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An experience that has lead to a few questions:

Started by dana, June 06, 2007, 05:11:11 AM

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Because I am blind, using a web-based forum, such as this, is rather more difficult for me than exchanging email.

I have been practicing various combinations of hatha yoga, zazen, Eclectic Wicca, and shamanic journey work, on and off, for over twenty years. In the past six to nine months, however, I have reinvigorated and intensified my practice, concentrating mainly on hatha yoga and journey work, and beginning to experiment with Reiki energy work, in just the past two months. Ever since this reinvigoration, I've begun to experience involuntary (but controllable) rolling of my wrists, and other muscle twitchings and flexings, as I move into deeper trance. I rather assumed this was a symptom of moving from an alpha to a theta state. But, because of what I experienced just last night, I now wonder if this could have been an early sign of a K awakening.

I should also explain that I am a Transgendered male, and have lived full-time as a woman for over 12 years, *without* benefit of any hormonal or surgical interventions. For several years now, ever since my gender transition was well established, my orgasms have become what some might describe as more 'female-like'-- frequently involving spasms of my entire body, and frequently coming in two or three stages, separated by periods of quiescence. but, last night, as

I lay in such a period of quiescence, I felt a bolt of energy suddenly shoot through my entire upper body, from my solar plexus or hara to my upper chest or, maybe, throat. The energy seemed to move through my core, rather than along my spine, and manifested as 30 seconds or more of involuntary bellows breathing, after my breathing had return to near normal. There was, however, no feeling of heat through my core, or elsewhere, just the involuntary bellows breathing. Could these manifestations be signs of an already begun K awakening? If so, how can I encourage/nurture further awakening?

I would consider enrolling in The Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School. But, because I am blind, I am concerned about how much of the multimedia lessons are visual, and whether I would get out of them all I should. Perhaps, individual sessions would be best for me. But, as Mystress is no longer offering these, what else might work for me? Would it be advisable to proceed to any of the initiations, without first taking FSK classes or individual sessions?

Thank you.

Blessed Be,

Lady Dana Sophia, )O(

D. S. Leslie, n[ch65533]e C. R. Guttman


Skype: dsleslie


Your Source for Discounted Ideas



Celtic/Arthurian/Faerie Wicca/Shamanism



The FST classes are not primarily visual. They consist of text material and videos. The videos can be done mostly through listening however.  So you would probably be able to attend them. I'm also quite impressed with your progress with spiritual practices and learning them while being blind. :)

Mystress generally doesn't recommend Reiki since it implants symbols and directions into the energy body, which can be a blockage later on. I had my own Reiki symbols removed, since I found that I could heal spontaneously just as fine without it.

There are so many perspectives on K awakening. If looked at from a traditional yoga perspective; if the energy moved from an area around the power chakra (Manipura), it is quite possible that the awakening began from there. (and had already been awake to some degree already) As far as how to progress, finding your own inner guidance is an imperative. Many traditions manifest an outer guru, Mystress focuses on opening and communicating directly with the heart voice.  Try this link

http://www.kundalini-teacher.com/guidance/heart.html along with the grounding excercise

Do you know that feeling of just knowing something? Often with a feeling of joy and center?  The heartvoice can manifest in different ways, but that's how I would describe it. Ask your heart voice, when you feel it is clear, about FST, ask it about your other work, such as yoga, zen, the shamanic journey etc, and see where it takes you.

Getting karma, old baggage cleared is what matters most. Kundalini seems to find her own way, when the path is clear.

I hope some of this helps!

QuoteBecause I am blind, using a web-based forum, such as this, is rather more difficult for me than exchanging email.

I have been practicing various combinations of hatha yoga, zazen, Eclectic Wicca, and shamanic journey work, on and off, for over twenty years. In the past six to nine months, however, I have reinvigorated and intensified my practice, concentrating mainly on hatha yoga and journey work, and beginning to experiment with Reiki energy work, in just the past two months. Ever since this reinvigoration, I've begun to experience involuntary (but controllable) rolling of my wrists, and other muscle twitchings and flexings, as I move into deeper trance. I rather assumed this was a symptom of moving from an alpha to a theta state. But, because of what I experienced just last night, I now wonder if this could have been an early sign of a K awakening.

I should also explain that I am a Transgendered male, and have lived full-time as a woman for over 12 years, *without* benefit of any hormonal or surgical interventions. For several years now, ever since my gender transition was well established, my orgasms have become what some might describe as more 'female-like'-- frequently involving spasms of my entire body, and frequently coming in two or three stages, separated by periods of quiescence. but, last night, as

I lay in such a period of quiescence, I felt a bolt of energy suddenly shoot through my entire upper body, from my solar plexus or hara to my upper chest or, maybe, throat. The energy seemed to move through my core, rather than along my spine, and manifested as 30 seconds or more of involuntary bellows breathing, after my breathing had return to near normal. There was, however, no feeling of heat through my core, or elsewhere, just the involuntary bellows breathing. Could these manifestations be signs of an already begun K awakening? If so, how can I encourage/nurture further awakening?

I would consider enrolling in The Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School. But, because I am blind, I am concerned about how much of the multimedia lessons are visual, and whether I would get out of them all I should. Perhaps, individual sessions would be best for me. But, as Mystress is no longer offering these, what else might work for me? Would it be advisable to proceed to any of the initiations, without first taking FSK classes or individual sessions?

Thank you.

Blessed Be,

Lady Dana Sophia, )O(

D. S. Leslie, n[ch65533]e C. R. Guttman


Skype: dsleslie


Your Source for Discounted Ideas



Celtic/Arthurian/Faerie Wicca/Shamanism
