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Differences in Tummo?

Started by gregk, October 04, 2010, 03:04:39 PM

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Hi, the Serpent Fire Tummo sounds great, especially seeing as I've had a lot of solar plexus congestion for over 10 years and I'd really like to have that healed.  I've read that different styles of Tummo development may have a somewhat different effect on the body and I'd like an opinion on this please (I just want to be healed and possibly heal others when needed).  I also am not trying to approach this like buying a used car but am not very knowledgable on this subject.  If I were to have the Serpent Fire Tummo initiation would other types of Tummo work not be of any additional benefit?  I'm considering trying Reiki Tummo later this year to try a safe Kundalini activation but am a bit unsure of being attuned with Reiki symbols even though they say that it is temporary.  They talk about Kundalini but not about Tummo.  Would there be benefit in having both initiations, Serpent Fire and Reiki Tummo or is that the redundancy that Mystress had mentioned? Thank you for your time.


Hi, I think I have it figured out well enough for my purposes so no reply is necessary.  Thanks anyways and Blessings to all.