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My energy being sucked away

Started by vivalavida, June 30, 2011, 08:06:01 AM

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Greeting everyone,

Something started to happen two nights ago. When I went to sleep, my wife started to suck my energy, she started to get it directly from the chakras, and I was having pressure in all the chakras. A side effect of this was that I released a couple of major blockages and in the process she was having kriyas but she was sleeping and did not notice.

Yesterday when I went out and stayed near somebody, he too seemed to start getting from my energy. Tonight it was a bit gentler than the first night though.

I have two ideas that come to my mind. Maybe I am doing healing, or maybe I am still not able to cope with my new energetic state and to hold my space.

Has anyone experienced something like this?



Read the essay on projections and learn to keep your energy turned inward. Your energy is not being sucked away, but it is triggering other peoples karma which then flows to you making you feel more tired. Continuing this unaware can lead to issues with the liver and kidneys.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
K-list community -


Thanks Mystress for you reply.

I had read those pages and have tried to apply what you say there from some months now. Might it be that this have something to do with the full opening of my crown chakra?
This is still going on today and gave me a headache.
I am even considering staying alone for a while as I don't want to damage myself and other people.

Thanks again


However I don't think I am projecting on anyone, these are also people I don't know at all. I was sitting in a restaurant and my energy started going towards the people behind me.

The first night that it happened that I explained above, I believe that in the process I cleared a major blockage, I cut an empathy cord with one of my family members whom I love the most. I had a big muscle movement and I heard the voice of my ego in my head calling the name of that person in panic 4 times, like it was trying not to let go.

Could it be that this Karma Yoga and Divine Will?