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Kundalini and shamanism

Started by Dougal MacDougal, July 20, 2011, 09:08:24 AM

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Dougal MacDougal

Before I start I'd like to say that I have read Mystresses article on shamanism and I am not a shaman and I am not asking if I am so please don't get cross with me:)!
I am writing because I recently saw an interview with the Scottish Shaman Michael Dunning and I felt his experiences were very similar to mine.
My kundalini awakened two years ago, I won't go into it because I'm sure that you've heard that sort of thing many times before. I ended up reading about shamanism as I was l don't really relate to eastern methods and was searching for a way to place my awakening in a more Celtic/British framework which is my background. Since my awakening I've had OBEs, lucid dreams, visions ect. Basically the 'normal' k phenomena which I try not to pay to much attention to, I just let the Goddess have her way.
However two events seem to me to be more than just phenomena. The first was about a year ago. I was standing in our field at night. I was having some doubts and I asked fir a
sign. Immediately under the branches of a tree to my left, a
ball of light/fire began to manifest out of thin air. It was about
6 feet in the air and grew to be about 4 feet wide, it was 
orangey red. It then flew quite slowly in front of me leaving a
tail like a comet until it reached the tree on the other side of
the field. I found myself staring open mouthed at a giant
supernatural fireball with a tail 150 feet long! I really can't
convey how incredibly beautiful and otherworldly this was.
After this my K got very strong for about 3 days. It was
pleasure to the point of pain and at times it felt like my face
was being stung by a thousand bees.

The second event happened last winter solstice, there was also
an eclipse that day so obviously it was special. I woke up about
4am and knew immediately that there was a prescence above
me. It seemed to be waiting for ne to be aware of it. It then
flowed into my body. It was thick, viscous and a but sore. It
was silvery like mercury, it felt like the moon had melted into
me and it was a great feeling of love. For about a week after this I had incredibly string silvery viscous K like I've never felt before or since. On Xmas I got really I'll and was bedridden for 12 hours as my body purged. When my k awakened it clearly came from inside me but whatever this was just as clearly came from outside. I assume it was the goddess but don't know for sure.
Two very similar things happened to the Scottish shaman but with different effects. He too woke in the night to find a prescence with him that flowed into him. He also described this as viscous. However whilst what came into me was living what went into him was like darkness and began his shamanic illness. He also so a bolt of light, but whereas mine left me awestruck, his hit him in the head knocked him off his chair and deepened his illness.
As well as the usual snake dreams I am also visited by many other animal teachers like spiders, scorpions, beetles, giant black dogs, owls ect. Is it possible to have a K awakening with shamanistic overtones? Can you be in a way the opposite of a shaman, same kind of initial experience different outcome? Any thoughts would be welcome.
Sorry for the long first post.


Yes kundalini awakening has many similarities with shamanic initiation. Wild stuff, spiders, snakes whatever... Archetypal symbolism your unconsciousness uses during your awakening. What you don't seem to have in your experiences, is the archetype of death himself. Mr Death hasn't come courting you as a ever present spirit, that nobody cannot exorsice away. You're on the path of enlightenment, it's wonderful and doesn't have so much pain and terror shamanic initiation has. Be grateful :)

Dougal MacDougal

I'm totally grateful and delighted with my J process, I was just very intrigued by the similarities:)


Mari, would it be okay to ask you to explain what you mean when you talk about Mr. Death come courting being an ever present presence? Thank you.


Hi Pippysoo!

From the Kundalini Teacher article "Shamanic initiation":
"For Shamans, Death shows up as a spiritual being, an ever present spirit teacher-guide whom you get to know, and eventually integrate with. It is an ongoing relationship. "

The clearer the initiate gets, more the relationship with the Shamanic guide starts to be like love relationship. Welcome relief after the harsh treatment of initial clearing phase. Integrating can be also understood like getting married. I encourage people who are interested about the subject to read the K-teacher article, and recommended books.


Mari  :)

Thank you for the reply...immediately after posting, I did go to Mystresses' site and found the shaman. initiation.  However,  your reply helps as well, esply in terms of viewing it as a marriage(loving relationship), what I had only recently come to see it as in the past few days. You have helped greatly, Mari. Thank you much again.