigmund is definitely right, don't surpress your sexuality in any way, just because you've heard that you should.. It can lead to a host of problems all of its own.

Celibacy is fine, if it comes as true inspiriation from within you. But from what I know, that kind of celibacy doesn't require that you fight with yourself.. It simply happens.

There is another way too..  Which is to make sex, solo or with a partner, into an act of worship and sacrifice it to the Goddess.  Directing your energy towards your Divine Beloved can be a quite beautiful thing, or the earth crystal heart, or to the earth etc..  The beautiful thing with this, at least in my own experience, is that it's not depleting, but instead, energy comes back, as a blessing.

The Goddess/God does not judge sex, humans do.


My Lineage are so wise and wonderful! Thank you Sigmund and Gustaf. You guys rock!
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