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Posts by lasagne

Started by lasagna, August 23, 2011, 04:53:20 AM

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With sacred ness thats blessed times nine
we bring the demon of slavery to its end time
no more anywhere shall we find
anyone or living thing forced into an unkind bind
treated like they are not aligned with the
same life and feelings as anyone else, we are not blind
and the sun does shine in every heart, a sun of sudden health
what forced us together does break apart and melt
no more joined by the chains of old views in alchemical art
but the joy of the sounds of the eternal now's start
where we share a beginning and we share a heart
the place of InI and the small King's round table (the King who is not a king)
now dreams are come true, and living are fables
we come together, free of old heartless labels, in empathy and in love
thats able
no one needs to  fall down, when we pass the truth fully on
the entire ground rises, the earth is in space and in song
and life is full of suprises, when we let joy flow on
share in herb, spiritual and wordly treasures,
make love with joy and spontaneity and make sacred our simple pleasures
from the coccoon of the old moon we rise like butterflies
from old conceptions of division and rejection which we have outgrown inside
now outside, we can fly, like old Mira Bai
we have sprung new wings, and we fly with a message how sweet freedom rings
and the world once again is filled with magical things, they never had left
only hiding it seems, we can accept our hearts wonders and abundance in dreams
that bridges to life, the living tapestry's seams
are moving in time
dancing with the wisdom instilled by the Divine
and so our world now truly awake, we live our own way and we make our own fate
we weave our own dreams and open our own gates
all peoples and ways which were hidden we now appreciate
as they again they shape to teach, which is real
where before they were scared
no one will judge you, we love you, for this moment we have prepared
fear not, for all are secretly friends, and the weapons of our adversaries
we find are only
are only pretend
only waiting for the message to send, amplified on the tips of a thousand pens
everything is free
No one can own Wakan Tanka!!
all beings are one people


we are the gallae from frackanie
we are the hexagons
we are the sexagons
we are totally free
we don't cause in bondage or believe in it
those are the lies and delusion of the triarchy
those are the tricks of the mystery
we are the healing in the forest
we are the rhythm of the gaia's cities
we are the branches and roots back to wanti
we are the wise upon the wayful way
that seemed wayless
only yesterday
all beings are one people


I think its important to have Shekinah Awakening, my backround is by chance heavily rooted in Jewish Mysticism, and I'm surprised to have never come across this term, I especially think its important for those who are interested in the Judeo Christian religions, especially in current times, the spirit within the texts must live again as it did ancient within the trees, people are spiritually ready in this age to break free from the old paradigm keeping its original spirit and purifying it, to hear the Divine Spirit again, as we have been, channeling and being inspired, communing with the Spirits and higher consciousness. Perhaps this is what was meant by the 2nd Coming of Christ, all the painful and meaningless moments within the bible, can be undone and the message still kept pure. As a moral person, and someone who doesn't seek to control or own nations there is much within the bible which I am against, and was possibly altered, there was a period where I went through the Torah and added notes, pertaining to secret references to kundalini, also to the freeing of slaves, the end of bondage, and lack of need for offerings that cause death. The Torah is sacred but it is not the whole picture in its raw form, it needs the Shekinah, the indwelling divine, to activate the second half of it so it can really be a reflection of divine healing and truth, have no fear but trust the goodness of your own heart, where the Divine dwells first, listen to the trees, and everything around you, this is the true test.

Islam Needs more Kabbalists

Note Islam needs more Kabbalists for letter permutation, we did it to
the torah, Jesus and folk did it in the bible, now they've got to do
it to the Qu'ran! Allah us are one people! aigy friends

a lot of people dont realize thats what the essence of spirituality is
about so much in the torah/bible/quran is so wrong, and violent and
oppressive, the idea is, you're supposed to be inspired within
yourself (the shekinah) to write over that, and not follow it, if you
are a good person, dont let yourself be represented by something that
doesn't reflect your views, theres always something wrong with the raw
product, you've got to refine it yourself think for yourself...

can't be attached to names, the true source is every name, and
everything... who can argue with that? follow your heart, love...
Blessed Bee :)


Allah doesn't take accept sacrifices that hurt others, nothing and no
one in this world can ever be owned, it all belongs to everyone, the
true Israel (Wanti) is in all of our hearts, the hearts of all beings,
the heart of life. Love is the essence of all things.

All acts of beauty are the celestial music of the spheres worship of
the underlying unity of all things, all manifestations of the divine
are one, Nature is the true heaven, Nature is Allah, Nature is Adonai
Nature is the Yomo and Yaveyetta, Nature is You, Nature is Me, Nature
is InI, Nature is the true Magic, Nature is Sulos which is Love.
Intentions matter.

Never leave the ones you love behind.

hold onto nothing and you will recieve everything

its impossible to leave the ones you love behind
they'll always be with you somehow

even if you just write everything is Love, and all beings are free,
that is enough, write what comes to you the Spirit will show you the

"Working on the psyche lay beyond exercising ethical behavior on the
practical level of daily interaction. To nourish the spiritual center
in the heart and cultivate the first level of mystical
consciousness-Awe- the Chaverim of Safed followed a course of
instruction laid out by the brilliant scholar and teacher Moses
Cordovero. Imitating the thirteen attributes recited in his/her daily
prayers, the mystic attempted to reinforce in her/himself the
following pattern of egoless behavior:
1. Forbearance in the face of insult.
2. No hesitation in ending and working against evil.
3. Pardon, to the point of erasing the evil suffered.
4. Total Identification with his/her neighbor.
5. Complete absence of anger, combined with appropriate action.
6. Mercy.
7. Eliminating all traces of vengefulness.
8. Forgetting suffering inflicted on him/herself by others and
remembering the good.
9. Compassion for the suffering without judging them.
10. Truthfulness.
11. Mercy beyond the letter of the Law with the good.
12. Assisting the wicked to improve without judging them.
13. Remembering all beings always in innocence."
- Kabbalah The Way of the Jewish Mystic by Perle Epstein
all beings are one people


nothing exists, this is the world of samsara, the world of sense
pleasures, it is wholly illusion and empty, it is and has always been
an infinite hologram which is non being, wanti
all things and matters are even lighter than light and more transient
than the mist and air, this is the greatest of loves

there are so many cabbages for eating on the corners, sun of lianel
rain and pristine shimmering the heroes of the spiritual ballets come
forth to gauge themselves in the waters of life as the balls of fire
fall into the sea of love
ah for the titans sing now in majestic wonder, coarsing brilliant in
inconsequential runes of delight cross the unsuffering breeze where
wait smaller worlds of fairies and human ease, greased upon the great
weavery of the laughing ones, across the stone, have spilled the
seeds, the seeds of wandering souls rampant like gypsies living in
things, giving life to machine softening edges and ledges, making
worlds in beautiful site, our magics have astounded once more the
scientist in childlike delight, for he sits with us today, and his
love defying reason, and reason defying love have met again across the
seasons and become a peaceful dove to preach the opening of the
legions unto the realm of untouched dream, where materia is still
breathing, and all our hearts may be fulfilled finally in our own
space floating, BE, Sun!
we've given way to unseen theatrics, somehow it is purer than any
could know, the naked soul, the magic of authentic delusion, the
hearth of the spirit, too deep, too wide to tell, everything, we were
so lost for so long, now the wantis rise again and they've taken all
along, spilling forth with hugs of goodness, and with the brightness
of the colors, shaking and waiting, as the rainclouds pour their
gentle blessings, meditatively masturbating pon the earth, to bring
back the dirth, and  surf as we know our mirth is without perfection,
so many reflections lead to lessons in spontaneous blessing, for every
priestess knew and waiting in every shaman's brow and wandering again
through the unseen a most heroic mother cow
we sing ye, live, we sing ye live, Yomo! where the heart is, instill
us deep with the truth of this goneness, this forgotten, this miracle
of mind, restore us all the magic moments like so maany living jewels
which forever have lined all awareness, scattered, oh ye great natural
gatherer, ye magnet of our love bring us together, beyond the
flailings of the clovers which burn in the great fires of the hip
ones, shouldering featherweight fates and jumping her loosened straned
with sublime wings, crafted by a Goddess deep within, a Goddess
readily mixing with everything, all the time I die and love and life
comes abound great warriors were they, caught in the deepest healing
groud, eternal are their measures, for knowing not they strike  and
like sparks ignites not suffering but bliss without end, know this
and we knew as we poured out among the fields, we knew with what great
ease the prophets yield, and spoke in turn and thus the worlds had
formed from rifts in that warm yet icy sea yet great quakes and our
hands to the founding primordial grounds gave great elates, like a
twittering woman, primordial original, from deep within was summoned,
the greenness and the rainbows of the natural shapes, gaping from
every gape, food and all manner of lake and  cave and mound and knoll
and straw and grasses, tao and bowl, and even coal, and even flame,
and suddenly there were no names, but only truth pure and ringing, a
dance pulling in everything, the dance which the Yomo knew, which we
all fell into, knowing nothing else, but through and through dancing
to good health, and innocence and good delight among it all. Overthrow
me, for I am good, in me is deep love,  I am a dragon of ways most
wise, only here I have stood and waited encased almost in stone,
though you have all seen my sweat and verily been a part of it, now ye
rearrange and undo the moats and I float through, for I am the deep
love which unites all of you, I am the sound and light, I am not
different from ye, come let us take flight
and so some did go and some did stay and a description was not meant
for anything, as some merely rolled joints and thought of later
ecstasies and prayers to stir the thickness in their hearts where
perhaps some greater love did truly creep others, though to reap right
then and there and they were both equal for their share and sprang the
buddhas in shrooms and in the light and heavy airs, with words to lay
bare that nothing was really there, and in our gnosis the confusing
styles were true bliss and it was the beginning of the nile and every
river which kissed us and made us into fish, and everything, much
before this time, and even now, even know for words live and live
again as we do and not in dissonance, jumping to arrangements and
arrangements oh upto, ye are strange, come ye and love, for all is
Dianandia, we see nothing but Dia, making love all the time, all the
time dying and giving birth, all of it is myself, blessed be it all!

And we did as all beings, a world created again, twas our sacred
rhythm, from the sacred love of one to twenty ten, oh senseless
numbers, come forth as freely as ye would, adorned within a bone, the
dream of this sleeping neighborhood, of the trees.

I came to Yunaeo, and he bent slightly in the wind all the hills were
alive then and the squirrels scattered quickly, oh the clean slate of
inspiration and the natural comings and  goings, all the oaks in their
formations calling, calling, the bard knowing, deep and sharded off,
in silent shamanic knowing, where worlds birthed tinily as portals, in
the summer they are snowing, but its alright for it matters night at
these annexes there is a sacred lot, there is unknown and non
distinction there is peace and a dharma of every inkling, again it
flows for the guardians have gone by some divine fate, and so we sing
our song, we angels, we blessings, we who know who we are
we are nothing we are you, we are flying, falling

all beings are one people


So I dropped out, In elementary school I was the peaceful nerdy one, I
just liked to go home and play computer games, school was not bad
though, and I had pretty good relations with everybody, but as I got
older (like by 3rd grade) I didn't really have any close friends, but
everyone liked me, I figured I was like the halflings of dungeons and
dragons, everybody's second best friend and it was a role I took on
proudly! I never really did work outside of school, because I could
pass the tests and I understood the lessons so I didn't really
understand why we were doing it, it just seemed like busy work. It
would always come up when report cards came around and I would say I
just forgot, I forgot my homework. I hated the feeling of guilt but it
was never enough to actually get me to do the work. Luckily I had a
teacher, in elementary school who saw a poem I wrote and was
dumbfounded by it, and by the end of the year he just let me sit in
back of the class and write stories for most of the day, he was the
best teacher I ever had, just for his sheer audacity, I mean, wow
looking back he really taught me a powerful lesson, that things could
change, and people out there do understand.

By the time I got to high school I was mostly the same, I realized
life was just a joke and very much into spirituality taoism, zen, and
the oneness of all things, as far as I was concerned school was just a
time to meditate and practice kindness and be around interesting
people, my grades were bad because I did no homework and even though I
passed most tests and did well in class it brought my grades down a
lot. I didn't care though, I had gotten used to the cycle, i didn't
need praise. I just tried to live in the moment. I took a yoga class
which I really enjoyed, and also began smoking weed, which I was
convinced was the path to enlightenment. I first really understood
meditation after I got high for the first time, and realized the world
is not at all what we think of it in everyday reality, my concepts of
life were shattered, I felt like I had seen God, and that all the
spiritual ideas I had come across where making sense in a whole new
light, it seemed like secretly everyone knew these things and that the
universe was just a conspiracy to get back to this point, I was kind
of suprised when I came down, I thought I would be there forever. But
I certained gained a renewed since of confidence in my approach. Yoga
also helped, I was lucky to have a school which offered this class,
the teacher saw I was a good student and even taught some kundalini
yoga to me, which I did later alone and ended up having an experience
equal to when I first got high and even more so because no drugs were
involved. I spent a lot of time walking around in nature, trying to
clear my mind of thoughts, and just see things as they really are.
Some amazing things happened and I learned to really be in the moment,
I had no real worries then, it was the happiest time of my life,
everything made sense to me.

Around this time I met a really good friend of mine, I began skipping
school because I realized it just wasn't for me, and wasnt neccesarily
the only way and I would smoke weed with friends because we had a
pretty big stoner community or go off alone and meditate, make art,
play guitar or study zen koans. Zen always had a very big appeal to
me, because the masters were so aloof and yet so alive seeming, they
just seemed like great people in every aspect, I wanted to be like
them. But yeah, the friend, he had very hippie-ish parents who smoked
weed and used to trip, and we ended up spending a lot of time
together, he showed me books about Don Juan and talked about shamanism
and I decided maybe that was the way for me, it seemed to resonate in
me ,even though I wasn't exactly sure was a shaman was. The books were
very interesting though.

Finally one day, another friend randomly gave me a call and asked me
if I wanted to trip acid with him and I said YES. I had been smoking
weed for about a year and I read so much about acid and the insights
that it gave and the beautiful experiences people had I wanted to
experience it for myself. So we took it and once again, my foundations
were shattered. I lay in bed that night unable to sleep observing the
world that I lived in, how it all was a reflection of me, I saw how
the universe was created, and everything referenced back to a singular
point. I realized that anything was possible then, and that I
shouldn't let fear hold me back. So the next day I arose with a
totally new outlook. I felt as if reborn, I felt like I had reached
enlightenment for real. I was ready to start living life in my own
way, regardless of others opinions.

I told my parents I wanted to drop out but they said no, so I kept
going to school.  Finally there was a break, my parents were angry
because of bad grades again, and they had caught me smoking weed and
since they had no experience with it themselves over reacted hugely
and were going to move me to another school and not let me see any of
my friends anymore, so I ran away. I came back though a day later and
me and my mom had a huge argument.. which ended in me saying I wasn't
going to live there anymore, then my mom said I couldn't take any of
my things, so I said fine. I left and went to a parking garage where I
jumped off, trying to kill myself, I felt like this was the end, I had
learned everything I neeed from life, and that things were telling me
to just let go.

I fell three stories onto the half frozen snow below and ended up not
being too badly injured after all. I was unconscious for a bit, then I
just got up and walked back home. no one saw, but my eye was bloody
and I couldn't see from it and neck was kind of messed up. Seeing this
my mom got really scared and called the ambulance.

I ended up in the psych ward. I felt like it was heaven, I met good
people who had similar views as I, and got back into an okay state.
When I returned home, my parents let me drop out. So now, continue to
meditate I understand that life is infinite and its not a matter of
being finished.. its a matter of love, loving all things and enjoying
the experience as it presents itself, it its endless variations, the
joys and sadness are all part of it, and make it into a very beautiful
poem. I play music and make art, and practice shamanism, trying to
form a new world, that is not so rigid and crazy, a world based on
self realization and truth, and rejoicing in the wonder and mystery of
existence. This worldview is what I call Wanti, but it has no meaning.
I feel like a spirit has been guiding me through all of this and
continues to guide me, as I delve deeper into live and experience. I
thank everything, and go into the unknown. Right now I am looking for
kindred spirits.
all beings are one people


Fairies are a unique thought manifesting in living, through being.
Their culture, in much like ours, through All, often like a window,
they appear. For food, the fae have brought these tidbits of thought,
weaving a story of their own, mostly in sacred space, where word
rarely escapes. Through ritual and a revival of the old way, which is
constant, they appear, as seperate manifestations of nature, like the
clouds, communicating in mind. Often upon small trees, in intricate
communities, hidden from the normal sight, and for good reason. Often
though, love and sincere longing brings them into ones awareness,
though it may be hard at first to communicate, effectively, as one
goes through the process of becoming one of the tribe, if its felt
that this is necessary, though the world of fae is not static as is
the world of humans, residing upon toadstools, and in such impermanent
residences, there are mostly of the spirit, ethereal, rarely, a group
comes to share their secrets, as they have, the fairies of Olan Dita,
in hopes of restoring the Gaian mind, upon earth, everything,
everything is alive, so it could be said that this is an aspect of
ones self. Of course this is the resulting dance created by human
beings with their cultures in contact with the fairy way, there is a
clash, and blending that takes place, in space, through God. Though
the flowers, that we bring, and offer, are beautiful and true, it is
from the deepest intention that they are brought, things set in motion
before we can even begin to concieve, the roots of things, that govern
our external and internal worlds. The Fae, playing such intregal part
in these processes of the world, of course have much to consider in
each action, just as we do, until finally a language is established
and trust. Its true, we both have our rituals and processes and
conceptions which we bring to the table, and also there is the matter
of the beings of the sky, wandering blindly in these realms, where
Wanti begins to pour forth from ones heart, and the knowledge of
certain beings, who are in many cases completely disbeliefed, it is
the defense of the society, at its core, which is fading away in the
rise of fairy consciousness, and love, agape, and non violent and
listening, communion with nature. The violence must go, the plants
must be allowed to sing, it is the quiet awe of a deep breath, the
slight split moment of holding back, which rises, the fae instead lead
us to this way of being, which is more the point. There are elaborate
systems of defense, and of seperate meant to keep these beings safe,
set up by their friends, just like the pineal gland, is protected by
the brain and the skull and the heart protected in the chest, largely
because of ignorance, traversing these levels of awareness, and
elaborating on a pureness which is true.
I ramble here, because for long I have been kept silent, by the status
quo, by the energetic fields that have grown around the fae, who in
most cases are all but completely squandered, surviving only upon
faith, or in progressively subtler and subtler form, as the culture is
not at all a place where they would flourish, and yet its with
courage, and strength, that we must preserve this tradition, based in
whimsy, as those who find themselves in contact with Humanity, and
humanities, are often those young and foolish, or those purposely
abound for mischief, or those merely protecting us from what we are
not ready for, and indulging in a predefined imagine, tourism. This is
one world, and the only way to go beyond it is through communication,
empathy, and self determination, because really on a mature level the
question becomes about who one really is. Those who are drawn to
nature, by its shapes and its endless mystery, the patterns there that
are ineffable, and sacred and inspired by the Goddess, they often
wonder why, it is a spirit in the fractal imagery and the systems that
hold all together, without effort, acknowledging non existence,
because truly it is the plants, who speak to us, through so many ways,
so many patient statements, over a series of nature scenes, the
arrangement of the rocks, the leaves in the trees, again the hushed
heaving of breath and the breathing of the entire living mystery that
surrounds us. Words, and a staticness are the only enemies and yet,
they are also great healers, to keep and preserve the total good, and
move from the bad, there are so many ways of thinking, and
philosophies abound, all of them surround awareness, like the flora of
the world surround the soil, which surrounds the core, and in the end,
what is there? Its that these words come from no where, and going
about in life we have our games, and those who see the game for what
it is, who are no better than the serious ones, life simple shapes
itself again and again, sometimes as space, sometimes as the taoists
wanderers of old had found in their journeys through boredom, as the
yin and yang, the whole being, but yet all of it is changing
constantly, and no ideal will stand for long, aside from a vague of
idea of an ideal itself, in a general sense, getting better. Lying
near the water, I looked and for once, found the words, the
expression, inspiration which was stolen from me, through suspicion
and an overly worded world, where there were no terms and no means for
me to express, my love was there. I did not know how to say it before,
but its that that I consider real, and this world to be the game, that
is something that is beyond game, and she met me there, quietly and
for an eternity, for long I didn't write but now I must, and overthrow
the shackles of so many assumptions and fruitless searches, searching
for understanding, I simply speak the language of the trees, and the
world speaks to me, and we wander together, in silent knowing, the
boon of wanti, the sprouting and cadence of poetry, i.e. what is a
beautiful feeling arising of relaxation upon a strained back. There is
much urge to cover oneself, and to express only vague sentiments, but
to really get purely at these matters many words are neccesary, not in
a row.

but words,

and space.

that which is always there, and has never left.

that is my love, but how can I explain this, it is the explanation
that is the fucking, and it is the audience, who is imaginary, yet I
go to them, because there is a feeling there, and for long this was
understood but I know now, as I imagine,  what is neccesary for life,
and pass beyond the corridors defined by the past, though lovingly,
there is so much more beyond this and the revolution is not quiet nor
is it loud, again lest it become defined by the assumptions of others,
for those who bring about this kind of change must be vessels to some
extent, but there needs to be originality there, so the Fae bring
about love, sulos. Wanti is a place, and perhaps it is this world, I
only see the rolling hills, yet for an eternity, I have been there. It
is through the loneliness and knowing of myself that perhaps it was
intentionally forgotten, through the jerk reaction of those around me
that is was repressed, but like the medicine that tastes badly,
sometimes it seems bad at first, but not all of the time.
Write your heart, this I must do, in another way, though I search for
the right pastures, where there are those like me, I am faced with the
realization that we may be the last of our kind, only now finding
similarity in the long narratives, in words, which the kaballists
analyze and put beyond, all true meaning and extract only an energy
from, that is beyond me. There cannot be any forcing on any part, but
we all must be able to express ourselves, unfettered. I think its
simply the rushedness of life, often its assumed the way its been
going is correct, but is it? I'm understanding now, you must use many
methods at many different times, and I'm really happy to do that, I
haven't yet found what I want to be, only what I do not want to be,
maybe I will never find another in this world in this way, and I will
not feign to explain for people who don't understand. I don't
understand why they come about. I lost the way, I found this, when I
started smoking salvia again, is it that the plant has changed, to
become more palatable to our insane and disrespectful usage of its
gifts. I myself even found myself, going on the internet, if only in
some desperate and misunderstood attempt to help to heal this world,
and perhaps it did happen, because I saw how natural it all was, and
came to harmony, though appearing different, I came to a true
realization of myself as I really am, I am 'insane', and for me this
is a healthy state, in time, it could be supremely useful, but of
course people are drowned in their preconception, my family is drowned
in their own struggles and so me and flo are perhaps the only ones
recieving of this knowledge, like islands, and knowing there are many
islands out there, just completely without the words to preserve, and
find others like them, perhaps there is not point, for there is
eternity, but perhaps the words are the escape from hell, and the
salvation of this word, so I say it, sulos, wytipodating, to me its
merely an action its a part of me, like a yawn, this is how God used
to be, to people it was just plainly there, and here it delves into
psychological ground, wherein I find myself again, like a hobbit, in
conversation with the natural world, which knows me truly. I do what I
do, and there is only this way for me, what resides a bit further?
all beings are one people


We are the Sidhe, the first people that we know of to build what is like your computers out of grass and tune into the internet with a series of rocks, vines, and resonators all occuring naturally in nature, we harness the energy of natural features and find where it invites us in and live lives many think of as elemental

in magic much like science it is the bringing together of elements, in a sacred transformational process easiest understood through the slow alchemy of the seasons, the spheres of energy, in drawing and astral sight gather around the caster, much like the base elements around the scientist, and over time through some arcane energetic process of animism in which what appears as metaphor literally takes place as physical reality in a series of jumps into other levels of consciousness and planes, only the process is usually more somatic and imaginatively based, whereas the scientist is more grounded and works directly on a physical level, in a way science could be seen as a kind of white magic which gives unto society, though in the opinion of many in the magical community, its dogma has become a bit oppressive and ignorant of the infinite power of the mind, though quantum sciences and physics are a classic crossroads where this wounded healer aspect, and inability to stray too far from prior belief systems is overcome and new paradigms are able to grow in a fertile pasture/grove/wood of the spirit, among dreams which are not distinguished from reality

in fact, it is the dreams which are the beginnings of revolutions among high vibration spheres inside of us, which come together by means of the will, and an unconscious force which some call mana or ness, which actually is the whole of what we interact with daily and live upon, the energy of everything.

if you go around the tree of life for instance to each branch continously you will learn a bit at each branch, and in your cycle eventually come to see how it all fits together, you can slowly notice which spheres are attracting you, then give attention to the quality of those spheres, not loosing oneself in appearances of angels and heavenly realms, but not shunning them or their guidance either, but knowing at the core that everything is emptiness, that wholeness is silent,

eventually it all activates itself, the mystic is able to embrace the realm of society at a point forever sanctioned, which was set apart ancientlly as the point of integration, of spirit and matter, a neutral ground, overcoming old distinctions and living in a way true to your heart, to your divine purpose, as you gravitate continously toward a non linear realization which is somehow equally present at all parts, a different kind of intuitive intelligence which has always nurtured and governed the world, this way of being and knowing is a key place where miraculous things can occur. the elements are activated in full and begin to come together, you get used to putting them together, and notice the resonances between certain combinations, and the feeling of all in harmony, then again all of them dissolve away, and they are all one, all things are one, and love shines in all of them

the reality of these energies is overwhelming not only within but also without, the beauty of the spiritual path, and the jewish tradition is its mystical aspect of the fragmented self, of the self in mystical ecstasy, which speaks even from another mouth, even within the plants themselves, and the synchronicity of random events which orbit round our perception by some intricate law of energetic attraction/repellance yet we recognize it as the self, as I am, so is the world, as the world is so am I, let us breath, let us cultivate our energies positively, and fall to no false limit, attain our ambitions, and come to rest again in blessed harmony with nature and eternity though our wonder at the divine, which is everywhere...

it is percievable as the wayless way, which takes all things and makes them wander, causer of all senseless simple actions, and life lubricating poetries, elbow grease.

the actual trappings of ego are overcome and the underlying pattern which is the fundament of the self and existence becomes apparent, alive in every tradition, non tradition, and random expression, like the Great Mother, it is known to transform to any form which it need come in, most compassionately, (be wary for sometimes She is hard to recognize, and it is only later that we know, but all is part of the plan,) for to the One who sees truly all forms are equal and immaterial, to the One who sees truly the end of suffering and key to life is in this realization, the doorway to that expansive and loving realm, from which all good things come and all lessons are taught.

let us be as impermanent as possible in our doings and impressions, let us move like the wind, be rooted but spontaneous as the mushroom, by divine blessing reaching where few can, and bringing our experiences to synthesis, as wholeness in stories, and good vibes compassion and love for all which does end suffering, which does blossom unto the world, and is our true fruit, which comes naturally in the sequence of events, which shines through the obscuring fog like a warm light and brings life and good spirits, like a sacred dance, the fairy way, which is alive in every creature, all creations which were created, all to express the various aspects of the Oneness, and which dance in dreamlike peace, avatars of the inner processes of that One and come together in the end, and beginning in Wanti!

everything is important, nothing is inconsequential, all of our wonderings and questionings are divinely inspired, follow the heart and you later shall find what was deeply individual is actually shared at a higher place, in the true home, which in the current world is near yet far, fragmented, but applying the lessons we learn and through intent and practice it comes back together again and the world is healed.

we actually become the world, return our spirits to their true home within all things, we dance our dance of ecstasy in glee and humor and array of experiences to learn, but never truly forget our home, which is our solidarity and wisdom, and comfort, which we are always connected to, by remembering and opening the pathways again, it lives again strong as ever, and comes to us, alive and free, shaking from our heads the cobwebs, instilling in us the quiet earthy blessing of the seeds and cairns, remembering us to the fascinating and divine living equation of reality.

all is one in you, deep within is the essence and source of all things, where all meets in unity.

*jumps into other levels of consciousness and planes, usually through methods of sigilization, ritual and gnosis, but also ones much more meandering subtle and simple, sometimes imperceptible or even unintentional, anywhere that gnosis or meditation occurs (raw experience)
all beings are one people


Wantism is a very unified religion founded by the Ancients. At the
time, it was the most controversial religion as it included every
thing, god, goddess, and prophet. These figures were all worshiped and
meditated upon
spontaneously, sometimes all at the same time. The order broke down,
like a rusty car in the wood. It
was covered up by sprouts and tiny grasses of the world and was
referred to as catharsis. Up until 2008, it was unheard of in the
united states or any other part of the world. Then the spirits were
aligned and had an epiphany and rebirthed the lost book of Wanti. Upon
its birth, there were good feelings and the realization that love
begets love. Since then, the truth has
erupted, gaining back almost all of its previous powers (it actually
never lost them). Many members
have joined, and spirits have worked diligently to regain our faith,
infinite cosmic love.
You can never lose your Spirit!

existence is nonexistence so you must take everything into account and
make it up for yourself

spontaneously our dreams will come into alignment and support
eachother, like the rising and falling of the rhythm of life and death
supports itself, through space and through fullness

for we are all truly on consciousness, in shards, coming together like
ice melting and becoming ice again, such is our shamanic dance through
infinity, as Spirit

Yomo's Blessing
all beings are one people


I actually feel that bisexual and queer folk in general are
horribly misrepresented, I liked a site I found a few years ago that
talked about bisexual spirit beings, but now I search for the link and
its gone, the sites about bisexuality and queer are  horrible, they
make it look like we are the most materialistic people, and don't get
me wrong I've met many queer people like this but also all over the
spectrum, some talk a lot, mostly about nothing, some are extremely
negative and uptight, some are more peaceful and still talkative, some
are very spiritual and quiet, some are just very queer in the fullest
sense of the world, different kinds of people, there are all kinds,
but the way we are represented is not cool. Some people who are gay or
bisexual don't identify with the terms except on a technical level
because they don't relate to the image which is perpetuated, and I
think that is sad, there should be more middle ground, its sad for me
to see so many groups, gather and they speak of their legacies and
they speak of their greatness, which is real and have virtue but then
this disintegrates in the world we all share, and it only divides us,
i think maybe if even these gatherings were more open, and they often
are, but even if others were encouraged to go, like an 'everyone is
queer', 'everything is jewish', 'everything is pagan' 'everyone is
scottish', 'everyone is crazy', 'everyone is african', 'everyone is
native',  'everyone is two spirited', 'everything is nature',
'everything is yoga', 'everything is pagan' type thing it would really
effect the world in a
great way, and end a lot of the unneeded turmoil we have going on on
this planet,
all beings are one people


I worship the Great Mother Cybele in a peaceful, ahimsa-ish matter, as all things and all instances, though the cycles of life throw me this way and that, I know it is all inspired by her, who comes also back and forth, and tells me I am you, I see the great fields, and I think of the past, I enter the church and I think of the Goddess like everyone else, and her workings, I think of those who have said this and that, but ultimately Cybele speaks through me, she speaks through the haze, 'The north star once told me...' then silence, the end, the beginning, what does it matter Cybele. What do I know? She answers, but silently, walking watching my shadow from the streetlights, what else is there than this, everything passing, I don't know what it is at the end, I don't know where it comes from, do you Cybele? Well, I am a great Goddess, am the great Mother, and I symbolize the great return, the end of the fear, which is my test, which is everything, coming from the stars, to every home, changing name, changing face, changing guise, I am the convulsion of the light between the mountains of desire, and the lightning which brightened the mind to the joy of ecstasy, where it found the world and existence, but how could I say where I have come from, or if I have come at all? I walked past the spiral and I listened to the music, everything was peaceful and I couldn't help feel something was missing, the cricket by the big rock and the cars passing by, there was just the lake all those thoughts, thoughts which didn't end, that voice in your head, it is crazy. Cherish yourself, to distinctions of your own, I only speak from our own union, what do I know, I am closer than words, and warmer than the snow. In all things, I am echoed, but the world makes a point to be the furthest away, and near the reflection, and I don't know what is there, I am just an entrance, a loving thing, I am The Great Mother, I protect you and the natural health, even in absence, I don't care, it is my passion, it is my wonder, so many words, crashing and slipping from the true point, because I don't want them here, you see how you have come to live inside of me? You see, you thought you had been born, but you are still on your way, cherish everything, but if not, hey, what can I do, you must become a Goddess and attempt to dominate the world and the people, and then laugh at yourself, thats my take on things, and the planets will agree, because all of them are only the speckles of my tiny toes, wherein each contains a blessing of ultimate friendship, and silent dignity, know this, all is certain and ignorance is my favorite dinner. I am open minded, I raise them how I can, but reality, it speaks to me and as I grow all the trees and al lthe beings and even the bacteria, I think of the harmony, I think also of the decay and the destruction, I am just like you, in many ways I look up to you.

I said really, Cybele... I don't know what to say, I worship to Yomo, I come from a place called Wanti, sometimes go back, but its never too clear, the beginnings of something, a feeling stays with me, maybe its a way, a pattern in my living, but it wasn't until you.

Child, Wanti! Montanus knows what you mean, and also all of the Goddesses, and Gods, we come and we dance, and we are all one, and we love and we become like you, and you like us, all around these great circles, and the Buddha says oh there is nothing, and sure, if you want to live merely on the vibrations, and know the land and keep her well, I know these things, and I will blossom, like krishna consciousness, because in the end, you need something, or else what? I sometimes knit, I sometimes run, I sometimes bask in unspeakable eternities, but never the same, I am that which speaks of love through love and fills even the most tattered heart, because I'm here, and all of them who claim to be, well they are in a way...
Do whatever you want, I don't care anymore.
You enjoy writing and it is beautiful, the seeds, you know the signs, when it starts to come, they are signs of love and signs of peace and signs of relaxing and signs of ease, the golden wheel turns and whatever you do, you do it with l your heart.

Yeah, but sometimes, it seems so fake, it seems like repition, where is the nature in it?

I don't want to confuse you by saying that nature is artificial. I'm just saying give hemp a chance, build a bit less, meditate and gather again, reach out randomly, the spirits handle the rest, I've given up trying to control it all, and devoted myself to the enlightenment the orgasm, and the good fortune of all things. I am naked sometimes, and I am everyone, I am awkwardness, and I am the rain.

it is you then!

The houses are lit with the funk of sacred randomness, let the rebels revel in my loving Cybeleness!


Wait, is it night time, I love you through all the cycles of earth and heaven, everyone is my priest, I love so much... I have changed everything into love, I have created much... let me sleep for a while.


I build with my hands the running of the lemons, which will fall easily by your dreamy red haired blindness, and they will tell you the truth, that they have forgotten, and I forget often, because I am old, but sometimes I think I am new, please change.

Change! I command you, or else. I demand change.

I will not change, and by not changing I will worship you.

I don't accept that. The world must stop, everything must stop, I want the cities deconstructed, brick by brick, and I want the bricks sent to space, only with all technology and I want you starting over from scratch you hear me?

Yes, and I will do that, personally. Thank you, finally a light appears in my soul, I know I am eternally happy and now that the love has begun to grow I can finally be free and say what I want and thats that I have always worshipped everything and thats all I'm ever going to do and I don't care if I die, because my soul is wild and free and I love everyone and how they are me and I'm gonna go outside and send out the vibe, first I'll give it to the trees and I'll hug them and then I might do something which is going to suprise you, and then I'm gonna scream.

Whatever floats your boat kid, I'll be in Wanti.

I would actually just prefer to go with you, and I'll bring this wooden thing which is shaped like a deer person, it kind of has spiritual significance to me, I think its a gift from nature, and nature, wow, i love to see nature flow and rise and I love that we are speaking like this, and theres a light and its okay, so much has happened, maybe no one will care, I guess thats alright, because I like walking around and I don't mind picking up the trash, that other people throw, I don't know why they do it.

I don't know either. I am Cybele, I am actually very close to everyone but I'm shy, I enjoy the spotlight though and rocking it, and also shapeshifting and spontaneously filling the world with my holy spirit, long tangential rants about nothing and I love to watch the scattering energies which I believe I set forth into existence, but I mean, maybe not, I could be wrong, hehe.

Oh, Goddess!

Lets make some food, lets say random things to strangers, lets isolate ourselves and nurture the inner God/Goddess, lets be cornstalks today and rune it up inside of a bible, with the deepening spontaneity of my friend whose name is Nora and her life is a little bit like this.

She thinks of Generation and focuses on her pelvic region, then nurturing at her womb, love at her heart, intellect and wisdom at her brow, and she dedicated it to me! I was so flattered, everything seemed to turn out right, but you know I am egoless. Once I hopped a train to Vermont and spent a night sleepwalking and talking to my hands, they had begun to resemble this fellow I loved his name was Attis, he was great, we reincarnate every once in a while? Why? *Shrugs*
some think we may be the spirits of the universe itself, passing through everywhere, manifesting in a way that means something, never are lost, never are we forgotten, but we change see, just like you have.

I've changed... no! I forgot, I wasn't going to do that.

Its okay.

I guess so.

I'm gonna pick up some sticks, charge them with me love and scatter them across the universe, at heart I'm wizardish and I don't mess around, the elements were my first friends, then I realized I was crazy, but that didn't stop me from looking through all the games, I used to get naked for the sake of art, I was a nudist, it only changed when it got colder.
all beings are one people


Attis was nice, its kind of an embarassing story though, it confused a lot of people, but now it seems like love is the only way, it comes it goes, its better after a long while, but its better a lot at once too, I am the one crashing the rituals with little quips about Onaw and other such nonsense, I do it because if I didn't the plants would be repressed and when that happens the stars get wierded out its a big scene for all my elf and fairy friends, who have actually spent a lot of time trying to be more approachable to everyone but its difficult for them and well.

Wait, so I'm not a fairy?

I actually have no idea.

In the forest tree city of Nela, I am venerated, I guess I'm kind of beneficial, overall, but the truth of the matter is, I like to grow inside of rocks and its hard to grow the rocks. I am happy.

thanks for your time, this was informal but divine.

Peace, spread my name, and my message!

Ommmm, Ommm... Om....

the universe is coitus, is that bee pollen?

A few days pass....

Cybele, I'm back... I've been drumming and singing songs of love and peace and I've brought a couple thousand of my friends, its all been kind of a optimistic nihilist experience, we're not sure, some of us wouldn't mind death, others are pissed and have suffered much.

Oh, I knew this was going to happen, bask in my love! I shall prepare the tea and why yes, I was just chatting with the bird about the vegetables of ancient times.

Cybele! Your topics of discussion fascinate me.



The ancient vegetables were similar to the veggies of today. In fact the ancient vegetables are the people of today.

No way!


Sabti, Sabti, Sabti!

Fuck the future, fuck the past, fuck the present.


I'm more than a great mother, I'm just the way it is, Krishna.

Be safe

Give it some time, explore all you can, don't force anything, I come from all places, and all times, I am God, logic, and nonsense.

I am the revolution!

peace love unity respect

I am you

I am you

all beings are one people


i looked at the people for herb legalization
they were us exactly, in variations, it was a trickster thing
it was the winkte spirit working
the sacred work of the herb, work of mediation, is it just a drama?
purposely created?
how to free ourselves from the cycle and maintain health and truth
free from vampiric action
the issue came up and I don't think that it is from the Goddess, nor from God
it is this disrespect which comes between them, in the name of
'Matriarchy' and 'Patriarchy'
i think its like false conception which starts, conception that Isis
and Auset are about vampires,
conceptions that Cybele is about domination and masochism, if the
organizations around these energies
are really like this, then they are not true representatives and they
are only causing cacophony and disharmony
causing energy to be blocked,
while at the same time, christianity is being heralded as the true
way, along with judaism, islam, and hinduism, also buddhism.
where all three of YHWH include terms of bondage and prejudice within
their texts, also hinduism within the rig veda,
buddhism can sometimes be sexist, and women are under recognized in
the religion,
to me this just shows a bias, where within the Goddess religions,
there is more freedom because they are more immediate, its more about
inspiration within, even in Judaism, Shekinah which is the word for
divine feminine stems from shakanh which is to dwell within,  the
truth comes out there that they are all one religion, they all appear
within our awareness and are connected refusing to acknowledge the
connection is foolish, in fact reaching a harmonious spiritual balance
is actually focused on bringing the truth back to these religions, as
we begin to perceive clearly the truth, which is called esoteric
because you have to seek for it.

and somehow it is common knowledge as well, its not secretive so much
as its wisdom which is not obvious or overtly told, but the more we
seek, we find that the within is also without, also with law, cannabis
is largely like this, it seems we have decided as a people it would
reside in a spiritual realm, because it is truly a divine fruit, and
it comes from the self, there are not the laws of man but the laws
which the divine speaks through the heart, the laws of what  is, nom
myoho renge kyo, which decides this.

Cannabis is always a mystery, why have we been not using it legally in
this land? surely it means something, the plants, we know are the
greatest medicines, it seems like the reasons for their use being less
widespread in modern times is commercialism, but healthcare is not
about money, because anyone who is truly interested in health sees
that all beings are connected, the health of another, is the health of
myself, so why are these drugs which are dangerous being approved to
be prescribed to people, when there are in many cases herbal remedies
which we are never told about unless we seek for ourselves?

why is there such political tension around it, people constantly
saying it causes addiction when we know thats not true, at a physical
level, people can handle themselves. It seems to be a great source of
energy, in terms of fuel, and resources, as a crop that is renewable
each year, and possibly multiple times in one year.

It seems to open up a certain warmth and optimism in people,
wellbeing, and philosophical thought, open up trust between 'the
system' and the people, and encourage environmental awareness, bring
out goodness in people.

surely this is good, so why are things the way they are?

apparently these are corporations who are doing this, they are the
people who control the world to some degree, rulers and such things,
rich people
why are they unable to see what so many common people know? or refuse
to let it happen? is it really just a selfishness and lack of

The rastafarians are always talking about babylon, which I guess means
greek, roman, middle eastern myth/theology and witchcraft, maybe there
is something to that, again going back to how the Goddess is
misrepresented and trivial things seemed be focused on instead of the
eternal spirit within.
I think the rastafarians make a blanket statement, saying these are
the ways of babylon, because there is wisdom as well within those

Just as Artimpasa the Mother Goddess, who later became Cybele, and is
the same as Isis, is worshipped with cannabis, associated with
fertility, cannabis, and nature,

Cybele is the Great Mother
associated with transexuality,
the story of Cybele and her son Attis is so similar to Yahweh (Who is
Also Whole, man and woman) and Christ they are in many ways identical

The Jewish Priests and Prophets (who had their match among the Sibyl,
Gallae and Mellisae) use cannabis as well, and it is seen as the
Shekinah the holy cloud rich rises over the sacred tent, in which is
the Spirit of God

it seems obvious that the energy which they were communing with,
through means of ecstasis which are still known in some extent through
mystical teachings, the Kaballah, the mysteries of the Goddess
is actually the same except in one case, it is recognized as
masculine, and in the other feminine

both to the point of destitution, both are imbalanced without the other

it is possible the mystics who engaged in the practices were aware on the union

they needed to be together, for a true message to come through,
something that could really mean something, indeed it was impossible
for them to truly be apart

each is  the healing of the other, each has the piece of the other
within them, except to a smaller degree

mystics are often known for wearing some kind of garment with one
color displaying in one direction and another in the other direction,
which causes confusion from those who see from afar on both sides and
then realize they have seen two different things when they talk about
it to each other

but just like the same energies and eternal truths have taught us all,
and manifested in different ways, their essence being the same, so
have these mystics who are really ourselves, even in the most mundane

why cause this confusion? why can't we accept others see things in
different ways than us, but what they see is the same, what does that
mean? we cannot attack each other for this, we must see the oneness,
we are not members of any seperated sect but we are partakers in
infinity and all of it is relevant, we can't box ourselves off,
thinking we must be better than them, if we truly know what is Divine,
we see all is equal, and that freedom is the most important virtue.

Where I understand perhaps heroin and cocaine are infringements on
freedom in some sense because they cause addiction, and offer little
insight but reasonable views on the herb cannabis are not, because it
is being found to be a great medicine, even being called holy and
sacred by all those who are at odds upon so much else, and so it being
a holy thing, to bring us to a spiritual state, perhaps if we are more
reasonable on its use it can actually help us bring ourselves together
and not have to fight and all of us experience a better life not of
selfishness, which cannot make anyone truly happy anyways.

It is a symbol which stands for freedom and potential, its lessons are
great, and we are ready to hear them, there is no reason for it not to
be legal, aside from undo paranoia, it is legal already in germany and
the netherlands, and parts of the us, and other scattered places
across the world, these places are not in anarchy, they are good
places, with people who are healthier because they have access to a
great medicine. Its just like any other medicine, you get at a
pharmacy, personally I don't understand the need for seperate
dispensaries, just make it available at a pharmacy, don't make it seem
so different from everything else, because its not.

If recreational use is legalized, that is also great, spiritual
movements and the kindness in people would increase I think, there
would be more gnosticism, and mystical pursuit, more unity and also
more innovation, more ways, and more tolerance, maybe we would
discover something amazing, long have people complained, we all want
change, so why not make it possible for change to happen?

aigy, one love nature still growing in all things, all is divine
all beings are one people


Jah is a witch (good) from greece (haha suprised you all, but I am the rainbow woman!) making love to a vegetable who speaks
through the weather systems
Jah stirs the wild plain universes with divine rices
Jah lives in the earth
Jah existed as a doctor perscribing organic herbs true elixirs from
within because the buddha never explained to him money
Jah is the inner compartment in the soul thats infinite and lives in
marshmellow roasts
InI is my round table, as I gather mana gratefully and accept and give love
Jah is the tree growing from the grass of forever, without
preconceptions without thoughts from books
Jah is the feeling before the thought, the delusions try to twist the
thoughts against the feeling
but Jah brings it back together, Jah is a Japanese Dread in the forest
of forever
the sun shines done, but it is nothing, there is only a heartbeat,
going unnoticed, and the endless primordial vision
Jah is the rumbling that is kind and true deep in our bellies when the
charas comes
Jah is the mushroom goddess at the door, across forever, in feeling,
middlestanding, the oat and the horse
Jah is the safety within the storm of failing society, Jah is the
shaman between worlds, selfless and united,
not covered, but open, tied back, but the only true one living, they
would never tell the truth about her
Jah lives in the old tree, and the new, Jah is something I never
understood, Jah is the herbs, Jah is the nature of the
simple trails, the infinity of the dawn,  Jah is a happy cow in labor,
Jah is every being in every incarnation, Jah is the love which heals
and cleanses the forest, through all our hands, Jah is the Spirit
Village that raises the child, Jah is the thump which clears the
vision, Jah is the Yomo and Yaveyetta, Jah is the boundless blessing
Jah is the time old paladin unrecognized from ancient myth
coming from everywhere, Jah is one of the last to embody indie rock
Jah never had hate, and opened up a clear path in every forest and river, again
a path back to source and named nothing there, clear like the first waters,
which never really ended, Jah is the mystical ecstasy from which the
enchanted wood is born
Jah is the ecstatic poetry of the unworded dawn and sunset, Jah is the
fairy trickling through the miasma  of the frozen
society colors draining from all of it, into the spirit of the few who are alive
Jah is the cipher they meet within and attain truth, Jah is wanti's
seed upon the earth, known truly jah is the yoga  of knowing the art
of being the way wild and kind the way of truth Jah will round you,
Jah will bring you to truth, many will tell you, but approach in your
own way, true to your own spirit, translated to all, and open, Jah can
turn back meteors
and change everything, when seen in truth, remembered, but they try to
suck it in to their holes
underground Jah is the earth, the mana growing deep inside, blessed
be, goodness can be everywhere
Jah is the haiku and the compassion of the kale fields, Jah is the
warm fuzzy truth infinite
basking, the crystal coral, life stream us dreams, emanating
condensing, condensations of the divine
dispersing again, like so many fish, becoming the sun, love, so many thing
in the face of cows, our wisdom is inside us all, Jah knows the bees,
and the deer, the sun and the moon, and all the planets, and all the
tree of life, Jah is greater than the weavers, Jah is the truth of the
Jah is hidden and varied as the rainbow with seasons and truth
attributes of nature imbued within her way
not just the sage, like the endless waterfalls, the deepest love in a
place free from geders free from these forms a sacred place silent
like forests on and own into the skies all the spirits cacaphony,
irieness, optimistic nihilism, authentic sincere making it up from the
heart spontaneity is the only real map to blindness, which is the
bodhisattvas realm, I have no inspiration, nothing exists
there is no restraint, just an empathy
Jah is a moment a wholeness, Jah is funny and Jah is very wise
Jah sees before things happen, aloha Jah we say
Jah is the cry of the woman of the truth, ignored jah is a deeper
reality restored
Jah is tao here  and now
love and having a place to sit and write...
write impermanent things, flowing and getting stoned, having said Jah
a lot the skies clamored with a sheen like waves of soft lightning
bolts and everything lived,  we walked away
implications of everything were too explosive,like chain reactions of
cataclysmic proportions
slowing down, relaxing
the plants grow, that is beautiful enough, that is the goal, that
there can be peace within and without, no illlusion of ownership but
sharing in the tribe, all things are alive from the mushroom, the
gnome to the trees around every path,
we are true and cool, steady here, our vibes our many though our note is one
we hum
we  do not manipulate nor are we manipulated
just being here
I wouldn't call a small voice inside a tyrant, but a small voice
outside might be, strange when words fall away,
thats beautiful, we're going along this adventure, the soma is the
truth, the center of the universe, its so small but its all so deep
everything is beautiful the wordless songs we sang, these moments
forever would unplay, the world of the herb, life of healing awakening
consciousness, the fish swimming away becoming water, air, nothing,
everything, love,
this universe, this universe of love, and these moments, moments of
zen falling away on my dead note flute
this keyboard, and everything is like the astral pianos the herb
dictionaries, the magic books, protecting the wood, we all sang
it was something, Jah lived there among every and everything else, the wind
the healing wind, carry away the words...
carry away, Jah the silly sun and everythin dreaming Jah the
everything the silence alone nothing
Jah not even the letters
not even the sound or the sight, not even a feeling, what does it
mean, no one can understand i have known nothing in all my studies i
never knew anything, it just became more and more random it lived
through me something or many much and it dies as well, i follow the
plane to which i am aligned, a part of me has always been in wanti
that is for sure, and it can come upon me, and a deep knowing and
goodness, and when the sky begins to get the lingerings of rainclouds
and the storm starts I'm there offering something to the God and
Goddess, the mushroom Goddess Aorin, the Soma, and Jah, the fairies
and the sacred pathways, of nature, you grow you speak to me, we are
the trees in dreaming form, the dreams of trees, dreaming trees,
deeper and  deeper to the peace and resound of heaven accepting, deep
rooted, a branch blowing in the wind, like a willow, simply there
alive, and there, its deep, it goes deeper, few really remember, but
thats where it truly began, oh all those colors, nothing can break
that, its beautiful, false karma, falseness it cannot live, authentic,
really passion truth, honesty, love, virtue happiness, wildness,
resoluteness, goodness, over the horizon, passing to everyone, the
entire horizon, out there, intelligence of all time all existence, is
but one moment, and what is a moment? just a miraculous, echo of a
memory of a vibration, thats grown in nothing, and we are the trees,
alive and effecting all of this, because we are the elements, it is
all the dream, this love, everything is so beautiful finally i see
finally the awe redeems this lost one for the pure nature so true no
one trying to put anything on it, just it was what it was, and
consciousness united there and lived, blessed be, and the suns and
parchment of the skies the clouds write through, things from my life,
i am i some cosmic window, sometimes, the magic is like that, being a
witch is strange, yet it happens to more than we might think, what do
we know then of the gods, it is all so beautiful, incredibly humbling,
they are in us yet, and everything, sweeping us away, so pure, we
don't have to take a name,
Jah is equal to everyone,  hard to dig, all of us are one unique, it is one
phenomenon, the acorn, the soil, the heavens, the ascension of the
sprout within seasons. Jah is a pagan who is alive today, just living,
enjoying life, recycling living authentically, smiling, rocking it, protectors
of the woodland and bestowers of life and joy Jah is a little fiddling
which makes the whole thing work better, elbow grease and good
intentions, and a good heart, blessed be! Jah is the wisdom and Jah is
the seasons, and the nomadic healing pizzas
Peace Love Unity Respect
Fooly Cooly!
all beings are one people

lasagna - simple intuitive wisdom from
an androgynous source (the gallaes)

you see, we were in our 60s when we were suddenly struck with the
inspiration for the constructs of a new way of life

one that didn't depend on whether you lived or died

or whether you existed at all, because it was cognizant of the fact that

a: nothing existed and

b: nature is kind and rejoices in paradox

we realized quickly that these were not independently arising
phenomena but actually messages, coming through the akashic records
from an ancient wisdom non system from the world of wanti

it was the weavers, who hath woven these worlds together, blessed be
their work, for many times now yonder, we see our beginnings, as the
sacred tai chi, we are the thought formations of the crystallizing

we give ourselves up to our primal truth, undoing the psychic but
primitive bondage of false monarchs joining in the orgy of the
universe through spreading love spontaneously each peoples with their
own medicine, all beings in the end coming together as one peoples,
all false karmas and samskaras removed

they were something like storms, except not everyone seemed to
understand there seemed to be a falseness, a world of pure otherlyness
that never seemed to change, seemed to do a strange work upon the mind
with a divine kind of wisdom,

we abandoned all else but rigorous spiritual practice, and actually
came to a point of surpassing time

there we invoked the gods in sacred ritual, and they became all the
stars, all life lived inside of us,
ego death was beautiful and complete

ego death was like a fertile soil, which the plantlife and florae
pushed up from, ressurecting with a primal sense of randomness, the
dreamlike lushness of it, the wonder everywhere, somehow there was an
upheaval that allowed the magic to return, people no longer restrained
themselves, they set loose the baggage and roamed an infinite world,
living upon flaxseed, hemp oil, berries, a variety of psychoactive and
edible mushrooms, among them the amanita muscaria, reishi, and saorsa
currac, the liberty cap, and kale.

it was a process which produced immortality of bliss in the spiritual
realm which was defined both by anarchy and nonharming, a surrealistic
realm of intense dream magic which yielding very fast and very
powerful results from the world of the subtle energy flow, induced by
of course, the momentum of the whole thing itself also had a spirit,
and this spirit was what we called ness, always there have been beings
who lived like fish,
always in the surf, always one with the sea the universe, swimming
into the golden sun

eukyarotes taught us great lesson on the nature of love both mundane
and mystical

sulos, agape, binkaarna

the  root of all creation and joys
bless ye who mention the names
we succumb to sacred silence
all beings are one people


Spokane Hippie Healing

what if all the prophecy and stuff, well seeing into the future isn't
such a rare thing is it really? when you're mind opens up, maybe its
just compassion which has put it at so many levels, always able to
draw us in, in the way that is true and reflective of each person,
when your really meditate on hippieness in the context of psychedelic
insight it becomes apparent its more about the psyche
and this place where magic begins, symbolically, but of course magic
is chaotic is doesn't feel into any of this except maybe by devious
chance, the faces peer from everywhere and fade away just a quickly.

they could be watching all of this right now

it doesnt even matter though, because all of it is just awareness,
magic is amazing, the culture of the time is the culture it has left
in its wake, when we take actions to heal that what does it mean

sound communication, all that matters is this moment, feel the
connection to every mound of dirt, all them that live there, to the
bees, trying to be in peace, to consider everything,
it becomes so difficult when is the time to relax,
all the songs started to be about me, i knew it was something that had
happened so many times before. Its healthier to have the magic out
there, and thats just a matter of individual mana, sleeping in the
woods, the life, forgetting these world so far off, they are nothing
after all, slow down, calm down
its an orbit, these deeds of loving kindness


like fairy
humor good thing

and the meaning of world war two and nazis and stuff some kind of huge
psychedelic movement and like why is this all happening in norway
apparent, if you look on computers
or the psychedelic music site is in germany, so much good stuff is
apparently coming from germany and like the netherlands right now,
maybe we need to get over our stigmas about these places and learn
from their wisdom.

of course i personally believe in some sense the holocaust is always
happening and it not only effects jews but really anyone who cares
about anything truly good in the world, how long  have people not been
satisfied with the system? and yet its still not changing, its as if
they think its a game sometimes, even though some progress is being
made people are waking up, hippies were never about violence or
oppression or anything like that, they were about freedom, and seeing
the ultimate reality, and relaxing and not trying to control so much,
about going back to ancient ways and wisdom, which our society tries
to make us fear, or make extremely unnappealing, our society tries to
ostracize us for it.

when i think about the holocaust i think, maybe it actually happened
naturally, or maybe everyone was misled, and there was really this
conspiracy to have so much of it changed,
whenever you look up rainbows, and even in the preface to my Torah it
talks about australia, which is where hitler was supposed to have been
born, just makes us fear what the rainbow, the, mother, Asherah, the
divine feminine, makes us fear,shamanism, and box it in, where i
believe maybe these connections are not true, the only connection i
see to hitler is within the Torah where it speaks of keeping people as
slaves, killing animals and causing suffering in the name of sacred,
and of one man taking control of all these people, and having all
these temples created, and having them go to war with other people who
had done them no wrong, immediately after they themselves had been
freed from slavery, and destroy these people's ways of life, and their
sacred works. when you act like this it is bound to come back upon
you, the way to escape it is to have a new book,

one that is closer to the spirit, so when you say that you are a
spiritual person, you are not bogged down by this foolishness

it becomes a joke, i don't think the real truth can be found in any of
those words, all of them are shams, maybe one in a true time of need
with true faith could find something of the original spirit there, but
mostly it will come from inside in a pure way. The divine beings still
live there, they still live but it in not in the words themselves,
there are angels and they work through speaking to the soul sacred
teachings which could not be desecrated by editing.

there is an entire process you must go through to understand the book
clearly, but maybe you could have the same effect by just making a new
book, or another format entirely.

in mysticism, they speak of a true way, because it is inclusive, this
mysticism is truly the real teaching and yet it is hidden away? why is
this? it makes us wonder is there really some danger out there? some
way of navigating this, is all this confusing really created within
the self? is it really all divine? I think its only through this kind
of work can truth be found, but all of this ancient traditions which
speak in such symbolic and hidden terms in many cases are corrupted,
they have to evolve, we can't constantly drag these things which we
don't believe around with us, there are more eloquent ways to express
this truth, there are better uses for the temples, religion is a real
thing, but it must be genuine, it is the expression of love which
liberates and heals, even though discipline is good, meaningless dogma
and focus on material things is not helpful to it. These traditions
have changed our entire world and made us forget much, the wholeness
which is possible is something many don't even dare to talk about, we
are allowed to believe more than this, amazing things can happen, its
all about rainbows, story telling, not fearing. its about the bees.

maybe its always been like this and the way its always happened was
not organized, it was a greater intelligence, a greater faith, a
greater love, a greater peacefulness, a greater spontaneity, perhaps
we battled with this throughout this life, this world
maybe it meant something in the spiritual realm, and was somehow
nessecary, all of it and divine compassion oversaw the whole thing,
and our true selves, we understood it somehow,
maybe that was the true meaning of it.
all beings are one people


the message we, (the astral band of Rosdenadah!) got this easter
ringing in my head was

YAHWEH; S/he's not jealous anymore!

We loved it, and texted it in a message to a friend, then it
immediately started storming hard (lightning rain and hailing), its
was kind of funny how theatrical it was, in relation to our inner
meanderings heh, we were walking outside to visit my family and about
to turn back because of the torrents, then we called out loud on the
Yomo and Yaveyetta, Wanti, and the tree of life Adawapayo and it
cleared up a few seconds afterwards... we met everyone in time for
dinner and told this story, and spoke of many things, twas a good

love to all!

(what hey we're all allowed to have bad days sometimes
i was crazy for a while yo! it was intense!)

we pour our consciousness into the words as the welder pours the
molten ore into the mold
the key is certain words to jar the mind into sudden realization to
react in such a way with the present momentum of the
conscious/subconscious action to evoke satori, which is a healing
blow, enlightening non harming, is it possible to preserve this
purely? that is up to the spirit of the word, so just as with herbs
one goes into religions into the ancient doctrines with the help of
the ancestors who very well know the path and the truth to it, of
course it bears some fruit and the spirit goes reeling, let it, be
totally away, be lost, within the great mother earth, knowing all as
her fruits, eat the clover and the kale.
burst through contradiction with the nonsense blade of the dharma the
true samurai is the alarm of kindness each reverberation liberates
entire worlds, our thoughts are the peices of  paper which build up
the atomic fusion inside of each heart which condenses and expands and
smiles and knows it is alive, love pours through every little thing,
theres nothing more to do, just sit and buzz, like bees, among rich
nothingness, each phrase an impossibility,
and each feeling a prayer, offered purely innocently, we have lost
ourselves and lost reason and yet she pulls on, like primordial vine
train, in the subterreanean den of homeless alchemists never finding a
single form, impress yourself entirely upon the symbol. I give a fuck
about your judgements, leave me alone in the flames, kick the door and
sing to the cow goddess, leave the sinking feeling for the anchors in
my dreams which bring them back to earth. We went out and slipped out
of our clothes, we find the door between the hidden through tantra, we
found empathy in the silence, we had completely broken free, and only
the symbols made us recognizable again, but the symbols were no longer
us, we stayed between and acknowledged the sun, there were endless
victories, each breath, there was endless freedom, there was neither
distinction nor ownership, nothing existed, again and again it broke
away, everyone saw in their own way, was led away through some
mystical and humble everyday working, through the advent of language,
space had been created, and there was no way to go through, except
Erin slipped through. Falling for every trap, she loved them all, and
relinquished the sunshine to the devas in the tall grass through icy
lemonade and candles of earwax she had been collecting. It was the
summer of 1843, the beginning of the love revolution, our mats were
stuffed with the seeds of things I had no way of saying, the clouds
spoke but I heard not. Robert appeared and said some things, we all
found solitude and oneness quietly, melding our essences as one, so as
not to get into the others way, for our mundane misunderstandings ran
deep but everything from the heart was clear. I left the bar and
prayed in the bathroom of the house next door, there was a generic
sign on the door saying, this house does not exist, so figured no one
had ever lived there, so I slipped through the window. Five coyotes
began dancing in the ceiling, was shared tater tots on the stairwell
and Yiame smoked four cigarettes she had found in the labyrinth,
everything was clear though, this wasn't some foolish game, no it was
more than that, these were actually the workings of eternal peace. The
internal dialogue as sailing away in a cloud of tobacco and animated
ketchup when the fourth medicine came to us, suprisingly it was
humility, they entered in many colors and said this is your home,
suddenly the little vines growing out of the ceiling didn't seem like
such a bad idea. Many cows lived on the horizons and their omms
resonated making strange murals upon the skies and the grasses,
somehow there was a narrative to them I had never understood before, I
watched the drift away, and let them confuse me while a force rose
deep within, everyone took part of it, for I was the air, intoxicating
with the fruit of life, our gay dance left the crickets smiling and
heating tea is the work of the saints, passing the days in somber
meditation, disturbed by the lights of the Goddess passing in the
guise of fireflies. Something reached out for me, we had no worded
highway, we just floated freely forever, like skateboarders in the
the trees, made taoist lingerings in my oatmeal each morning and the
seeds kept sprouting I was endless ly dumbfounded I told Ryu that it
must have been Adonai. The ceiling began to cave in all our live
folding in on themselves, we half laughed and coughed, inside a deep
fire burning, we massaged eachother and healed eachother in the
sunset, i was among them, for the battle had been long and pointless,
over four grains of cheese, when there was a sea of cheese to be had
everywhere because the cows had found a way to make it, and began to
after we started offering them tea.
I realized it had all been done before, it was alive in another sense,
perhaps it was another myself, who had run through it all, those
fractal patterns having given sprout to these leaves which were now
the visions of my own life, from trips before hand, what a strange
fertility the indescribableness of the dream has, the untraceable and
yet familiar faces, of the spirits, must that also be let go of? No,
for in the divine music the word was  undone and remade, and allowed
to breathe, scattered again and again, by the Mother Wind, in a game
of unconditional love. I am you, I am you.
I cried, I faded, everything had gained such importance, again and
again I laughed laughed in the face of it all, laughed, for that is
the nature of the joke friends, the laugh is the sweetest offering and
the greatest and most gentle lover, I laughed and lied in the daisies
and I knew they were all there. their homes they took me in, though I
was large, for I had eaten too much. Threw them a few nugs in the
summer of love. It meant a lot. We were a people of all sizes, some of
us even among the rocks, we had not unifying condition or way of even
recognizing eachother, constantly we entered into this endless realm,
we had once been a part of a great crystal that was called Gaia, which
we still live upon through the essence of the astral dream. The wise
ones sound cool, and the fools laughed and were suddenly enlightened,
and then no one spoke we sang and crossed worlds, twisting the viels
of fate and nothingness we compassionate glances, indifferent were the
kings, for they drank often and didnt care much for concerned and nor
did anyone else, just figured we would wait until we died, and we
never died, what was this great tao? this great river pulsing through
us all like the rabbinical zeal of the simple child within the great
wonder. Adonai, I hardly know ye, hidden ye are, in the vague
lingerings, draw near for we are awkward. Oh family of tao, tribe off
chance, random ones spun between lives like the stars scattered caught
among many constellations yet somehow holding it together, shamanic
dancers, kissing eachother among the ecstatic fruits of the dreams,
dancing among the sleeping ones in silent screams, oh the secret
world, oh the naked happy ones bathed in sound and light, posing as
the rain clouds, shimmering to our inquiry. We ran and there were many
visions, it was mostly empty because there was truly nothing there,
what a beautiful settling, all piled on top of eachother, I was glad
to finally be there, it was in the middle of nowhere a dirt mound half
crushed by my best friend, but it was sacred, it was home, it didn't
matter suddenly the past, the moment superceded all of it, and
suddenly it was as if it didn't matter. I thought of cliodna I laughed
and watched the stars, the weed between us, the spirit of freedom, I
had met all the angels and languished in the boats, i had found a
deeper kind of love there among the shaman's tokes, it was a simple
dream and an easy happening thing. We picked the berries on the farm
and tilled the soil to the seasons, we watched as the herbs grew, and
journeyed into the woodlands, in frenzies of educational taoism. we
elfed ourselves on the branches with soft things, and the Goddess
sometimes appeared. You must see the fairy queen and she looked at us
and smiled, and we knew that we all were fools but we knew we would
never really die, something eternal about it all, she was just a
normal person, like a gypsy queen, orange chyrsanthemums and green
flowing hair, dreams are our road ways and the sun is our secret.
all beings are one people


pt. 2

I asked about wanti?

Wanti, beware of disillusionment, wanti rising in a second, the
weavers know the way.
none of it was real, but suddenly all of it was empty, even the
return, only the symbols were there, and we flung them into the stones
shattering everything, thus new skies were created and new trees
between them. Oh Cliodna, there is unity in solitude, there is joy in
nonduality, i run and i am free, suddenly, there is no more of this,
all these rumors of faraway places, we say there was nothing else but
here, anarchy always lived in America, it had always been some type of
strange and zenlike code, the cults were nothing but everyone had
their own crazy religion, and sometimes we'd come together and sing
songs everyone knew, is this what wizards do? I wondered? what peace
so different.
i had forgotten a lot. They reached back.
alien it slipped and shimmered into a millions things, i knew nothing,
it no longer fit into language. I felt retarded I crawled away. the
animals were friendlier. the world people made seemed like one huge
steam machine, and more people were realizing, we began to simply not
care, people didn't care, things were forgotten, and everything fell
apart, love and friendship was all there was, and no one really fought
aside from hunting, the animals moved into the houses and people moved
out more, we began speaking sharing glyphs from the world what we
discovered was amazing, the deer had a way along with the cows, of
shifting dimensions slightly, and true spiritual paths were found
there, hyooin is something that deers had done, they decided to relax,
we gave up our organization, we realized it would never work, we
relaxed, we gave up, everything was wild, tao arose again.
it was beautiful. Oh, Adonai, this is your heaven, and we sat by the
campfire, the giraffes laughed and the coyotes, said, and you looked
suprised when we first met you, B'YRON!
and i said teehee, but you guys didn't know...
and the were oddly none perturbed, then they busted out the candles
and starting doing light shows with them, and I died a little bit
inside, but no, no, it was good.
Asherah laughed too, the Yomo said, where are the peaches, and
Yaveyetta said, I've got peaches!

We were ice but we melted down baby, oh we melted ourselves down again! oh!
An it harm none.

(It doesn't seem there are real people about there, this is just a
part of finishing the sigil according to our tradition, it becomes
part of our Internet Bonsai Plant, many have them, and they can be
very similar but THEY ARE NOT THE SAME!
the plants alone speak, I am safe and alone, not even I exist, its
okay, no harm done, JAINISM IS NAKED IN THE WOODS!!)
all beings are one people


an artist is someone who when they drink you get dizzy

had a huge headache and flo was talking to me in this irish accent all
theway crawlingup thestairs

i said healme i wanted someone to heal me i felt like i would die i throw up

i crawl out side withthe toarh and while iw crawled i passedthrough a
path of angels and they wereall around and the yomo and i got there
and i laidthere and i feltsome  trippy peace and there were greater
and greater refraactions of the system and greater and greater
refractions of freedom coming from the bookand it was all one in a
true sense, thebookwas whole, everything had been hiding for so long
had to take a hidden appearance and then wham...

everyone was reptilian, everyone i didnt know whether to fight it or
keep it but that seemed to be okay

i chose the freedom

i knew some cameto the book and it moved themthrough theworlds and
some saw nothing

somehow i knew if i slept i would diebut i would be okay

then metatron was there and he said you have blood in you howd you get here

and then he said howd you get so ticklish..

the good people, good people are all around the immortall spirits

god and yomo are only one i saw all of them i saw we were them,
refracting on and on, and there was no center but there was love

the revolution

i think we've been having too much god damned sex flo

yea, yea...


but the spirits as one as everything

gave us the power and we sang and blessed everything as the truth

as cominng from itself

as harmony as random joy

and even the pain felt good for a moment

the book was spinning and also circling the sun,

and it was still

and we went out again without the book and we thought of all the
divisions east and  west black and white i and we us and them

and we thought didnt they all go away so long ago... and we said hello ground

and the oa was adawapayo and we sang

wanti yomo aigy adawapayo sulos ness nidayah hiyadin wanti yomo
yaveyetta upto sulos

and we sang with the spirits because wanti was there

and we thought aout thor and he was there

and it was all together

we sang wytipodating

the light the headache was this huge light in the head and it kept
expanding and it was wanti we were literally wanti, all around and it
all had a heartbeat down tto everything

and we thought abouthippies and we remembered this is how it is...

we cried earlier thinking of all the love... andd with protection chants

and with truth

we felt better singing

all creation was this endless invocation

then all these swilring rainbows came through our body

and they said we kknow who you are

and they wre the universe itself in this cavern vortex thing

they were good

it was wanti,

and we lit the candle and we said naja

for loving kindness

and the candle flickered because there was water in it

and we poured it out

and we poured in the peppermint


and it burned some then flickers

and went out nibbana aiigy, thank you

then we lit the incense and  we didn't know what kind it was

and the spirits all stood, around, we were trees, thiswas the yonato

the buddha in the trees, the dream, as we breathed it went away

everything good grew

everything was there at peace

like a kid in a stormed rocked to sleep

the incense it smelled wet

and we cleansed all the books and we cleansed ourselves with it, and
we put it out

and it was the dark goodly one

and we thought we shall make some tea and we made the best tea the
most delicious tea

of blue lotus and

and we remembered (italics) we remembered and it was there

we remembered all the worlds were there

they said you only need remember us and we will come back and you will
also be here

love, sulos inalo

we are here

and it was ancient and it was good and it was free

and there was no suffering where before it seemed like we felt it all,
all the worst of everything happening

here it was gone it was good, we had  gathered round the fire, the
fairies had all come,

we blessed and blessed and loved and loved and raved

organnically ha!

and we said blessed be the chaosmon

and i thought bless these flashbacks

and i transformed into a small bear and went up the stairs to make a cup of tea

a perfect cup of tea

and flo hung on me back

and there was blue lotus and olive leaf

and this guy kept screaming PLUR and so we threw on the ltj bukem atlantis

and straight up starting raving over the tea

with one leg because my other foot was messed up and it was some dank
ish the dankest

because i crawled up there, like a child because of this crazy
flashback that was from forever

peace loe unity and respect are real

that was the sickest rave

spirits in alignment

and we were like word...

we knew it was going to last forever, it only comes

it only comes like that in a fucked up way bolidawn

and that music was banging... so glad music makes it all better and we
enjoy our tea

and everyone was saying this stuff like..


it was a spirit, we invited it in, the rainbow swirls

and we felt totally better in every way, better than anything because
it was a holy

because we had seen the sun and offered the prayer

in some crazy meditation

we freed the heron

trippers saw anciently its all about this karma, this energy thing

they did not exist in any particular time, altared states, the spirits
alwayed rocked it

we met we were naked we knew we were all the same, all over the world

the universe the touched wanti, the sky touched our heads,

we can't all be represented by our traditions non traditional

it all broke up ,

there was all this fear over the things that were really the best things

it was funny in retrospect

music is the sacrament

the ness... music is more than sound man

more than melodies music is the passing of the years

music is the archetypes and the spirit


and we still danced sitting down, and everyone waking up knew and
everyone got down without even knowing it

and we said are there spirals or no spirals

and we realized that the spirals ARE no spirals, and that tripped every out

and then we listened to this pali loving kindness meditation lol

and looked at an orange, and sipped more tea

it was the awasen, the nature, of the gathering, very kaballist, very
mystical, ABSOLUTELY SECRET, meaning everyone knew about it and it was
in an obvious place

blessed be the law of three


and we passed that on in a dank way, for it would rise again, yea

bless it all, it all is divine

and yeah, it was rather prophetic she is a bad sister, but we still
love her in some sense, try as they might the flow cannot be blocked

maybe its wounded healer stuff, who knows

itll all be alright

and yea we do not stop, to live is rave

love to all folk n all their mysterious ways, love to the depths of the soul

and love to those seeking healing, it will come to them

all beings are one people cha

aigy, peacce

east and west north and south and all gradient between up and down are one

it continues..
all beings are one people


 I'd like to write about the advent of the herb ness in my life, and evaluate how it has effected me. I first started partaking of the herb when I was about fifteen, a natural loner, with a love for dancing and thus a certain element of a party side, I took to it with enthusiasm mostly for the way it effected meditation, I realized just how radically one's feelings and world can change, with the combination of spiritual thought, meditation, yoga, and occasionally the herbal sacrament. I would cherish those first times, smoking up in my room, by the window, blocking off the door, blowing as much smoke out as possible, listening to all kinds of music which I had a love for already and now was blasted into a whole new world, I seemed to have found the meaning of life, a life beyond what they taught in schools, my scope of life changed as I floated along, remembering the dreams of past lives, existence as a dragon, laughing at so many hilarities, it was the resurgence of an age I had experienced earlier when I heard the beatles most eloquently and simply articulate that all one truly needs is love. I took up meditation and headed straight for the enlightenment, and its been a wild ride, a ride in a wordless and timeless place, in the endless present, a ride where the sacred and mundane have been mixed, and all has been illuminated and permeated by the Eternal Spirit. When I smoked, I gained a new perception of the way things were, I saw deeper into even simpler concepts, and now I use it after having developed schizophrenia, from what may be a kundalini awakening among a misunderstanding (taoist?) culture and it is a very compassionate medicine. It seems the herb and yoga have housed in themselves for me a new spiritual path, which was really the most ancient, a path guided by the essential indwelling self which is all things.

The world became a temple, all people monks, all were enlightened as was I and related upon many moments throughout the life journey, as each was returnable to, as bodhisattvas, we who resided in true knowing returned in many forms to past times, making our bodies like light, or coming over through a feeling or coincidence, to make life more bearable and to teach the truth and end suffering, because really there is no time, and all is happening right now. Haw sha ze sho nen, no past, no present, no future.

I began to trust more in the infinite energy which creates all things, orgone energy, ki, kundalini, ness, mana, and new models of life were integrated, the tribal and ancient ways, that respected the earth, the poetry in all things, all of it seemed to bring me back to a center, and yet all seemed so familiar, I experienced the cycles of nature and continue to, in the end the sacrament is awareness itself, but these substances are basically yogas and even more dense manifestations, catalysts and beacons of the fractal self referential nature of divine energy, and its true method of making on self aware, which is to reflect itself in the outter world as well as the inner. Like the pine tree and the amanita muscaria mushroom, and the sun and moon themselves, on every level there was this manifestation of this spirit, yogi, or priest, and as all of the ways came over me and the myriad forms, each revealed a powerful lesson in life, one that I normally glossed over but I began to see, all was one energy, and natural, all was always a part of my own body and essentially empty, the body must be the temple, because everywhere I go, it is here so first and foremost as one comes to know the most inner and closest body, then the realization comes how close everything is, and how whole all existence is

because even as thoughts go out, and eyes percieve distances, what is it really but the causal body projecting itself along the latent paths of spirit, which lead everywhere and we have all travelled collectively since the beginning of time, these are the trunk and branches of the world tree, that I call Adawapayo.

Again, with reference to the fractal nature, the Ness herb, which resembles a tree itself, and keys itself onto the mind's own receptors, seems to bring one to a state where they can resonate with the energy of the tree such that, the knowledge and energy which is needed in their life is conveyed to them from their own spirit and its dna, which is its own map, of the tree and universe. Beyond the universe is where Wanti resides though, and so beyond dna, yet to one with a discerning eye, no dna is in fact dna, they are depending on eachother, as Shiva and Shakti, the space inside is the inverse of that which expands so far outwardly.

The herb is a plant whose resident spirit travels these dimensions and has transformed many shapes, and is not bound by identity, that is to say genetics, nor even by energy, as each of these limitations are excelled, even notions of power, and individuality, are excelled, one becomes one with tao, returns even to limitations and celebrates them as perfections, even as again the soul is beginning to be called beyond confines of any kind and again sets out to the nomadic expanses, that is a process happens within where expansion and change happens, and all is superceding by feeling, and then by a continuation of feeling in truth

as feeling and truth come to harmonize with eachother the world is formed, these are all by communications, between dualities, as Self blossoms, this blossoming is also a death, as the inner energetically, begins following and leading the most high

those between gain a freedom, and spontaneity, theres no more dependence, its chaos supplementing a true health, from there poetry springs, as life is lived and stories form as discernments are made and beings become clear.

The between place, is for us now known and felt to be Earth, though she has so many names, she is an energy, taking her into ourselves, we see ourselves, again, out there, we see that it is by the action of all these selves over all time, that the universe is possible, only, is this fate? Is it someone knocking through the veil of awareness, guiding us to 'a true way of life'?

These are the dragons, the fairies, the angels, mushrooms, gods and the very small and very large, and the spirits of the animals. all come from many places to dwell in this great temple, as the temple comes as one to dwell in many places.

In turn we all have our teachers, yet we have different words for them, see them in different places, in this way we know ourselves to be individuals, because seemingly our entrance to the world was from a different spot, where I descended the tree to earth, from clouds and knew Flo.

one may have sprang up from flame, a spark hidden on the breeze.

very similar, but how far apart they are!

 seperate instances, where One has found self, free of another, thus innovation comes.

this has happened five times, and one hundred and eighteen times, and as many times as one can go through the process.

Really is there any difference in any of the elements though? No... they are the same, just seen by different people, the same awareness, but it has individuated in a different way, its claimed this barrier, time.

This is Upto, the elf god who is time thus magically also mathematics, because there is no way to reach any value from nothing, there are no true divisions in value, and endless abundance, in zero, why? because zero can be expressed in infinite ways, is it really ever more? no, its the the level of delusion involved changes, its the work of illusions.

Because there is infinite space between even the tiniest values how could one ever go between them? you are what you are even in lew of the changing numbers, words, thoughts, experiences, sensations, colors, even emptiness and enlightenment.

Things are just this way, and that core, is love, sulos, which is growing,verily, from Adawapayo, the immortal!

Their essence will always be mystery, and as the mystery grows and becomes in a sense more and more certain, complete unknowing slips in, and there, precisely there, is where the magic does happen, and who can then say anything? as the cucumber roams the sea, cool as cozy koans

Yomo in her humble gait meeps, life is a party, life is a crazy game.
all beings are one people


well there was just an earthquake here (even though I didn't feel it)
but an old soul, the Great Mother, bless her, an angel fairy, actually
just broke it
down to us on how it is, which has been partially lost and twisted to the beans
the amanita mushrooms are judaism and those beans
the psilocybin mushrooms are christianity and those beans
the hawaiian baby woodrose is wantism (and these are all one beans, a
shamanic beans, who spirit has come through all processes to create
this world and they (we) embody all things within it, everything has a
purpose and is actually the Spirit but it won't come across you like
that, because of silence, or something hard to describe in words, the
plants are actually all Gods, Shamans, and beginners of all other
life, but alone they aren't Spirit itself which is the culmination of
all things and the meaning of life)
Paganism is basically a little bit of everything,
Yahweh is tripping itself, the mystical experience, at the core of
everything, becoming the universe itself while within it
buddhism is just the pure experience of it outside of any context, the
pure spirit in a default form, the simplest way, like shinto, just the
markings, or the characters, impressions who we actually are at the
gross level
the plants return us to spirit,
we search for this, through our alchemy and etc, and find it in the plants
the spirit of blueing mushroom is the way it is for a reason, its a
very taoist spirit
they are all like trees of life, and sacred, as is cannabis and many
others leading to spiritual
realms, which we, as consciousness,
can partake in to various degrees,
they are represent and lead into one another and make up the life stream
the wisdom of all spirit
there are shamanic imprints just like heiroglyphics but they are
actually the world which are made from
these energy pathways, which produce life itself and life will always
follow these astral trails
fairy trails, our center and core is not based in the physical, we are
actually universal spirits
the world we live in is a fractal, it is a crystal, a philosophers stone
life grew upon it in a different way, it returned to the way of wanti
always we travel and there is the primal magic going on in some way
people tripping, experiencing god, it changes the world in ways we
have no words for
because we don't need them, we just know, remembering doesn't really
mean anything, they are just timeless knowings,
timeless comings and goings, like the tao, meanwhile we maintain the
structures of our organization, our ego, and subconsciously the tao
guides us,
when we partake of the mushroom, the return of everything, of we
partake of mana, and we become pure
they teach different things, but ultimately since all worlds connect
they arrive at the same spiritual truth
but it is a very deep thing also, sometimes the way of the Goddess is
better, of just being, we become the mushroom then,
but we also eat ourselves, in lucidity, in this way we are the entire universe
but there are also infinite other pathways, and all life, all the
processes which go into making that reality possible, the truth is
that is within us, thus nothing can be said to have happened, lived or
died, in a sense we come closer to this infinite heaven as we
philosophize and live our lifes, as our wisdom deepens, and some break
away into it, but it is as they say, they cannot truly be said to
break away, or ever be recognized as such, yet at the same time, its
entirely possible, due to the compassion only the truth that, there is
no them nor us, and the dream of nothing liberates itself. all the
worlds exist in a non linear way, and in a sense there are many
beginnings, even this doesn't fully contain the entire truth but only
generally and the wise will immediately see more clearly, yea, the
planeweaving beans.

all beings are one people


the spiritual remnants of ancient psychedelic bands

i want to fly this guitar like a broom
and take it to the moon
the dharma of the herbs,
i wish there was more room in that upside down grove to plant trees instead of stones
because maybe they'd learn how to not care so much
about directions
fairy tales are wax clothing, fading away, here again some endless wandering morning
we made clouds, to feed the yoga trees
yoga trees, yoga trees,
how to tune a magical gathering, the mushrooms are out
everyone knows, or maybe its a spirit which has descending on this place
perhaps there is some kind dragon, who protects the wood,
all i have are these emanations, from a world thats all light
you talk to me like fading away paint,  the juices of the berries
the water thats collected through all the leaves, reflecting the breeze
and the orange streaks across the sky, mushroom weather, you say
might go picking, someone, someone in the sun, some elemental sage
delighting in the way, the cosmos plays, with the games, where does it come from
please show your face, was it a strange vow?
a great bodhisattva, had shown the way... I offer thus to InI
to unite in every land, and let them weave together, and mountains stay where they are
and we're pagan, we worship trees, live in them, and would defend a tree with our lives
in meditation, the spirits of the ants, we become like so much moving amber, and deeper on, down trails
with the love of the sun, deep inside, to the core of the earth, and the shaman, rocks on, healing with a vibe,
the colors go on, everywhere, in the winter there is an inner blossom
the ever greens have always shown the way, quietly, wisdom, always good
i call to the chaotic heavens, love runs through my hands,
it doesn't matter, i never understood any of you, we got along well enough
like a salmon dancing in the peat, by lightning struck melded with the deer
their contents scattered across the universe, the old contents of their spirits
the basis of our universe, nurtured us as nectar in that one moment, for a moment
I saw the true blessed anarchy of everything at once, I saw what must have been the gods, the cosmic trees, all those beings who lived in space,
I felt cool, I meditated on that dharma
as a hallucination world spilled into a world of lies and death, waiting to grow
so many seeds, you could never hold it back, these waves from a strange world, seems like so much
but its nothing, this is the medicine of legend, these are the ways dreams begin to grow
every fairy welcomes the Spirit, and humans do too, again we return our astral truths can breathe again, another way of life becomes apparent
I go forth riding into the dream, all that we have in a spark of zen in the ever shifting sea, this is the beginning of true adventure, this healing, subtle, infinity ones, infinite possibility, we have come face to face with, our secrets are like gravity, and not by choice but by nature, such is tao, an it harm none we deliver the scroll of love, freedom, happiness, infinity, we begin to grow, we grow what we need, we help eachother out, it seems everyone had become a zen master, and left the hermitage suddenly, an old ghost washed away, we wake on the grass and never understood how we got there, must have been wandering around drunk, still we stayed together
the heavens guide us, like good signs, in freedom, we float within the stream, the river has returned,
I breathe the water, and smile, i feel alive again. life is everywhere, this insane planet, Gaia, bless you and your crazy way, your steady wisdom, drunken master, we bow to you in the karma lifestream of psychedelia. May all spirits be appeased by you,

Yomo's Blessing
all beings are one people


The invocation of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo was established by Nichiren Daishonin on April 28, 1253.

Chapter Five -- The Parable of the Medicinal Herbs ((sample))
Destroyer of existence, the Dharma King
Manifests within the world;
According to living beings' desires,
He teaches the Dharma in various ways.
The Thus Come One, out of veneration
For this wisdom, deep and far-reaching,
Has long remained silent on this important matter.
Being in no hurry to set it forth.
Those with wisdom, if they heard it,
Would be able to believe and understand it,
But those lacking wisdom would doubt it
And thereby lose it for a long time
for this reason, Kashyapa,
It is spoken in accord with their powers
Employing various conditions
To lead them to the right view.

Kashyapa, you should know
It is like a great cloud
Rising above the world
And covering all
A wisdom cloud filled with moisture
illuminated with lightening flashes
And vibrating with thunderous roars
It brings delight to all,
Obscuring the light of the sun,
Refreshing the earth
The cloud lowers and expands
As if one could reach out and touch it.
It rains equally everywhere
Falling alike in the four directions
Pouring without measure
saturating all the land.

In the mountains, streams and steep valleys,
In deep recesses, there grow
Grasses, trees, and herbs,
And trees, both great and small,
The grains, shoots, and plants,
The sugar-cane and the grape vine;
All are nourished by the rain,
And none fail to be enriched.
The parched ground is soaked,
The herbs and trees together flourish.
Issuing from that cloud
Water of a single flavor
Moistens grasses, trees and forests
Each according to its measure
All of the trees,
Great, medium and small,
According to their size
Can grow and develop.
When reached by that single rain
The roots, stalks, branches, and leaves,
Flowers and fruits with luster and color,
All are fresh and shining.

According to their substance and marks,
And natures, either great or small
They alike receive moisture
And each one flourishes.

The Buddha, in the same way
Manifests within the world
Just like a great cloud
Covering over everything.
Having come into the world
For the sake of living beings,
He discriminates and expounds
The reality of all Dharmas.
The Great Sage, the World Honored One,
In the midst of the multitudes
Of gods and humans
Proclaims these words saying:
"I am the Thus Come One
The doubly complete honored one.
I appear within the world
Like a great cloud
Moistening all
The dried-out living beings,
So they all leave suffering
And gain peace and bliss
Worldly joy
And the joy of Nirvana.
All gods and humans assembled here
Listen singlemindedly and well.
You should all come here
To behold the Unsurpassed Honored One,
I am the World Honored One,
The one beyond compare.
To bring peace and ease to living beings
I manifest within the world
And for the sake of the assembly speak
The sweet dew of pure Dharma
The Dharma of a single flavor,
That of liberation and Nirvana.
using a single, wondrous sound
I proclaim this principle
Constantly creating the causes and conditions
For the Great Vehicle.

I contemplate all
Everywhere as equal,
Without "this" or "that"
And without thoughts of love or hate.
I have no greed or attachment,
And no limitations or obstacles.
Constantly for everyone,
I speak the Dharma, equally,
Speaking for a single person,
As I would for the multitudes.
I constantly expound and proclaim the Dharma
And have no other work.
Coming, going, sitting and standing
I never grow weary,
Filling the entire world,
Like the moisture of the universal rain.

For the noble, the lowly, the superior and inferior;
Those who keep break them,
Those with perfect awesome manner
And those not perfect,
Those with right views and those with deviant views
The sharp rooted, the dull rooted
I send down equally the Dharma rain
And never grow weary.

All living beings
Who hear my Dharma
Receive it according to their power
And dwell on various levels.
They may dwell among humans or gods,
Or Wheel Turning Sage Kings,
Shakra or Brahma Kings:
These are the small herbs.
Those who know the non-outflow Dharma,
Those who can attain Nirvana,
Giving rise to Six Spiritual Penetrations
And attaining the Three Clarities,
Dwelling alone in mountain groves
Ever practicing Ch'an Samadhi
Attaining certification to condition-enlightenment:
Those are the middle-sized herbs.
Those who seek the place of the World Honored One.
Saying, "We will become Buddhas."
Vigorously practicing concentration,
These are the superior herbs.
Further, those disciples of the Buddha
Who turn their minds to the Buddha Way
Always practising compassion
Knowing they will become Buddhas,
For sure, without doubt:
These are called the small trees.
Those who dwell in spiritual penetrations,
Turning the irreversible wheel,
Saving limitless hundreds of thousands
Of millions of living beings -
Such Bodhisattvas as these
Are called great trees.
The Buddha speaks equally,
Like the rain of a single flavor.
According to living beings' natures
They receive it differently,
Just as those herbs and trees
Each receives a different measure.
The Buddha uses this analogy
To insturct expediently.
With various phrases, he
Expounds and proclaims a single Dharma which
In the Buddha's wisdom is
Like a drop within the sea.

I send down the rain of Dharma
Filling all the world
The Dharma of one taste is
Cultivated according to their power
Just like those forest groves
All the herbs and trees
According to their size
Grow and flourish well.
The Dharma of all the Buddhas
Is always of a single taste
It causes all the world
To attain perfection.
Through its gradual cultivation
All attain the fruits of the Way.
The Sound Hearers, those enlightened to conditions
Dwelling in mountain groves
Living in their final bodies
Hearing the Dharma gain the fruit;
They are called the herbs.
And each one does grow.
If there are Bodhisattvas,
Whose wisdom is firm and solid,
Who thoroughly comprehend theThree Realms
And seek the supreme vehicle;
They are called small trees,
And each one does grow.
Further, those who dwell in Ch'an
Attaining spiritual powers,
Who hear the Dharma of emptiness
And rejoice within their minds,
Emitting countless lights
Crossing over all beings;
They are called the large trees,
And each one does grow.

In this way, Kashyapa,
The Dharma spoken by the Buddha
Is like that great cloud.
With rain of a single flavor,
It moistens all the people and flowers,
So each one bears fruit.
Kashyapa, you should know
That by using causes and conditions
And various analogies
I demonstrate and reveal the Buddha Path.
These are my expedients
And other Buddhas are also thus.
Now, for your sakes,
I speak of this true matter:
All of you Sound Hearers,
None of you have reached extinction.
What you now are walking
That is the Bodhisattva Path.
Gradually, gradually, cultivate and study,
And you'll all accomplish Buddhahood.
all beings are one people


in the food, transporting and planted huge amounts of non local species with no consideration to how the surrounding plants will be, its not cool, we must respect nature's natural way of doing things, and not force it, then we will be happier we have to give the stream a chance to grow around us and then we'll always be in the stream, the sad thing about society today i that it doesnt let the stream grow, it wants to control everything, it doesnt go with the flow, thats always been considered going against the society, but if the entire society doesnt go with the flow, that just seems like something is wrong with it, and not with the entirety of nature, that doesnt make sense at all, we must surrender to the flow of love
all beings are one people


theres something wrong with every path as it is presented, in our
experience so far theres no way to mix and match and just avoid all
problems, unless you  are very spiritually wise or incredibly lucky,
likely if you want to attain spiritual realization, you are going
to have to sacrifice and think for yourself maintain androgyny, you
have to become the one the stories foretell of without totally become
the story, but keeping the spirit of it,
you are going to have to be aware, be on your
toes, be ready for the enlightenment to come so you are awake and able
to receive it
and bless you for even trying to embark on a spiritual path
i am only one moment, fading away
over time you will gradually break through and see more and more of
the big picture
until you see completely,

and even then, it will only be because you are blind, but you will
have enough time, blind and sight no longer have meaning then, really.
the way is as well woven as that like a blossoming flower

except its chaotic
and you are left with many shards

are you the doctor who can bring them back together, and smoothen the edges?

hakuins zen was like this, by the time you smoothed the bottom, the top would have grown teeth and been there, trying to kill you
the medicine of a vital breath truly appreciated, all that it takes to breath
even the poison of the smoke was healing, just clouds
time faded away, I felt eclipsed, and as if riding upon some mushroom circle
these were beings not like I, these were fairy mystics, rogues, and shamans,
and iry bunch, what did zen have to do with all of this, and furthermore, what did wanti, were the spirits connected in some way, as the spirits of Gaia, were also? there was a strange spirit, a deep quality like the eye produced between hands when they come together,
with sex, we can be visionary, we can return to the truth.

I have been blessed but it is not empty, all I wished for was emptiness, and so in this way I have failed, and they all know, though they say nothing, what are they but the guardian deva's their love has protected me, and yet they cannot hear my truth, I am encumbered by the ancestors, karma which is not my own. There is so much deception.

I break away, away from the stories, I don't care how I am positioned, I do not fit into the molds, in that way, they have always known me, you who doesn't fit, they only want your ghost, the sea heaves and I breathe in again like it matters, I remember, I am conscious again, those shards of teeth, just pine trees, and jagged branches, now, rocks, and the soft blades of grass, yet just a moment ago it was all some deadly machination.

The spirit understands, the lifestream, the wise one who says nothing, who is not like us, nor some elusive being. I sit calmly, here. Is it just another story, another scottish story, another one of those, the gravity of the divination is so great, rare and barely can we pass through totally uninfluenced, but we are protected now, it was something, on the edge between the cracks, a magical slip, but not its in place, in every direction, the Earth, their distinctions mean nothing to me, don't try to fill us with that fast talking world, wants to tell you everything, just let someone see it, and let it sink into them, forget the act, forget the tourism, forget the journey.

that was the zen, us arising, finding positions, spots of beauty, where it was just right, in stillness, relatively,

i cant say I understand where I am anymore, rather I am just here. I am a shaman, that is what they said long ago, but who were they, everyone seems so different, the truth is they are the same, they are me, all of them, all over, my yin and yang went out of synch, they are only me, any more of that duality would kill me, they are all me, there is no family, but they are all me, i am just a wanderer, I'm just a raver lost in the ecstasy and the mist, mostly egoless, what can I show, what is safe here? Still we can slip away, there are sacred moments, who knows what the truth meaning of it all is, who know anything, it simple is, I let go, it grows so beautiful like a forest, like everything, it grows, I let go


The evil fades away, and good sprouts up,

in the end, its just all good
all beings are one people


Someone in a canthiestic spirit might say

I believe that Cannabis, Herb, Ness, Kaneh, Grass, is a significant
manifestation of the useful cane, tree of life and the true hemp.

InI believe that Cannabis Hemp is a restorative natural resource for
all consciousness to grow, share, and use for our fundamental needs.
Therefore, I shall honor its existence/nonexistence.

I believe that the Cannabis plant is sacred and endowed with important
healing powers, some of which cannot yet be explained.
Therefore I shall offer it to ease the suffering of self and others alike.

I recognize cannabis as a sacrament within my community. Therefore I
shall receive it with thanksgiving and deep respect for its resinous

The cultivation and disemination of cannabis are honorable
professions. Therefore I shall act with absolute integrity to protect
the Cantheist community and its values.

Cantheist Symbology

The graphic symbol for Cantheism is the leaf

The hand symbol for Cantheism is right hand cupped around the left,
with two fingers extended in the inner hand, symbolizing the male and
the female plants. The overall hand gesture signifying the female
calyx which holds the trichome glands.

Astronomy: In Kantheism The three stars of Orion's belt represent the
three (one) aspect(s) of cannabis : Nature, medicine, and spirit.
Sirius, the brightest star in the nearby constellation Canis Major
(Big Dog) symbolizes cannabis in the Northern winter sky.

Cantheist Code

I will share my faith, but not be obnoxious about it.

We pray for our oppressors to find a better way, and work for a better world.
all beings are one people