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Diffused Beloved

Started by Da Zues Mon, February 26, 2011, 12:11:25 PM

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Da Zues Mon

I noticed she'd arrive when I needed comfort, when I was in pain, when I needed to be held and yearned for someone to talk to, when I was far gone into battle it was her voice that guided me so that I could become more fully united with her unconditional love and compassion as this process rips me apart into All That Is.

All the sudden, it seemed to me that my Divine Beloved had forsaken me, died. I can no longer feel her voice, her touch, her image. I felt alone, ashamed at myself, led to believe I had something to do with her disappearance, that she no longer loved me, that I no longer had that love for my "self".
Though, I noticed I had not been having the same desire to be held and comforted which was the primary reason I associated my Beloved with.
      But rather, despite the "death" of my DB, I'm growing a desire to comfort others.

Did I "become" my Beloved?... She must have diffused into All That Is so that I could see that she isn't only found in some image I conceived within to comfort myself but is also present in the trees, the sky, the air, my blanket, so that I could Love and embrace it all...the way she showed me was ever-presently possible.

Love & Light to All. Shine on you crazy diamonds :D


  Thats what happens... when the ego separation dissolves, you are that and is yourself reflected... you see Her reflected in All.


   Its not the end though, attach to anything, you grow a new ego around the attachment but might not notice until things get quite wierd because of enhanced power of your thoughts to creat your reality. You can end up in some strange tunnels.

  Keep grounding and surrendering what comes.

  Congrats and blessings...
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