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amazing work!

Started by aNewSound, November 28, 2010, 01:49:51 AM

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hi. i just wanted to say thank you for sharing this profound knowledge in an understandable way. i'm tempted to make a youtube series from it, getting people interested.

it's always my passion to look beyond the names, wordings, cultural separations and recognize the simple truth of oneness, it makes perfect sense.

i really loved the info about the power chakra - i had to often pause, tears welling up inside - and hope the others will be published soon - hopefully in bookform as well...



  Thank you.

   I have attention deficit disorder and with it comes a tendency to get interested in a new idea before the old project is finished. As a result I have started several books, and published none...

   I noticed I am much better at writing web content that is interactive in some way, like this forum and its associated websites, than talking to myself in writing a book. So I decided to trick myself and write a website thats book shaped, with chapters and subheadings, and convert afterwards.

  This website is a book, and yes an unfinished one...
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