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Loss of Passion, A Few Other Questions

Started by Chord, June 25, 2011, 12:18:42 AM

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When my awakening started/picked up years ago, one of the early features that I noticed was an abrupt loss of interest in the opposite sex. This lack of interest has persisted to this day. In addition, a lot of my personality has become quite feminine (I am a male). Such experiences are euphoric to say the least. A lot of what I have read about this process points out that sexual energy is "redirected" up the spine. So far, I have tended to see this is what has been going on here. However, speaking to other awakened people, I have observed that this has not happened with them, and if it has, it has not been as pronounced. I asked someone quite knowledgeable in this area, and he said that such a complete loss of libido is not a normal part of the process, at least not in his experience.

I understand the point of view that we all have a particular path, and that surrender is indeed the best approach to whatever unfolds in this process. I understand that there are other ways of connecting with people, but in the physical realm of things something is just off. This leads me to something else that seems somewhat related --Loss of passion. In a way, I am the happiest that I've ever been. I laugh MUCH more than anyone that I know, I tend to enjoy the simple things in life, subtleties. But at the same time, I don't have much of a "drive". Other than some friendships (which are quite fulfilling),  I have no real interest in relationships with others. The whole game --life, its phases, its high points and low points, what is the point? What are we all doing? I can't help but feel a disconnect with it all. It is like apathy, yet it is most certainly not a depression. But I must wonder, is this healthy? My other concern is that some other chronic condition that I've been dealing with (severe allergies, chronic fatigue, migraines) may have something to do with it.

Final question....So I have met someone who is most certainly awakened. I won't get into details, but a lot of interesting things have happened with her. Upon meeting her, we both saw numbers around us (222,333, etc). I'm convinced that we were supposed to meet and whatnot, but I'm not sure exactly what it is. I mean, I can't help but feel a bit juvenile and spiritually naive bringing this up here, but I'm wondering if anyone else has had such seemingly "arranged" meetings with other kundalini-activated people. Are we just supposed to "vibe" off of each other? I kind of feel like eventually I will know what it has all been about, but I can't help but wonder.

I apologize for being so long winded here, haha.  :)



Our true being is both male and female.  As we progress on the path, we reintegrate the two parts, so what you are feeling is very common.  There are also two sides of the path, growing Kundalini and growing silence. As the silence grows, overall desire diminishes (including sexual).

You may have found your "soul mate", but your concept on who is attractive changes as  you progress.  You will probably find all "awakened" individuals more attractive. Awakened individuals radiate energy that many can feel/see.

As to the "end game", we all have to figure that out for ourselves... :)

Peace & Love.


Hello Jeff, thanks for your insight.

Concerning this person I met --I tend to think that I'm supposed to help her somehow. I came into her life when a lot of things were not really going well for her, ie "luck". I broke a "pattern" in a way and have been helping her deal with an entity as well. I've seen her progress and I'm convinced that she has a bright future ahead. I've sensed the shakti radiating from her as well, I see it in her eyes sometimes.

I am generally a bit cynical when it comes to the soul mate concept, but she really thought that was what was happening. The numbers were interesting, the "signs" were interesting, as were the dreams. Yet, romantic chemistry doesn't seem to really be there; not that I have much desire these days anyway. I'm not too concerned about it though, I have this intuitive feeling that it will make sense eventually, if I let things play out.


Hi Chord!

I get the impression you are not as deeply grounded in your body as you could be. If you're not in your body, but instead hanging out in upper chakras, you don't feel bodys basic needs so well. Lower chakras are not yet fully opened and cleared. They hold the sticky issues of sex and death, power struggles and so on. Not always funny clearing them but wow the benefits!

Yes, the sacred marriage within is very real process and makes you more open and comfortable to your feminine side. You might want to connect with Her, inside of you? Your one and only, true soulmate. Check the article about Divine Beloved here in K-teacher site. Your Beloved can lead you to sexual ecstacy...

Migraines, fatigue and allergies are common among awakened ones. Closed crown, karma load,  nervous system over load, excessive empathy and oversensitivity... To name few possible causes for those symptoms. It's tricky to live in a normal daily western world when kundalini rebuilds us. You might find K-teacher articles about empathy and karma clearing useful.

I have met over the years many so called soul mates, heh! All loaded with signs and synchronisities. All of those people helped me to grow yes, but it never really was what I thought first. Your attitude towards your connection seems very mature :)

Love, Mari