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Kundalini Spasms

Started by Keeper232, September 29, 2010, 01:07:45 AM

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 Hey, I am new to this board and I wondered if I could get some advice on how to deal with a kundalini rising problem that I have been having.
  I had what I presume was a kundalini experience about 7 years ago which involved uncontrollable shaking in my upper body and arms (it happened as I was reading a book on light beings and it suddenly this understanding became "real" to me).
   What is happening now is similar, but in my lower body. What happens is very powerful spasms, that seem to be originating in the area of my sacral bone and the feeling of a point of electrical energy a few inches back from my perineum.  It tends to occur during deep meditations\relaxation, or on the verge of sleep. The energy doesn't seem to move up or down, almost as if it is being stopped at its point of origin.
    The spasms are of great intensity, causing my whole body to convulse and it can be quite painful. I have tried to let it have its way, but after several hours it seems no different and I am usually exhausted after such a period of time.
    I have tried to "look" at the blockage, or dialogue with it and it resembles a fallen power line whipping about. Unfortunately this only ends up with me being "electrocuted" and not being able to focus on it. It reminds me of an angry tiger locked in a room that mauls me if I try and peek inside!
    It doesn't appear to have any emotional content for me, but of course it is hard for me to focus on anything other that detaching from the pain.
     I have been for acupuncture which lets it abate for a period, but soon returns. Reiki seems to make the problem worse (I guess more energy is not the answer) and methods of grounding it out only diminish it for a time.
   Is it just a case of letting itself play out? Or is there a way of facilitating this process?



   Its physical, looks like a misalignment of the sacrum due to some old accident. K likes a straight spine and the intense kriyas are an effort to straighten out what got locked up.

  Get a good chiropractor, and a rehabilitation care specialist who does myofascial release techniques. Getting your posture corrected and your spine straight will give many long term benefits to your awakening process.
Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School
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Quote from: Mystress on December 08, 2010, 09:53:18 PM

   Its physical, looks like a misalignment of the sacrum due to some old accident. K likes a straight spine and the intense kriyas are an effort to straighten out what got locked up.

  Get a good chiropractor, and a rehabilitation care specialist who does myofascial release techniques. Getting your posture corrected and your spine straight will give many long term benefits to your awakening process.

Thank you for taking the time to look. You were spot on, I didn't find it through a chiropractor but through letting the kriya do what it needed to. Lot of issues arose as the stuff was being shaken free, resolution I am not sure a chiropractor would have been able to give me. The blockage is right on my sacral bone and it turns out issues above this in the sacral chakra were obscuring me being able to percieve it. I can stretch it out in a slightly differentiated Child's pose and by relaxing the area. This is allowing energy to flow into my legs...although it make my eyes and legs very tired when it "pops" open. The process is still continuing, but I wanted to let you know and to say thank you!