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Can this Lower back pain and stiffness actually be ankylosing spondylitis?

Started by Da Zues Mon, May 07, 2010, 08:38:39 AM

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Da Zues Mon

Symptoms i copied and pasted from a site:

The disease starts with low back pain that comes and goes.

    * Pain and stiffness are worse at night, in the morning, or when you are not active. It may wake you from your sleep.
    * The pain typically gets better with activity or exercise.
    * Back pain may begin in the sacroiliac joints (between the pelvis and the spine). Over time, it may involve all or part of the spine.

You may lose motion or mobility in the lower spine. You may not be able to fully expand your chest because the joints between the ribs are involved.

Fatigue is also a common symptom

Pain may also be in neck as well.

*Well these symptoms have been troubling me for months and months now. I just wonder if this could just be misdiagnosed for symptoms associated with Kundalini or if Kundalini is actually the cause of if. I also read that It eventually causes the affected spinal bones to join together.

If anyone has any feedback it would be helpful and appreciated, Thank you


I am no expert, but my k experience is all positive. My lower back (and everywhere) feelings are vibrations that feel very good.  I would have it checked out.

Regards, Jeff


Lower back pain can also be a symptom of underlying issues about not feeling financially supported. But it could also be blockages in the root or sacral chakra..

A blockage or issue with the solar plexus is often manifested as physical pain in the neck and shoulders.

I sometimes in the night get extreme pain in my back, but I think it's related to the chakras and kundalini. It's only when I lay with my spine straight, the pain disappears if I change positon. But when I work on grounding in meditation and feel my chakras being worked on it feels different. I also get pain in and around my spine related to my normal posture, if I've been in a stressful state in a long time and when I finally relax, and lower my shoulders etc, it actually hurts a bit. Like there's a resistance to it.

Anyway, here are a few suggestions, hope you figure it out:)

Da Zues Mon

Thanks so much for your feedback:)

what you were saying(TwinDragon) makes alot of sense in my position. perhaps i need to call upon St. Germaine's violet flame again. it is quite powerful...and also get more into grounding



  You sit at desk all day with bad posture, right? Do a search on that and see what ya get.
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