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A dream i had

Started by A Person, January 02, 2010, 12:41:00 AM

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A Person

I was driving across canada looking for a job. I set out from victoria and slept my first night at a campsite in Hope. It was a cold windy night, arr, and i was stressed. My mind bouncing around habitual thoughts and my body racked with stress. I lay back in my truck and smoked a grizzla :) lol, and luckily i felt a release of the stress, and looking at the trees i could sense the life and felt that great love for them and all things.
I dreamt i was in a room much like a classroom or hall or something. There were people out in the room with chairs and tables, whilst looking on from a bench were several people and myself. Mystress was there too at the bench. She had amazing long fingernails that were painted intricately, and people were asking about them, and wanting to look. They werent ugly or curled up.. they were just straight and about 5 inches long. Mystress was then getting up and showing them and saying a few words about them. She had an awesome precense, i could tell that and i was a bit 'oooh shit its Mystress' lol, there was that sense of careful what you do around her.. She then turned to me and put her fingernail into my head and mind(or was it my stomach..hmm) all of a sudden all my habitual thoughts, all the bitching ones, started squirming like crazy, all running at full speed in a small ball as though they were being spent of their energy, like they can only exist outside of the light. At this point i woke up, and felt rather blown away and thankful. Just writing this is good actually i can understand more about it all now. I felt i either recoiled from the event, ending it and waking up, or it was just there to serve as a tool to learn.
Anyways it was a good dream, thanks! :)


  Way back when I was a hairstylist, I wore my nails long and sculpted because of fashion and they were a good hairstyling tool, I could even back comb with them. Not 5 inches long though! Only 3/4 inch or so. I have stopped wearing them because of discovering a connection between chronic breast cysts and environmental estrogens such as in nail chemicals.

  What you were seeing is something I have demonstrated many times, usually as one of the test visions when doing third eye openings in a live workshop. The intricate nails are a dream symbol interpretation of the beams of light extending from my fingertips. They are tools with many uses including combing out blockages and narrowly directing energy.

  Your dream is a true seeing, I hope the release gives you peace. Blessings!
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