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Objects in dreams leading to other dimentions

Started by tiny_sounds, October 22, 2007, 03:11:14 PM

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I recently have been having most of my spiritual phenomona happen whilst falling asleep or whilst dreaming. Although a few nights ago was my first experience of what I think I've read about in Carlos Castaneda's 'The Art of Dreaming'.

I was in a kitchen (in my dream! :) Although, I do spend a lot of time eating :) and picked up something. Although I can't really remember what that thing was, I know at that point I was aware I was dreaming. I then had a sensation which was like being really drunk. Like a pushing or pulling sort of feeling in my 'head',...........what ever that is in your dreams! :)

The next thing I knew I was surrounded by loads of people in a room, a lot of whom were disfigured. There was one girl, blonde with short (GI-Jane style!) hair, who looked like her ears had been burned or had half melted or something. These characteristics were all over her face. But she felt amazing. She buzzed and hummed with all sorts of wonderful energy.

There was another person with two sets of eyes, one above the other, and a hole where his third eye would be, with glowing light in the middle. There were many others, all of them felt friendly, light and lovely. And I could feel them very clearly. It was a very weird and very wonderful place to be.

Saying all this, I really don't know much about the topic of astral travel or its immplications. I sometimes get attacked by what feel to be very fierce entities. One of which I think has visited me on a number of occasions. It feels like an intense pressure or squashing sensation in my power chakra and third eye, and it makes it very difficult for me to wake up and break its grasp. Nasty!  :-/

So I was just wondering if there was anyone out there with a little more experience on the topic and some advice on staying safe! Any help would be very much appriciated.

Jack :)



I recently have been having most of my spiritual phenomona happen whilst falling asleep or whilst dreaming. Although a few nights ago was my first experience of what I think I've read about in Carlos Castaneda's 'The Art of Dreaming'.

I was in a kitchen (in my dream! :) Although, I do spend a lot of time eating :) and picked up something. Although I can't really remember what that thing was, I know at that point I was aware I was dreaming. I then had a sensation which was like being really drunk. Like a pushing or pulling sort of feeling in my 'head',...........what ever that is in your dreams! :)

The next thing I knew I was surrounded by loads of people in a room, a lot of whom were disfigured. There was one girl, blonde with short (GI-Jane style!) hair, who looked like her ears had been burned or had half melted or something. These characteristics were all over her face. But she felt amazing. She buzzed and hummed with all sorts of wonderful energy.

There was another person with two sets of eyes, one above the other, and a hole where his third eye would be, with glowing light in the middle. There were many others, all of them felt friendly, light and lovely. And I could feel them very clearly. It was a very weird and very wonderful place to be.

Saying all this, I really don't know much about the topic of astral travel or its immplications. I sometimes get attacked by what feel to be very fierce entities. One of which I think has visited me on a number of occasions. It feels like an intense pressure or squashing sensation in my power chakra and third eye, and it makes it very difficult for me to wake up and break its grasp. Nasty!  :-/

So I was just wondering if there was anyone out there with a little more experience on the topic and some advice on staying safe! Any help would be very much appriciated.

Jack :)

Hey Jack!

Unless you have any particular interest in astral traveling, I wouldn't spend too much time focusing on it, it's much more rewarding to use those experiences to delve even deeper. I have had many experiences during the sleepstate as well, very deep lucid dreams, visions and other things. In fact, these sort of things can also appear in meditation. Normally we are unconscious during the dream and sleepstates, but as awareness opens up, these states seem to become consciously accessible.

What I usually do is that I ask Goddess about the dream, and surrender any stuff that arises, like emotions, concepts, and so on.  If there's energy experience, I go along for the ride, because if the event is triggered by Shakti energy, it can lead to a spontaneous meditative state.

As far as the entities go, you might wanna do an entity clearing.
These things can be anything from thoughtforms of your own creation to anything that has latched on that has a matching vibration (a certain type of fear, anger, attachment etc)  If a guide is worthy, it will not force itself on you, but respect your integrity. I had such an interaction with St. Germaine, who was very honorable.

The feeling in your power chakra may be an indication from your gut that you are giving your power away to these entities. They have no power at all, except that which you choose to believe in.  

Other than that, astral travel isn't all that important, I find it far more rewarding to become deeply grounded in the body, and to let any astral or psychic phenomena that arises to be a cue to go deeper.



Hey Gustaf,

thanks for the reply, it's very much appriciated! :) The thing is that I don't really conciously try to explore astral travel it's just something thats been happening. I get a lot of visuals as I'm drifting off to sleep, sometimes full pictures of a room or scene. However, they are quite hard to hold on to and it's hard to make out exactly what they are. The nasty entities that I've experienced I have given as little conscious energy to as possible, however they do keep on returning now and then, and as I say, sometimes they have quite a strong hold. Although saying that, it's like you say Im sure, the only power they have is that which I choose to believe in. When I am completely conscious of what's happening they do leave. It's keeping them at bay completely that I want to try to achieve.

I really like what you say about asking Goddess about the dream, and surrendering whatever arises. I'll do that. Funnily enough, learning how to surrender my emotions, thought patterns etc, is something that I've only recently been able to do effectively. It's like going back to being a child where nothing is held on to. Ahhhhh, it's very refreshing! :) But quite hard to hold on to at the moment. Practice makes perfect I suppose.

What does the 'energy experience' that you mention feel like. What is it exactly? Also what happened with your intereaction with St. Germaine? Was it audiable? I've heard voices on two occasions and both times it scared the life out of me!  ;D ANd when you say that the astral stuff is a cue to go deeper, is that deeper into being grounded in meditation?

many thanks for all your help, warm regards,


QuoteHey Gustaf,

thanks for the reply, it's very much appriciated! :) The thing is that I don't really conciously try to explore astral travel it's just something thats been happening. I get a lot of visuals as I'm drifting off to sleep, sometimes full pictures of a room or scene. However, they are quite hard to hold on to and it's hard to make out exactly what they are. The nasty entities that I've experienced I have given as little conscious energy to as possible, however they do keep on returning now and then, and as I say, sometimes they have quite a strong hold. Although saying that, it's like you say Im sure, the only power they have is that which I choose to believe in. When I am completely conscious of what's happening they do leave. It's keeping them at bay completely that I want to try to achieve.

I really like what you say about asking Goddess about the dream, and surrendering whatever arises. I'll do that. Funnily enough, learning how to surrender my emotions, thought patterns etc, is something that I've only recently been able to do effectively. It's like going back to being a child where nothing is held on to. Ahhhhh, it's very refreshing! :) But quite hard to hold on to at the moment. Practice makes perfect I suppose.

What does the 'energy experience' that you mention feel like. What is it exactly? Also what happened with your intereaction with St. Germaine? Was it audiable? I've heard voices on two occasions and both times it scared the life out of me!  ;D ANd when you say that the astral stuff is a cue to go deeper, is that deeper into being grounded in meditation?

many thanks for all your help, warm regards,

To be perfectly frank, I have no true idea of what the lucid dreams and astral phenomenon really are. But they seem to be passing, like deeper dreams. I often have lucid dreams and visions as well, some can be incredibly peaceful and beautiful. The thing seems to be that if you try to hold on to them, they go away, like hugging smoke. If you surrender them, or surrender "into" them, they deepen, or transform into an experience beyond them. It can be very rewarding to surrender within the dream itself, if you are conscious while the dream is happening. Does this resonate?  For example, sometimes when I have lucid dreams, instead of trying to control them, or ask for a certain type of dream, I say "Let Goddess pick!" Then I rub my hands in the vision, and see what happens...

Entities require really only one thing. Your unconscious cooperation. As long as you're not aware of what they really are, they keep working, like bugs who need shade. When you watch them, they often fry under the fire of your attention. This is my experience of them. Sometimes I've had help with mine, mainly when I wasn't able to see them clearly.

The energy experiences I would describe like intense light within the body, or dancing lights everywhere, strong waves of energy, strong tingling, stuff like that, feeling of things moving through me, etc.

St Germaine appeared when I went through a vibrational cold. I felt somewhat feverish, but in the center of it felt quite clear. Went into many visions. He appeared as a presence, without any visual cue, and showed me several meditation methods that I had never heard of before.  It was much like he did them with me, rather than verbally instructing me.  When he first appeared, I wanted to test if his intentions were honest and genuine, so I told him to leave me alone.  He left before the thought even was finished.  I asked if he wanted to come back, a little while later, and he did.  He never pushed, he never made any predictions, but gave guidance in the way of a long lost big brother. With a bit of a wry sense of humor sometimes. :)



Yeah, I know what you mean when you say that the dreams end when you try to hold onto them. I find a lot of aspects of meditation / energy work (if not, all) are like that. Keeping yourself open and letting things move through you is the hardest part. I resonate with the whole surrender thing too, that's definately true of my experiences. I'll try that, 'let Goddess pick' thing. That sounds like fun. :)

It must have been wonderful to have had that experience with st germaine! To have him come back when you asked him to is amazing. I had something like that with some Buddist monks ( i think, they may have been Hindu!). They brought me to one of the most beautiful places I've ever experienced. So large and light. It felt like living high up in the trees of some beautiful forest. I know that sounds silly!......peace man! :)  Anyway, I tried a few times to connect with them again but so far they haven't showed up. Any suggestions or thoughts?

thanks for sharin', take it easy,


QuoteYeah, I know what you mean when you say that the dreams end when you try to hold onto them. I find a lot of aspects of meditation / energy work (if not, all) are like that. Keeping yourself open and letting things move through you is the hardest part. I resonate with the whole surrender thing too, that's definately true of my experiences. I'll try that, 'let Goddess pick' thing. That sounds like fun. :)

It must have been wonderful to have had that experience with st germaine! To have him come back when you asked him to is amazing. I had something like that with some Buddist monks ( i think, they may have been Hindu!). They brought me to one of the most beautiful places I've ever experienced. So large and light. It felt like living high up in the trees of some beautiful forest. I know that sounds silly!......peace man! :)  Anyway, I tried a few times to connect with them again but so far they haven't showed up. Any suggestions or thoughts?

thanks for sharin', take it easy,

I'm very happy to hear you are doing so well with all this. :)  As far as suggestions go..  The only -real- guide you need is the Heart, the Guru Within. Any other worthy guide is just a temporary manifestation of this guru within.  If run into guides, ask them to point you towards your own true heartvoice, and be very thankful to them.   St.Germaine only appeared to give me a good nudge in the right direction.  He doesn't really want to be God for me, and have all my power (Any guide who wants all your power is more than likely an impostor and should be shown to the door immediately)

Some beings that appear to be guides are simply manifestations of your own deeper mind. I'd just let them go and see what appears next, keep going deeper with whatever meditation technique I am using at the moment.
