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Women only!

Started by Wanda, October 24, 2007, 06:17:01 AM

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Does anybody care to share some info or links about the effects of the kundalini process on menstruation? Since this and the related topics seem to be permanently “under construction” on the Mystress’es websites.  :(

I was just wondering whether my very irregular cycles have something to do with having kundalini-related stuff going on for as long as I can remember. Yes, I’ve seen doctors, they couldn’t find a cause, told me it’ll get better as I get older (I’m 31, it should have sorted itself out by now), told me it’ll get better if I get children (haven’t tried it, I find it kinda extreme as a treatment option), told me it’ll get better if I get on a pill (tried it for two years, it was a nightmare). So… I’ve heard kundalini affects hormone levels?

Another thing I have been troubled with is very heavy bleeding. Why do they always talk of one-quarter cup of blood being released? In my case it’s more like half a bucket… And no, I’m not anemic as a result. It is inconvenient though. Is the amount of blood determined by genetics or diet or could it also reflect some spiritual stuff?

I have been hospitalized a couple of times for bleeding excessively for no apparent reason… Coinciding with some interesting spiritual phenomena. Like, falling into trance and racing heartbeat. This seems to be completely independent of the menstrual cycle.

I can give witness to one beneficial effect of kundalini to my periods. About two years ago, after a very intense K-experience, I stopped having PMS. No PMS. No mood swings, no pains, no nothing. For two years. Yay!!! Thank God.  :)



(Warning! If you're easily offended, do not read this.)

I had the weirdest dream during my last period. There was a woman performing oral sex on me. She was naked except for a strange black mask-headdress that covered the upper part of her face. I was wondering whether she doesn't mind that I am bleeding... But then I forgot my worries, because it felt so good.  ::) Anyway, I have no problem with my dream-self having lesbian inclinations, but this scenario was way too kinky for me. I've never been interested in this type of stuff, never had any such fantasies, the dream just came out of nowhere.

Any thoughts? Insights? Suggestions?
Keywords for a Google search that wouldn't land me on a porn site?  ;)



I'm no authority but is the kundalini the opposite gender - Divine Beloved? Occasionally when I see well developed women (ie. women with spiritual strength or vitality) it activates my kundalini in a projection of my Divine Beloved onto their inner Divine masculine qualities. Those qualities usually come out of the eyes for me. Dominance, integrity, persistance, directness and strength. The first time I experienced this it was extremely powerful and I was fear of being anhilated but now I realise that projections are largely out of my control and not to reject how I feel even if it seems odd to me at the time. Perhaps it is a conscious awareness of a woman accepting your spiritual pain?



QuotePerhaps it is a conscious awareness of a woman accepting your spiritual pain?

Well, there was no pain involved there... I felt just a little confused about the dream afterwards.

In the dream, there were two "me's", the one who was involved in the act (and who felt the pleasure) and the one who was watching the scene from the side (who thought it was all good). But the woman with the headdress was not me, I perceived her as someone else coming to me from the "outside".

I have reflected some on the dream and I did a Google search on the topic, letting my intuition guide me with the keywords and the links forward. It appears that there is a very archaic Tibetan tantric tradition about female-female oral sex in which menstrual blood plays an important role. Basically, the menstrual blood is thought to carry spiritual power. There is something about the contact between the tongue and sexual organs, and there is also something about the pleasure involved in the process, that facilitates sharing this power between persons involved in the act.

Anyway, I wouldn't waste my time with such far-fetched and remote in time and space stuff, but the headdress of the woman in my dream bore a striking resemblance to the ones worn by women performing such rituals depicted in ancient temple statuary and paintings.  :o

My current theory is, that it was a kind of transfer of spiritual energy that took place in my dream. Maybe I was released from some excess energy that otherwise would have troubled me in the form of way-too-heavy periods and accompanying trance states and such... So at least now the blood did not go to waste as it was put to good use and benefited someone else?  :)

(Then again, maybe I just secretly like being vampired upon...   ;D)


Its really cool that you found an answer to the symbolism in your dream.

Personally I've become much more bi since my kundalini started. I have quite a lot of karma to burn in recognising this attraction to women. But it's all good.

The path isn't only about integrating the opposite gender but actually all the gender aspects from the most extreme feminine to the most extreme male. Aspects which represent parts of the personality. i was disturbed for some time by some of my fantasies but now I know that it is symbolic, and that my 2 chakra was not flowing correct, I can accept it as karma that just needed to be let go through self-forgiveness.

The problem is when you don't listen to sexual fantasies and become defined by them never finding the "daddy" or the "hero" one desires to integrate into the self.


QuotePersonally I've become much more bi since my kundalini started.

Why did you tell me this when we were dating??  :'( could have mixed somthin up!  ;D


Hey, Emulated,

Are you sure you're in the right place? The topic here is Kundalini & menstrual blood...  ;)

So unless you as a man have had a personal experience of going down on a menstruating woman and something strange happening to your energy as a result - and you'd like to share it here - you're in the wrong place.

Friendly regards,


QuoteHey, Emulated,

Are you sure you're in the right place? The topic here is Kundalini & menstrual blood...  ;)

Friendly regards,

*Slowly walks outta the "Women only" thread while sweating*...  :-[ :-[ :-[ I'm tellin MUM!  :'(


Lo, another naked woman in my dream...

Naked, long black hair, eyes enormous and staring at me... She looked like DEATH. (Difficult to explain how exactly...) And she was large, bigger than human beings. And she was dark, I don't mean black as an African, just DARK... In a grayish with highlights sort of way? In a corpse-like sort of way? (Still can't explain why I'm getting this death-association...)

And she moved around like a SPIDER... Kinda floating through space, moving from one location to another in a swift and jagged movement... But her eyes never left me. And she seemed to want to seduce me... But at the same time, I was sure that if I'd go to her, she would consume me... But I was tempted to go to her... Resisted though. Not sure why. Because of the uncanny resemblance of the situation to the game between a spider and a fly? Because she was so uncanny? I'm sorry, I'm not making any sense. I am spooked.

Help, anyone?


Hi Wanda: Do a search on "Grandmother spider."  She is a native American creator diety. Grandmother Spider spins the web of the world.  It is actually a blessing to let her eat you.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


QuoteSample sex with another woman?

Oh, for chrissake, lay off the sex topic, will ya?  ::)

This is not about sex. And even if it was about sex, as I stated in an earlier post, I have no problem with my dream-self having lesbian inclinations. And BTW, I've had sex with my DB, and he is unmistakeably MALE.  ;)

What I'm asking is, has anyone had experiences with a female being, nude, dark, scary as hell?  :o


QuoteHi Wanda: Do a search on "Grandmother spider."  She is a native American creator diety. Grandmother Spider spins the web of the world.  It is actually a blessing to let her eat you.

Thanks! I'll do that.  :)  

Interesting though, what's with the native American stuff. All things considered, I should be getting deities from Finno-Ugric mythology. Or something Christian, for that matter.  :-/