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Shaktipat trouble

Started by silviomanuel, February 21, 2011, 12:42:45 PM

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Hi friends,

My name is Silvio. I have a problem. If any of the experianced friend help me I would really apreciate. I've been practising meditation with mantras especially Gayatri mantra for two years. Two months ago I had a great Kundalini awakining. I could open most of my energy centers and raise it on to the crown chakra. I guess I burned most of my karma.

My quiestion is when I talk to or get in touch to somebody, an instance shaktipat appears. Huge amount of bad energy appears in me and the person got realise. This really turned my life to a nightmare. I can hardly survive my life.

Anyone now how can I stop it or when will this be over. Is there a way to cut the energy transfer.
Thanks a lot



Please help me, I have no one to talk about this. Everything start to lose its meaning , nothing left to stand for. somebody please give me a hand... I'm desperate.

Da Zues Mon

I had the same problem after my first encounter with Kundalini.. My precious empathy, almost killed me. What really helped me with a lot of that stuff was the namaste meditation. Also, grounding always solves hosts of problems. Mystress's page on the tornado did wonders for me as well.

i found that the more I became infused into my surroundings, the more i started to become it. I guess i needed to feel other people's pain and karma at the time, i wanted to feel something. i soon found that helping people with their karma, helped me out with mine; Karma Yoga.
This was much more than I asked for(story of my life in regards to Kundalini) but i soon acquired the intimacy with my world and society i had yearned for so long.
i still find myself wanting to serve others, it seems to be ego-killing and heart-opening. Opening the heart chakra is still a work in progress for me, and it hurts to hold on to the karmic issues in that center, but I found that once i let go and cry, I feel sooo much better and wonder why i didn't just do it before, everything is ok. :D

When meditating, try to spend some time and energy strengthening your aura. Perhaps ask Goddess to channel your attention within and find refuge within the island of yourself.

Your heart voice will tell you what you need to hear, I found that i have to be centered and grounded to hear it often..But I'll hear it in the most intense karmic storms when im lost out in the cosmic sea and in need direction, when i have no other choice but to surrender to divine faith..

Love & Light Silvio, that is all you need :)


Thanks a lot brother, I' m happy that you showed the kindliness to reply my message. Even hearing that there are others that dealed with the same problems, make me feel better.

Yesterday I tried the namaste meditation, the grounding meditation which gave helping results. Thanks again. In the city I live in there isn't many spiritual persons thats why I felt that I'm all by myself.

This blessing come with a burden, maybe thats it helping others, selfless service is our duty. I wish that there would be a way to control it. I'm tring not to put my attention on others while having interaction. Otherwise a huge amount of karmic transfer apears.

I will try to survive no matter what happens, help others, help myself...
If there is a way to live a normal life again, I hope that I find it.



Hey, I can't give much advice, but hope it smooths out for you. Thought I was the only one for a while too; it's good to know there are other people in the same process!


Grounding is a good way to hold your own space and to become less involved with what's going on around you, Silvio.

Also, ask Goddess to cut the empathy cords.  Feel gratitude and say thank you.


I guess its getting better cause I started to live in a creepy flate alone but its still not stabile at all. I'm tring to ease my karma and try to raise my energy level. I see hundreds of past experiences images eveyday.

The good thing is I don't feel like insane anymore. This will pass too.

Sigmund thanks for reminding the grounding meditation, I will start to do it daily. And also the technic of cutting the empathy cord seems great. I hope that soon everything will be in order.


If you don't mind I'd like to ask another issue  that is related to this topic especially to Mystress. There are quite good materials on the site but I couldn't find a direct answer and I know this experians isn't the real shaktipat.

How do we stabilise the energy inside us? This isn't a question about psychic protection. I can invoking huge amount of energy with different technics but when I go to public or meet someone all of get gone. All my personal bounderis are lost and my magnetic aura extended because of the kundalini. 

I read in one of Mystress' article that we shouldn't give energy to anyone without their permistion. I totally agree with it. But how do we control it?

Is it just a phase or is it pernament?

I'm working on Pentagram Rituals from the Order of the Golden Dawn system, hoping to find the solution. It is written that its like you can close your kundalini (higher self) and reopen it with the ritual.


What you're feeling, silviomanuel, belongs to you and the people you're with.  You're describing the denser, more concretely impacting vibes in polarity with the higher vibrating ones that are in the space between and around you and them.   It's a normal thing to fall into.   'If they're light, then I'm the rest of the energy and this happens.' 

I'm glad you're seeing results from grounding.   With practice and focus, you'll see that you can make your way while in it.   And, you can surrender and put excess energy into it.   As you practice, you'll find that it becomes larger and more spacious, giving you more stability, balance and protection.   It will clarify and strengthen your aura, too.  You'll be able to hold your space more effectively and with less effort as you do. 

Whenever I'm focusing on grounding, I like to have my soul spark lit.  They make each other stronger in ways known and unknown.   Having yellow light and feelings of gratitude radiating in all directions from your solar plexus helps, too.    Just check from time to time to see that you're breathing normally and from the bottom of your lungs.  Gratitude, light and breathing will push stuff out and away from you and will rework things.   

Dedicating your efforts works, too.   It's a form of surrender, especially powerful when done with surrender. 

Likewise, exercise, proper rest and food that your body likes are also very important in routing attention and energy.   They make it easier to fill yourself with your attention so your energy stays more with you and you're less available for stuff from other people.

Right attention leads to right thinking which leads to right action, given free will.   The more you walk the higher path, the more you'll strengthen yourself and the better off you'll be.   Over time, you'll come to see that as your energy goes where your attention goes, you can create an oasis for yourself in the midst of things when you want.   

Just say thank you as you do.


Quote from: silviomanuel on March 24, 2011, 08:41:20 AM
If you don't mind I'd like to ask another issue  that is related to this topic especially to Mystress. There are quite good materials on the site but I couldn't find a direct answer and I know this experians isn't the real shaktipat.

How do we stabilise the energy inside us? This isn't a question about psychic protection. I can invoking huge amount of energy with different technics but when I go to public or meet someone all of get gone. All my personal bounderis are lost and my magnetic aura extended because of the kundalini. 

I read in one of Mystress' article that we shouldn't give energy to anyone without their permistion. I totally agree with it. But how do we control it?

Is it just a phase or is it pernament?

I'm working on Pentagram Rituals from the Order of the Golden Dawn system, hoping to find the solution. It is written that its like you can close  your kundalini (higher self) and reopen it with the ritual.

Read the essays on projections and empathy, practice discernment and give all your energy to your own heart and let Goddess sort things out.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community - https://kundalini-gateway.org


Thanks Mystress, you are the best.